                         "Good people are hard to come by these days. the same familiar lies behind different faces. every day we make mistakes.every day we face the lies behind them.                   make good of the time you have. today may be the last chance you've got. when you're time comes...will you be the one to grab life by the horns?"

~   S.V.

                              No, i'm not an amputee, I just lean that way. I think of myself as a sensitive, rather intelligent person, somewhat distant from the world, yet yearning for that reason to take the distance between myself and you and piss on it. For whatever reasons there may be I am not like most people, in the sense that i can recognize my faults at this point in my life and work every day to better my mind and myself as a person. If I had to compare my music to someone eles's i'd say it bears a resembelence to a;GRUMH, V.A.C., more progressive Skinny Puppy, and Ministry on the album "Twitch" .   

              a little more about myself:

              my hair is much longer and Redder now
              i enjoy all sorts of music, from Neil Young and Pink Floyd, to Ministry and Godflesh, to the Cure and Dead can Dance, to Velvet Acid Christ and ::wumpscut::.

              i am not a follower in any sense of the word. when i have friends (for that short period of time that i do) i lead, and that's all i've ever done.

              I do not believe my lyrics "MAKE" the songs what they are,I simple believe that many songs would have a moot point without them.

             I do indeed believe in true love. I've yet to find it though.

             CVB IS MY JOB! if you don't like it fuck off. all you assholes out there who say " well don't quit your day job, whatever that is" piss me off. I do this because I love it and it's always helped me cope with certain problems i have. When I want YOUR opinion i'll ask for it. 'till then, "SWALLOW MY SOUL AND FOLLOW ME!"
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