Jacqueline Ward

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 116
Date of Birth: 05/08/1996
Actual Hometown: Detroit, Michigan.
Hometown as announced when wrestling: Detroit, Michigan.
Heel or Face (no neutrals or tweeners): Face

** Appearance Info **

Describe your wrestler's physical appearance(i.e., race, hair color, scars, facial hair, physical built, etc.):
African American woman with carmel skin with an athletic build. brown eyes. Has a smile that could light up a room.

Jacqueline wrestles in pair of tight boy cut shorts of various colors and styles with sheer nude tights
under them and a pair of black knee pads and matching kick-pads with black Nike's under it. Her upper torso
is clad in a match halter. White tape over both wrists.

Does your wrestler wear or carry anything that he leaves at ringside when wrestling? Nope

** In-Depth Info **

What makes this character unique? She's the baby sister of Greg Ward. She's bright, happy and
always positive in her outlook and always determined to do the best she can do in the ring.
Jacqueline is a fast moving work in progress. But she does have the Ward gene for natural
born talent. As she's said to be beyond comprehension, honed by some of the best in the world,
Jacqueline looks to make her brother proud as well as every fan who believes in her by backing
up what she says.

How many years of professional wrestling experience does your wrestler have? Rookie. This is her
first year as a wrestler as she's straight out of college.

Bio: Jacqueline Ward came into the professional wrestling business after being a lifelong fan since
she was very young. Thanks to her brother Greg Ward. He helped to teach his baby sister so much of
his craft as is strongly devoted to protecting her and keeping her safe. from the age of 13 on she
begged him to train her for an eventual career of her own. Reluctantly at first but eventually he did,
Jacqueline proved to be an astute observer absorbing the knowledge and showing quite a knack for the sport.

1. Very smart and skilled in the ring
2 Strong work ethic.

1. Emotional at times.
2. Easily distracted


Multiple Kick Variations

540 Spin Kick
Running Leg Lariat
Spinning Roundhouse kick
Yakuza kick
Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick
Shoot Kick (Sometimes after a snap mare)
Springboard Roundhouse

Split leg moonsault
Asai Moonsault
Quebrada/Mid-Rope Inside
Diving Double Stomp

Step Up Hurricurana
La Pescado
Running Corner Cannonball
Multiple Arm Drag Setups and Variations
Single Knee Facebreaker
Spinning Headscissors
Crucifix Driver
Running Corner Knee
Suicide Dive

Busaiku Knee Kick
Shining Wizard
Dragon Suplex
Exploder Suplex
Complete Shot

Slingshot somersault senton
Snap Suplex
Tornado DDT
Single Leg Crab and face lock
Twisting Springboard Splash
Tope Con Hilo

Finisher: Overdrive "The Play's The Thing!"