{Vowels} aa (comment) {in aat, baarister} ae (comment) {aet, baek, sundae (As for "aet", see discussion of how to (comment) distinguish "eight" from "ate" at entry for Q, (comment) below, Note 8.) ai1 l (comment) { airmail [See Note 1.] } ao a (comment) { (See O/AO, below.) } au a (comment) { aufool, taut, lau } e (comment) { end, erer2 [See Note 2.] } ee i (comment) { eet, beest, be(e)3 [See Note 3.] } i (comment) { it } ie ay (comment) { shied, ie,4 tri(e) [See Note 4.] } o a (comment) { General American: not, bother, fother (comment) English Received: naot, baotha; fotha [See Note 5.] oe o (comment) { oek, oekae, bloek, to(e) } oi oy (comment) { point, foiyer, boi, boiyal } oo (comment) { book, good, byuetifool } ou aw (comment) { ou!, out, hou, wou! } u e (comment) { up } a e (comment) correct value for their a ue u (comment) { buez, nuez, vyuez; puer, muet (poor, moot); (comment) pyuer, myuet (pure, mute) (comment) {Consonants} b b (comment) { as in bob } c (zero) (comment) {(Used only in CH; see below. SILENT alone.) } d d (comment) { did } f f (comment) { fluf } g g (comment) { gaag } h h (comment) { hu } j (comment) { juj } k k (comment) { klok } l l (comment) { lul, koeld,7 wunderfool [See Note 7.] } m m (comment) { miem } n n (comment) { nien } p p (comment) { pop } q (zero) (comment) { (SILENT)8 [See Note 8.] } r r (comment) { raur } rr (zero) (comment) { (tapped-R) verre(e) "very" as some Britons say it: 'veddy' (comment) (mainly for conveying dialect and teaching foreign languages) s s (comment) { saus, sees (sauce, cease; not saws, seas, (comment) which are spelled sauz, seez) t t (comment) { tiet } v v (comment) { verv } w w wh w (comment) { win, houwever, wether (weather; see HW, below) } x (zero) (comment) { (SILENT)9 [See Note 9.] } z z (comment) { zielafoenz, zuez } ch (comment) { cherch, maach, woch (church, match, watch) cf. kemistre, Mok (comment) 1, aek, shagrin, sh x (comment) { shaame (chemistry, Mach 1, ache, chagrin, (comment) chamois) shush zh j (comment) { telavizhan, garozh } th (comment) { this, breeth (voiced) } tth < (comment) { Maatthyu, tthing, bretth, (unvoiced) } hw w (comment) { hwut, hwich, hwether (whether)10 [See Note 10.] } ng (comment) { pingpong, singsaung, flinging } (comment) {ngg ngg fingger, funggas11 [See Note 11.] } (comment){ Non-English Sounds (for conveying dialect, (comment) teaching foreign languages) kh (comment) { as in German "ach"; Scottish "loch"; Spanish J; Arabic, Hebrew and (comment) Russian (transliterated) KH or CH: a harsh, (comment) throat-clearing, guttural H hh (comment) { German "ich": a softer, palatal H } nn (comment) { boenn veevonn (French bon vivant): signals nasalization of (comment) preceding vowel rrr (comment) { Scottish burr, Spanish RR: trilled R } rh (comment) { French (uvular) R: sounds like a gargled English R } uu (comment) { French "plume", German (U-umlaut) UE, or Y ("typisch") } oa (comment) { German + (O-umlaut) or OE: "koenig" }