Overlord - Brad Michaels & Jake Michaels

[4] Height:(Brad) 6'5" (Jake) 6'7"
[5] Weight:(Brad)265 (Jake)285 combined weight 550 pounds
[6] Date of Birth:(Brad) 6/6/87 Jake (7/4/89)
[7] Actual Hometown:Southgate, Michigan
[7a] Hometown as announced when wrestling:Detroit, MI

[8] Heel or Face (no neutrals or tweeners):Face/ Faction, Made in Detroit

[9] Any trademark weapons/foreign objects? (optional):None

[10] Manager/Valet with description (optional):Akira Razor (Life long friend)

** Appearance Info **

[1] Describe your wrestler's physical appearance(i.e., race, hair color,
scars, facial hair, physical built, etc.):(Brad) White, Red hair, no scars, Goatee, Muscle builder built. (Jake) White, Blonde hair, no scars, Goatee, Muscle builder built.

[2] Describe your wrestler's ring attire:Black full lenght tights black boots with black elbow pads

[3] Does your wrestler wear or carry anything that he leaves at ringside
when wrestling?Nothing

[4] Write out your wrestler's entrance to the ring as it would appear
before a match:
Winner Takes it all by Sammy Hagar comes on, then the Overlords comes walking out to the ring, Brad is first, then Jake, and followed by Akira. All 3 gets into the ring, Brad & Jake gets on the 2nd. turnbuckle toward the tv camera side, as Akira points to the both of them. They then get down and all 3 men waits in the corner.
** In-Depth Info **

[1] What makes this character unique?
Both Brad & Jake grew up in a wealthy family until their teen years when their mother passed away from bone cancer, then 6 months later their father was killed in a plane crash, both were great football players in high school and graduated at the top of their classes, both went to play college football and ran into Akira Razor for the first time in a while and they trained together to become pro wrestlers.

[2] Wrestler's attitude/personality:
Both men are easy going practical jokers but when pushed, they push back with force. They are very loyal to who they are and those around them.

[3] How many years of professional wrestling experience does your
wrestler have? (pro/non pro?) 7 years pro for both of them.

[4] Strength and weaknesses. Please include a balance of strengths and

Strength: (Brad) Speed, strengh, & mat knowledge (Jake) Power, & Speed

Weakness:Cons (Brad & Jake) Quick temper (both)

[4] Summary of experience/history. Please be descriptive. This is

** Wrestler Make **

[1] What is the name of your wrestler's finisher? (Brad) Brain Damage (Jake) Red Alert (Both) Final Cut Back up double team finisher: Final Cut 2

[2] Description of the finisher: (Brad) Gotch-style Piledriver (Jake) Turnbuckle Powerbomb/Running Powerbomb combo (Both) Running Powerbomb into the corner/DDT combo. Back up double team finisher: Jake does a running Clothesline while Brad does from behind a Leg Sweep.

[3] What are the situations in which your wrestler could perform the
move? Near the end of the match or when they chance comes for it.

[4] How can it be countered? If the opponents partner gets in there to break it up.

[5] What is your wrestler's overall style (examples: technician, brawler,
high flyer, luchador, fighter, shooter, etc)? May use primary and secondary.

Primary:(Brad) High Flyer (Jake) Fighter & Technician

Secondary: (Brad) Shooter (Jake) Brawler

[8] List 10 (or more) non-basic moves that your wrestler will use
regularly (and ones which fit his style!): (keep in mind it's going to be the desciptive tool to understand your wrestler.)

Running Clothesline
Flying Forearm
Various versions of Suplexes
Drop Kick
Different versions of Leg or Arm locks
Running Kick to the chest or face
Flying Double Stomp

Full Nelson Slam
Corner Slash (Can be done the normal way, or come in with a flying forearm)
Rolling Elbow
Bear Hug
Running Knee Drop

(Double Team Moves)
Powerbomb, diving attack combination (Brad comes off the top rope while Jake does the powerbomb move)
Superkick, spinning leg sweep combination (Can bo done by either combination of the Overlords)
Lariat, running chop block combination (Jake does the Lariat while Brad does the chop block)
Double dropkick (Done by both men)
Double enzuigiri (Could be used as a finisher as well)
Double suplex