
Height: 6'2

Weight: 227

Hails from: Boulder, Colorado

Alignment: Face

Appearance: Frostbite will usually wear a blue t-shirt with many different catch phrases. He wears either black or blue long tights or blue and black boots.

Moves: ( All-around)

1- Various suplexes

2- various neckbreaker

3- various piledrivers

4- various powerbombs

5- various ddt's

6- various powerslams

7- Dazed and confused ( sleeper hold on opponent, then them up and drop them head first onto the mat)

8- Storm Warning ( drops opponent throat across top ropes as he bounces off other side and connects with a bulldog)

9- Many submission moves

10- Armed and Dangerous ( german suplex into near corner as opponent bounces off ropes and get caught with some sweet chin music)

11- Spinebuster

12- diamond cutter

13- RKO

14- Gourdbuster

15- brainbuster

16- death valley driver

17- rolling thunder

18- swift kicks

19- dragon sleeper

20- below freezing ( drap opponent over top ropes and then drop straight down with a ddt)

21- Blizzard like Conditions ( backstabber)

22- GTS

23- Mile High ( put opponent on your shoulders, spin them around and quickly connect with a tombstone piledriver)

24- Cold as Ice ( a sleeper hold where Frostbite putting two fingers around his opponent throat)

25- Tropical Storm ( running powerbomb into a corner as opponent comes out of the corner, connect with a diamond cutter)

26- different type of clotheslines

27- knife edge chops

28- spinning heel kicks

29- flying elbow drop

30- flying legdrop

31- missile dropkick

32- hurricanrana from top ropes

33- Alabama slam

34- moonsault

35- Five star frog splash

36- flying forearm

37- codebreaker

38- Boulder drop ( dropkick to opponent knee and then shinning wizard while opponent is on both knees)

39- Frozen tundra ( wraps right arm around throat, turns, and delivers a sit out reverse neckbreaker)

40- Cannon drop ( a reverse RKO bouncing off ropes)

41- Rocky Mountain High ( high vertical suplex, but drop opponent down as if you are going to connect with a neckbreaker, but spin them around quickly and connect with a leaping ddt.)

42- spear

43- Rebecca's favorite ( reverse frankensteiner)

44- dropkick into knee

45- running kneelift, right into a swinging neckbreaker

46- fisherman buster

47- bulldog from top ropes

48- dominator

49- gutbuster

50- reverse atomic drop, right into a standing STO

Set up moves:

Wind Chill Factor ( drops opponent throat across top ropes as they come off he catches them with a reverse neckbreaker)


Snowstorm ( a front brainbuster)

High Pressure System ( a camel clutch only he sits much lower on the back, as he pulls back with all of might with a frony chancery)

Northwest Winds ( Slightshot suplex, but hangs them on the ropes, then pulls them off and connects with a Styles Clash)


" Hunt You Down" by Salvia

Frostbite entrance will be different from time to time as far as how he makes his way down to the ring.