Pack 285 Flag Closing Ceremony


Script:  Den Leader of the Den who opened the meeting assembles color guard in back of room 2 minutes prior to the closing of the meeting.


Cubmaster: "Color Guard, Attention!”


Cubmaster: "Audience, Please Rise!”


Cubmaster: "Color Guard Advance” (wait for color guard to reach the front)


Cubmaster: "Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not

                      in uniform."


Cubmaster: "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors!” (wait for flag bearers to pick up their flags)


Cubmaster: "Color Guard, Retire the Color!” (wait for flag bearers to return to formation)


1.      US Flag is on the FAR RIGHT facing the audience,

2.      then State Flag in the MIDDLE

3.      then Pack Flag on far LEFT


Cubmaster: "Thank you all for joining us tonight."


Cubmaster: "Color Guard, Dismissed!” (flag bearers should immediately put the flags away before starting to play with the other guys. )


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