Well, no doubt we all are just itching for the next new Tex Murphy adventure. Especially after the end of Overseer. But we may see Tex back in action again!

A few new Tex Murphy novels were said to be coming out. One of which titled "Trance" also to be a computer game along with annother novel "Chance" also to become a computer game. But since the first announcements, limited follow-up has made thier release dates unknown, but still in mind.

A Tex Murphy movie was also said to be being made titled "A Black Sun Ascending" which tells the story of "The Pandora Directive". Chris Jones and Aaron Conners mentioned various people interested in the movie but there has been no follow up.

"Polarity" is most favoured to be the next Tex Murphy game and Chris and Aaron have said that they are working on it! Originally, Polarity was meant to follow The Pandora Directive with the opening scene when Tex and Chelsee get picked up by the stranger. But they decided to make it a cliffhanger at the end of Overseer. This leaves the Polarity possibility wide open! Trance was said to follow.

Also, s hort while ago, we got qwor that Tex may be back in a game caled "Black Pearl" on Microsoft's new console, the "X-Box". Although it is mentioned as an upcoming game for the X-Box in the links LS web site, no information has been supplied about the game in any of the official X-Box web sites so there are no promises.
www.linksls.de/linksnews/news.php3 to check it out. Or for more information about the X-Box, visit: xbox.ign.com.

Well, hopefully we will be seeing more of Tex soon and I'm sure all of us are looking forward to seeing him in action again soon!


Well remember the webisodes thats were supposed to be coming out soon. Well they are now scrapped BUT, Chris Jones and Aaron Conners have come up with the 'TEX MURPHY RADIO THEATRE' to reaplace them.

The radio theatre is a series of weekly online radio episodes spoken by the original Tex Murphy cast and continue off right where overseer finished, displaying (or sounding) the long awaited conclusion to Overseer, which ended with a 'to be continued'. These episodes are available at

I strongly encourage all Tex Murphy fans or just those of you who are curious as to see Tex in action to check out the
Tex Murphy Radio Theatre!  


There is a preview available for the scrapped Tex Murphy webisodes. If you want to check it out, visit CARP International.


Well no doubt you already know about the peition that has been going for the past year or so, but we just got news From Adrian Carr that in order for Microsoft to even consider making another Tex game, we muct have at least 15,000 votes! So if you have not already voted, I urge  you to do so and if you have already, be sure to tell as many people about it however you can. We are counting on everyone to help save Tex Murphy! Click the poster below to vote!
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