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The Wolf program is for boys who have completed first grade (or are age 8).  To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must pass twelve achievements involving simple physical and mental skills.  Our Wolf Den Leader is Teresa Martinez.

With the exception of Tiger Cubs, each Scout begins with the Bobcat Trail. (Click on the Bobcat to take you to a breakdown of the Trail.)

Once a Wolf Cub has completed the Bobcat Trail, they may earn achievements on the Wolf Trail.  Below are the 12 different achievements that make up this Trail.  (Click on the Wolf paw to take you to a breakdown of each achievement.)

1 - Feats of Skill
2 - Your Flag
3 - Keep Your Body Healthy
4 - Know Your Home and Community
5 - Tools for Fixing and Building
6 - Start a Collection

7 - Your Living World
8 - Cooking and Eating
9 - Be Safe at Home and on the Street
10 - Family Fun
11 - Duty to God
12 - Making Choices

Once the Wolf Trail is completed, boys may earn Arrow Points.  The first 10 points earns them a Gold Arrow.  Every group of 10 points after that earns a Silver Arrow.  There is no limit to the quantity of Silver Arrows a boy can earn.

Arrow points are awarded for:
     a) each item completed in the Electives section
(see the list below),
     b) for any items completed in the Wolf Trail above and beyond
        that required for Wolf rank,
     c) and by repeating items in either of these categories. 
The rule for
               repeat item credit is that the boy should either do it in a different way, or do a better job
              each time.

Elective 1 - It's a Secret
Elective 2 - Be an Actor
Elective 3 - Make it Yourself
Elective 4 - Play a Game
Elective 5 - Spare-Time Fun
Elective 6 - Books, Books, Books
Elective 7 - Foot Power
Elective 8 - Machine Power
Elective 9 - Let's Have a Party
Elective 10 - Native Amerian Lore
Elective 11 - Sing-Along

Elective 12 - Be an Artist
Elective 13 - Birds
Elective 14 - Pets
Elective 15 - Grow Something
Elective 16 - Family Alert
Elective 17 - Tie it Right
Elective 18 - Outdoor Adventure
Elective 19 - Fishing
Elective 20 - Sports
Elective 21 - Computers
Elective 22 - Say it Right

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