<BGSOUND SRC="MIDIS/thethunderrolls.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Stormy Weather

I sat at my window, and watched the sky change;
Once nice and blue, it had now turned a deep shade of gray!
Something big must be brewing I thought to myself;
The rapid change in the weather - must mean a storm's on the way!

I brought in the plants, the lawn chairs - all the "flyable" debris;
And sat watching, and waiting, to see how bad the storm would turn out to be!
My animals sensed its' coming too, I suppose;
For they kept running around - stopping only to look back at me!

"It'll be okay" I told them, at the same time telling myself;
But the words sounded shaky - unsure and afraid!
Nothing else to do, we were as ready as we could get;
So we just waited and watched - near the window we stayed!

Suddenly, the sky lit up with a spectacular display;
And the crashing of thunder was now underway!
The deluge began, the rain flowing in sheets;
As I moved from the window, I prayed "Lord give me back my sunny day"!

Though my words were just whispered, somehow He must have heard;
Because an hour or so later, the storm started to clear!
The sun came back out, and the sky turned to blue;
The moral is simple - during ALL your stormy times, God will see you through!

sun & ocean

Written 06/25/00

2000 Rita A. Hallenbeck

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