Jun Kimura

Wrestler Height: 6'1

Wrestler Weight: 120Kg

Alignment: Neutral

Wrestler style: King's Road with plenty of Lariats. Apparently he won some
amateur wrestling prizes in school, but it doesn't often show.

Top five moves: Lariat, Jumping Powerslam, Lariat, Canadian Backbreaker
[sometimes modifed to include sleeper], Lariat, Karelin Lift, Lariat,
Lanzarse [Shuji Kondo's big spear, sometimes he does the Takashi Sugira
thing by doing a Waterwheel Drop after lifting them up.], Lariat

Finisher: Dragon Suplex [mostly without a bridge, instead he calls for 10
count. He can do the bridge if he needs to. This is his rarely used, big
match finisher.]

Describe your entrance: Dead Angel by Saver Tiger plays and Kimura walks
down in a hooded coat [a la Kojima, except plain black]. In a big match
situation maybe some pyro to go off with the opening chords of Dead Angel,
either way he just walks down to the ring focused and deadpan. No video on
the big screen, just the camera watching him walk down.

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: Yes

If yes, describe him/her: Daisuke The Crow, [5'9, 75kgs although he says
that he can get up to 95 for full match fitness, he has long black hair and
generally wears an expensive black suit, but occasionally wears some pretty
outlandish outfits]. Gave up on being a pro wrestler [Shoot-style, described
as having the speed of a younger Minoru Tanaka combined with the eccentric
flamboyance of Genki Sudo and the sheer arrogance of the older Minoru
Tanaka.] after he sustained what was believed to be a career ending knee
injury; sometimes he walks with an exaggerated limp, sometimes a believeable
limp, other times he walks fine. No-one knows why this is, or indeed why the
man does anything, like speak broken english when it's known that he can
speak english perfectly.

Wrestler History: Former AJPW dojo boy, was expelled for fighting one of his
fellow pupils [nothing much was ever published about it but rumors say it
had something to do with Kimura's sister.] This got him black-listed from
the major promotions so he drifted through the indy scene until he met
Daisuke. They decided to go to America to make their names, so that they
could eventually break into one of the japanese major leagues. While Daisuke
seems to be going in an over the top Sports Entertainment direction, Jun
would prefer leave that to him, and focus on being a wrestler.