Camping is a great way to escape everyday life and enjoy nature.

Whether backpacking, tent camping or setting up an RV, nothing compares to getting out in nature and camping for a day or two. There’s no such things as cell phone towers out in the middle of nowhere — and that’s honestly a beautiful thing. Ditching your screen can have a significant impact on your well-being. Research suggests too much tech may lead to increased feelings of anxiety and poor sleep.

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Backpackers are the hardcore bunch of the camping world.

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Acadia offers a wide variety of camping gear and supplies for the backpacker who likes to get out in the middle of nowhere to camp.

What's a good camping trip without some hiking?

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Available at Acadia is a wide variety of hiking gear and equipment. Whether you're in need of new hiking boots or a backpack, we have what you need. Shop with us now.

Enjoy the outdoors with a good camping trip.

The outdoors are crucial for your mental health, especially if you’re a city dweller. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that just a few minutes walking in nature can reduce depressive symptoms, which is common in people who live in urban spaces. In a corroborating study, research out of Stanford University found that spending time outdoors can help reduce rumination — the obsessive, negative thinking that could potentially lead to mental health issues.

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