The J-Idols

Sakura Kawaii
Age 23
Height 5'3
Weight 112 pounds
Blood Type O
Birthplace Akihabara, Japan
Interests: Shopping, Hello Kitty, Cute things

Aged 18 Sakura was working in a Maid Cafe in her home town of
Akihabara, when she was spotted by the Cutie Girl modelling agency.
Since then she has achieved huge success in her native Japan with
numerous DVD's, Trading Cards and Photobooks featuring her being
released. A Judo black belt, her self-defense DVD was a smash hit.
Taken under her wing by Mizuho Subarashii, this once modest, shy girl
has been changed by her success and now will do anything to maintain
her place in the spotlight. With her friend and rumoured lover Mizuho
Subarashii, she forms the J-Idols tag team.






Mizuho Subarasahii
Age 27
Height 5'7
Weight 125 pounds
Blood Type B
Birthplace Ginza, Japan
interests: Fashion, Modelling, Make-up

Mizuho's parents are supremely wealthy and own the Cutie Girl Agency
based in Tokyo. Determined to give their daughter the best of
everything, they used the full power of their agency, to make their
daughter the most successful idol in all Japan. Ever ambitious, Mizuho
has made it her aim to be the worlds greatest supermodel, and sees the
CWF as her stepping stone to fame in the west. A star athlete in her
youth, she enlisted Joshi Puroresu's biggest stars to train her in
preparation for this new career, and expects to conquer the wrestling
world. Mizuho cares for only two people in the world, herself and tag
partner Sakura Kawaii. Mizuho has said the duo are "Soulmates, a union
so strong we are like one being." Rumours swirl in their native Japan
about how deep their relationship may be. Her ego demands that the
J-Idols be number one.