All awards to be distributed at a pack meeting are due to the awards coordinator by the dates below: 



Last day for Request

Pack Meeting Date

September 15, 2008

September 23, 2008

October 20, 2008

October 28, 2008

November 10, 2008

November 18, 2008

December 05, 2008

December 16, 2008

January 19, 2009

January 27, 2009

February 16, 2009

February 24, 2009

March 23, 2009

March 31, 2009

April 20, 2009

April 28, 2009

May 18, 2009

May 26, 2009


Note: If the pack meeting dates changes, the required date will be 8 days before the pack meeting.


A request for awards needs to include the award needed, the date earned, and the names of the boys who earned the award. Please only send requests for awards that have been earned (not what you plan to do later in the month).


The awards coordinator will send out a reminder email before the due date, but please do not expect further reminder emails. It is the den leaders’ responsibility to make sure that any and all requests are made with all information needed and in the appropriate time frame.


Any request that is not received by the last day for request will be handed out at the following month’s meeting.


Please report achievements and electives as they are earned. This information is needed to keep the database up to date.


For special award patches (such as Regatta, Cake Bake, Pinewood Derby, etc…), the event coordinator needs to supply a list of participants by the “Last day for Request” listed above. The patches will not be given out until the list is supplied.


Please do not purchase the awards on your own.  The awards coordinator has some in stock, and we do not need duplicates. 


Please request all awards through the awards coordinator. This includes special awards /patches.


Any delay in getting the above information to the awards coordinators will delay the presentation of the awards to the scouts.

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