
Wrestler Height: 6'9"

Wrestler Weight: 320lbs

Alignment (face, heel, neutral): Face

Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse,

Intelligent, Rule bender): Brawler/Insane/Powerhouse/Intelligent (Breaks the rules, doesn't bend them.)

Top five moves:

#1 - Powerbomb (Undertaker-styled)

#2 - The Wraith (Signature Move - Swanton)

#3 - Chokeslam (Kane-styled)

#4 - No Leaf Clover (Signature Move - Reverse Rock Bottom)

#5 - Tilt-A-Whirl Slam

Finisher: Hell's Edge (Reverse Powerbomb)

Describe your entrance: You'll just hafta wait and see.

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: Currently runs with NEF

If yes, describe him/her (physical description, personality, alignment): Rage & Blayze. No actual Manager.

Wrestler History:

Former PCWF Tag-Team Champion, International Champion

Former WWA European Champion, Heavyweight Champion