"Perfection" Shawn Richards

Wrestler Height: 6'9"
 Wrestler Weight: 245
 Alignment (face, heel, neutrel): Heel
 Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse,
 Intelligent, Rule bender): Powerhouse, Rulebender
 Top five moves:  Clothlesline From Hell, Chokeslam, Body Slam,
 Shoulderbreaker, and Baldo Bomb.
 Finisher: The Perfect Ten (Superplex to DDT) or Perfect Submission (A
 modified Texas Cloverleaf with the calf across the knee)
 Describe your entrance: ("Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed suddenly
 erupts into the speakers.)

 VO:  Can you feel that?

 (Black lights begin to light up the entry way as the white lights are dimmed
 to nothing.)

 VO:  Aww Sh*t!

 (Red lights suddenly illuminate the ramp as the music picks up.)

 VO: Oooh Ahh ahh ahh!

 (Shawn Richards suddenly appears at the top of the entryway as the word
 Perfection flash across the CWFtron.  Shawn laughs as he begins to walk to

 the ring.  He is decked out in a pair of black leather pants and a black
 unbuttoned silk shirt that is decked out with blue skulls.  He wears a pair
 of Blue Oakley Wraparounds, as he continues to the ring he pulls his hair
 from under the towel that covers his soaking head.  He begins to slam his
 head up and down to the music and then just calmly continues to work to the

 ring as he slides in and takes off the silk shirt.  He removes the glasses
 slowly and acts as if he's going to throw them to the crowd but then puts
 them inside the shirt pocket and hands it to a ring attendant.)

 Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: Johnny O
 If yes, describe him/her (physical description,
 personality, alignment): He's  a skrawny little mastermind ready to make any
 changes nescessary to put Perfection or his partner Tommy D over in

 Wrestler History: Shawn Richards has had short stints in a few federations
 but his most notable was the PCWF when he along with NightStalker Nigel
 McMasterson planned a brutal murder, which went terribly wrong when his
 mentor Bloodhound outsmarted him.  Bloodhound has now gone his
 seperate ways  from Shawn and put himself into the CSW as a lowcard worker at the
 moment.  Shawn Richards hopes now to finally out preform his stronger, older,
 smarter mentor Bloodhound.