Bob Fosse
All That Jazz!
    Bob Fosse is one of my all-time Entertainment idols.  From Films such as Lenny which was about the pioneering "comic" and public vulgarian Lenny Bruce to the choreography of such Broadway hits as Pippin.

     Revolutionizing dance by preferring to focus on movements that were directed inward rather than large sweeping gestures, Fosse even introduced his own life-story in the film,
All that Jazz.

     Dying long before his time for avid fans, his work continues to thrive in Broadway reviews like
Fosse and the return of his infamous Cabaret, which is now performed in the old Studio 54 building as a newly converted pre-WW II Berlin night club total-environment.

     One of Fosse's most renowned dance scenes ala a surreal silly-walk episode from Monty Python would have to be in
Sweet Charity.
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