How to Measure your Windows and Patio Doors

Double Hung, Picture Window and 2-Lite Sliders
Even though we will send a measure-tech out to do the final measurements before your windows are manufactured, it is important that you have a pretty accurate idea of the width and height of your windows or sliding glass doors. The size of the windows you order can have an effect on the price.  United inches is a standard measure which is simply the height of your window, plus the width of your window in inches (round up to the nearest inch). Most regular windows in your home probably measure below the united inch threshold.

When you measure your windows, measure from the top to the bottom and the from the left side to the right side using a tape measure. Measure only the sashes of the windows, do not include the width and height of the frame.








Patio Doors
Patio doors are measured in feet. They are sold by the width of the door frame. Most patio doors are either five feet or six feet wide. If you need a larger door, please contact us.


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