"Big Time" Colby Bonine


Wrestler Height: 6'2"

Wrestler Weight: 260 lbs.

Hometown:Richmond, Virginia.

Alignment (face, heel, neutrel): Heel

Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse,

Intelligent, Rule bender): Powerhouse/Brawler

Top five moves: Powerbomb, Choke Slam, DDT, DVD, Jackhammer

Finisher: Brainbuster( aka "The Big Time")

Describe your entrance: Music Hits, Line of pyro goes out, I walk out like Tazz without the towel, I get into the ring and raise my arms on all four sides of the ring

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: No

If yes, describe him/her (physical description,

personality, alignment):

Wrestler History: 8x NWF(Neighborhood Wrestling Federation) World Champion, 4x NWF US Champion, 16x NWF HardKore Champion