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Palms to Pines District, California Garden Clubs, Inc.

California Garden Clubs, Inc.

Pacific Region, National Garden Clubs, Inc.

National Garden Clubs, Inc.

National Chrysanthemum Society

Angel Valley Heritage Mums
5095 Angel Valley Rd., S.W., Stonecreek, OH 43840
A family owned, mother/daughter company, offers mums from all 13 classifications.  They carry and are actively seeking additional older varieties, especially hardy mums (perennials).  Angel Valley, like Clouds To Coast Chrysanthemum Club, assigns near "endangered species" designation to the fancy Chrysanthemums.  Catalogue available, $1.00.

Mt. Fuji Garden Center & Nursery

Sunnyslope Gardens

King's Mums
For more than 40 years, the family owned and operated nursery has offered the most comprehensive collection of Chrysanthemums to the retail market.  The business, serving the amateur gardener and professional grower, evolved from a hobby of collecting special and exotic Chrysanthemums gathered from around the world.  Ted King and his daughter, Lana King, have an extensive colleciton of over 150 cultivars.  King's Mums is the major source of large exhibition and spray mums in the U.S.  It's new website currently offers an introductory selection of their new cultivars.  All of their cultivars can be seen in full color, mail order catalogue, available for $2.00 (deductible from order).  Send to King's Mums, P.O. Box 368, Clements, CA 95227. 

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