Pres Burns is Evil Mp3
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Pres Burns

Real Name: Charles Burns
Handler's Name: Mike
Hometown: Lansing, MI
Debut: 1997
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 165
Age: 50
Jobs in Chairman & Ower
Group Affiliation: Corporation (leader)
Manager: Katie Burns (wife)
Theme Song: "Pres Burns Theme"
Quote: "I can make you or break you!"
Myspace: Mike
Titles Won:
CWF-Pro Champion (2)
CWF-Pro Women's World Champion
CWF-Pro Ultra Extreme Hardcore Champion (2)
CWF-Pro World Tag Team Champion (3)
CWF-Pro Mega Wars Winner
CWF-Pro Hall of Fame


Earlier Career
He was a reporter for the CSW in 1997.

In 1997, He started out in the CSW (Cyber Space Wrestling) from as there reporter man that never talked or had a name. The CSW closed up and Pres Burns talks about what he would have done better.

He ends up in the NWA/EHW (ran by JL BLACK & Legend). After some time, he got tired of all the crap and ran an efed himself.

He turns this ewrestling sport into a giant business. The Cwf.Pro is more than just a name in a efed listing. This is his family and life! Pres burns has done alot in this sport. He started with only 12 wrestlers, but at the end of 1997. He would have over 32 wrestlers on the roster. He has had wars with other efeds trying to run him out of business. Efeds like: CWO, NWA, CSW 2, CSW 3, TPW, EHW, NWO, and others. Most of those efeds have been brought out by Burns and there titles have been unfied by the wrestlers. Over time Pres Burns has had over 200 wrestlers come and go threw the Some good friends, others enemies for ever. Pres Burns has always been looked at as the master mine of ewrestling. He took dieing sport and turn it into something that everyone wanted to be apart of. Pres burns will go down in this sport as a great man who helped it become something great before no one would remember it at all and just fade away. Since 1997 This man has been running the

Pres Burns DVD (2007)

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