The Family Flower

A perfect flower for families everywhere, farm to high-rise, toddler to grandparent, learning to share or teach to care.

To preserve genetic diversity of species Chrysanthemum. 

To create and pass on a tradition of family optimism and responsibility to our own and future generations?.

To teach dignity and self-worth

honestly acquired by the discipline of gardening.

To value time for its scarcity and for its abundance as represented in the the cycles of Chrysanthemum culture.

To preserve and develop the species which has been symbolic of many virtues in evolution of human culture.

To deepen understanding that every species, including ourselves, is essential to life on Planet Earth.

Change is a pendulum, but life is an unwinding circle.

Like Chrysanthemums, we are perfect in our similarities and
perfect in our differences. 

Each life acquires meaning only by giving meaning to others.

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