Sexy Amanda

Wrestler Height: 5'5"

Wrestler Weight: 120 pounds

Alignment (face, heel, neutrel): face

Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse, Intelligent, Rule bender): brawler, high flyer, submission

Top five moves: bronco buster, DDT, spin wheel kick, pedigree, head scissors, backbreaker

Finisher: The Heartbreaker- When her opponent is laying on his/her back near the corner of the ring, Amanda jump off the top turnbuckle and land feet first on her opponent's chest. Leaving the opponent with chest pains for a while.

Shining Finger- This is a second finishing move she will rarely use. The name was inspired from a finishing move in a japanese anime show called 'G Gundam'. Amanda will drag her opponent to the top turnbuckle with her. Then will put her right hand on her opponents face and then jump off the top turnbuckle along with her opponent.

Describe your entrance: "Play my game" by The Donnas begins to play as Sexy Katie, Sexy Sarah and Sexy Amanda walk down to the ring in black string bikinis and tops. The three climb into the ring and begin to blow kisses to the fans.

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: yes

If yes, describe him/her (physical description,

personality, alignment): Physical description- Katie has brown hair and brown eyes. She is 5'6" and 125 pounds.

personality- Katie is a extremely nice person, except when she is mad. She likes to protect her sister Amanda but knows Amanda is grown up. Katie has a twin sister named Megan and both feel responsible for turning Amanda on to wrestling. Katie was once known as Sexy Katie during her wrestling days.

alignment- face

Wrestler History: Amanda is 20 years old. She has two older sisters named Katie and Megan. She also has a half brother named Jason. In high school Amanda and her two sisters were in a fight with five girls. Two of the girls were sisters and later become members of the family when Jason married the oldest one Jesse. Amanda was taught how to wrestle by her sisters. She even took Katie's place in the IFWF when Katie retired. Later she left the IFWF. Her tag partner and sister-in-law Sexy Sarah was upset because she left. When faced by Sarah on why she quit. Amanda told Sarah and her entire family that she was pregnant. Which turned out ot be true. During the time she was pregnant Amanda was turned on to Japanese Animation and Japanese music. After giving birth to her daughter Michelle, Amanda tried to get back into the wrestling scene. She found out the IFWF was out of business and now has joined the CWF. Hopefully she can become the best wrestler that her sisters Katie and Megan never became.