Sea Theme Daisho Fitting set for Larger Blades
By Henry . A  02-15-2007
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This is a Daisho set of fittings    , the art work reflecting a Sea Theme .These fittings are made of mild steel 2 part construction hand shaped  on brass and wooden forms then gas welded . They are very simple strong fittings made to be used and will stand up to vigorous cutting and Iaido practice .The Brass art work is done by hand carving with Gravers .And they have a Sand texture done by power  Engraver . The Patina is Browned steel

Katana Fuchi is 42 mm tall x 22.5 mm wide outside , the Wakaizashi is 39 mm tall x 19 mm wide  outside and there both about 12mm deep .The 10 mm deep Kashira are appropriately sized to each  Fuchi

Katana.....  Fuchi  Crane at the waters edge Omote side  , Ura side  Snail and  Sand Dollar shell  . Kashira  Crab on the beach in a Defensive posture .Menuki  Trident Shell  , this shell has been used through out time by many cultures it has a deep ground shaking sound when sounded as a call to arms when made and used as a Horn  . Two  beach shells , common shells found on the beach a Snail shell often used by Hermit Crabs as there shelters / homes and the cone shell

Wakizashi ....  Fuchi  Omote side , Sea Horse  just off shore   Ura side  Bubbles   . Kashira  Octopus ( Tako )  a  very Smart , crafty and Deadly Predator   also very  Tenatious .    Menuki   Squid   One of the many varieties found in the Ocean  Prolific , some grow to be the one of longest deep sea animals living in the sea, , fast striking and voracious  appetite's :)

The Menuki are Carved from Brass .Special attention was paid to the sizing and shape of these Menuki all sides are rounded down nicley   ... one of my pet peves !  alot of Menuki are  impossible to wrap nicly over because the size and shape a not conducive to a good wrap ;ie to thick to wide to long .. ect  The art work is not the only consideration to think about when it comes to Menuki .

Trident shell 39 mm long x 12mm tall , Two Beach shells 40 mm long x 12 mm tall  .... Squid  30 mm long x  11.5 mm tall
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