"The Shadow" Jonathan Cage

Wrestler Height:6'6

Wrestler Weight:251 lbs.

Alignment (face, heel, neutrel):neutral

Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse,

Intelligent, Rule bender):Insane

Top five moves:diving moonsault,clothesline,tornado DDT,missile dropkick,suicide dive

Finisher:Oblivion (Cage hooks his opponent in a front facelock.Then he hooks his leg as if to go for a fisherman suplex.He lifts them up and then drops.Landing on his butt and driving all the opponents weight on thier neck which is on the shoulder of Cage. Instant KO usually.)

Describe your entrance:Arena turns green,"Sleep Now in the Fire"by Rage Against the Machine
blares over the PA system,pyro goes off as Cage walks out from behind the curtain and stands
behind the pyro blasts and then runs to the ring

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager:NO

If yes, describe him/her (physical description,

personality, alignment):

Wrestler History:He was born into poverty as the only son of a single mother and then when she
passed away he moved in with his uncle only to know two days later he would die from cancer
then he found out who his father was and then his father was sent to jail so he decided to go into
wrestling and came here to CWF to hopefully win the world championship of this federation