"God's Gift To Wrestling" Chris Hatchet

Wrestler Height: 6'3"

Wrestler Weight: 235 lbs.

Wrestler's Name: Chris Hatchet

Real Name: Christopher James Stevens

Hometown: Tampa, Florida

Alignment (face, heel, neutrel): Heel/Neutral but a face in any city in Florida

Wrestler style (Brawler, Technical, Insane, Powerhouse,

Intelligent, Rule bender): Allrounder - Chris loves to brawl as well as throwing some highflying moves in his matches to get the
crowd's attention.

Wrestling Style: When people ask what kind of style Chris Hatchet wrestles his reply is simply, "unique." When Chris first debuted on the wrestling scene in 1999, he would wow the crowd with a series of high-flying, high-risk maneuvers. Over the years his body has taken a huge toll. The list of injuries has piled up. Even though Chris is still at the young age of 34, he has since toned it down a bit with the high-risk moves he does. You can still see Chris fly around the ring with the greatest of ease to get the crowd's attention, but he also enjoys getting his opponent on the mat making them tap out. Chris has an extensive background in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a secret that most people do not know about the multi-time World Heavyweight Champion.

Basic Movies:
- Asai Moonsault
- Brainbuster, sometimes onto the ring apron, steel steps, tables, etc.
- Bridging Cradle Suplex
- Cross Armbreaker
- Death Valley Driver
- Diving Double Knee Facebreaker
- Diving Elbow Drop
- Diving Moonsault
- European Uppercut
- Exploder Suplex
- German Suplex
- Guillotine Choke
- Saito Suplex
- Shin Breaker followed by a Leg-Hooked Saito Suplex
- Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb
- Snap Suplex
- Spear
- Spin-Out Powerbomb
- Spinning Spinebuster
- Springboard Tornado DDT
- Stinger Splash
- Texas Cloverleaf
- Various Stiff Kicks

Trademark Moves:

- Chin Checker (Backpack Stunner)

- Cut Down By Faith (Gorilla Press Slam into a Cutter)

- Death Kick (Chris' opponent will be dazed in a corner, he will then go to the opposite corner and charge in with a Running Yakuza Kick to the

opponent's face aka Sami Zayn's Helluva Kick.)

- Epic Kick (Superkick from out of nowhere. Chris sometimes can finish his opponents off with his move as well, but is mostly used as a

signature/trademark move.)

- Empty Salvation (Belly-to-Back Suplex into a Northern Lights Bomb)

- Fall from Grace (Inverted Death Valley Driver)

- Leap of Faith (Diving Double Foot Stomp)

- Salem Trial (Chris places his opponent in a Tree of Woe position in the corner. He then fires away with a series of stiff kicks/stomps. One

kick to the lower body, one kick to the mid-section, and one kick to the face/head. Finally, Chris goes into the opposite corner, runs, and

connects with a Baseball Slide to the opponent's face. During hardcore matches, Chris will place a foreign object (chair, ladder, etc.) in

front of the opponent's face before delivering the Baseball Slide.)

- Spine Breaker (Double Knee Backbreaker)

- Sweet Dreams (Grounded Dragon Sleeper)

- The Trinity (Triple Rolling Northern Lights Suplexes)

Finishing Moves:

- Chronically Flawless Piledriver (Modified Cradle Piledriver, sometimes down from the top rope or through a table.)

- Fate Sealer (Bridging Arm Triangle Choke aka Austin Aries' Last Chancery)

Describe your entrance: All of the lights in the arena go out as the jumbotron lights up as clouds and a bright light is shown sort of
like up in heaven. The name "Gods Gift To Wrestling" appears on the tron as lightning strikes sending everything up in flames.
"Centuries" by Fall out boy errupts over the PA System as white and blue lights begin to flash to the sound of the music.

Steve Horton: Making his way to the ring, being accompanied by the gorgeous Becky Stevens. From Tampa, Florida weighing in
at 252 lbs. and standing at 6 foot 4 inches. He is the MOST HARDCORE MOTHERF*CKER IN THE SPORT TODAY and The Pride Of Florida... "God's Gift To Wrestling" Chris Hatchet!

Does your wrestler have a valet/manager: Yes

If yes, describe him/her (physical description,

personality, alignment): Chris's manager is Becky Stevens also his girlfriend. She's 5'6" brown hair and brown eyes. She's a
heel/neutral but gets a strong face pop in cities in Florida.

Physical Description and Ring Attire: Chris has long black hair with a black
goatee. He's got brown eyes and is pretty muscular. He usually wears either a
silver, dark blue or black shirt and black baggy pants, black boots and two
black elbow pads on each elbow for his ring attire.

Wrestler History: Chris Hatchet was born on May 14, 1977 in Tampa, Florida.
Chris and his older brother Ryan much like any kids had a dream, but not just
a dream they wanted to fulfill their dream of becoming professional wrestlers
just like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sting, and so on.

Later on Chris and Ryan both got picked to join the CwA a small wrestling
promotion in Japan. There they became the International Tag Team Champions
along with Chris becoming the Japanese Champion.

Chris and Ryan later went their own ways. Chris went to the NrW where he
became the first European Champion. Chris then went to the ERWF where he
became the Television Champion, United States Champion and Intercontinental
Champion. He then moved on to the IcW where he became a two time
International Champion, Pacific Champion and World Tag Team Champion. Now
Chris has made his way here to the CWF where he hopes to wear a piece of
championship gold around his waist.