The Salkeld Family of Pennsylvania

From JOHN who Emigrated in 1705, To the fourth generation

So, far as known, By a Descendent, 1867, Jacob Painter (1814-1875)

SALKELD is not a common name and, so far as we know, may be traced back to Cumberland and Westmoreland, two adjoining counties in the N.W. of England.

Great Salkeld is the name of the parish in Cumberland county, England; it is on the river Ellen, here crossed by a curious bridge.

John Salkeld of Westmoreland, with others, was forced from a religious meeting on the 22nd of November 1663, and committed to prison. At the next January, they were all fined and had their goods distrained.

Thomas Salkeld, with others, 8th 2nd month 1676, was prosecuted at an ecclesiastical court for a demand of one and a half pence yearly, for Easter offering.

Isabella Salkeld in 1684, with many others of Westmoreland, was prosecuted by statutes against parish recusants.p>

These leaves were printed by an amateur who had never previously set up more than a few pages of type. They may however do something to preserve the family record, and could he be furnished with the history of the different branches down to the present time, he might be tempted to print some additional reminiscences.

John Salkeld, son of Thomas Salkeld of Coldbeck in the County of Cumberland, England, was born in 1672. He belonged to, and was a preacher in the Society of Friends, he paid religious visits to Ireland in 1698 & 1703, and in 1700, he went on a religious mission to America. On the 8th of the 9th month 1704, he married Agnes Powly, after they had declared their intentions of marriage before several public meetings of Quakers in Westmoreland, and received the consent of parents and parties concerned. Their marriage was consumated at a meeting for worship at the meeting house in Grayngge; he promising "to be a true and loving husband until death separates us", and she promising "to love and obey thee as my husband until death separate us." A certificate was drawn up in form and signed by the parties and witnesses.

On the 9th of the 7th month, 1705, John Salkeld and wife took passage from London to Philadelphia, and settled at Chester on the Delaware River. On the 25th of the 12th month in the same year, he gave in a certificate to Chester Monthly meeting in Pennsylvania from the Quarterly meeting in Cumberland in Great Britain.

His occupation was that of a farmer and malster, and he appears to have owned 400 acres of land near Chester, on which he resided. Besides this he had 1000 acres purchased of Collett, in Westown, and which for a number of years was covered with the primeval forest after the adjacent land was cleared, and was known as Parker's woods which was afterwards divided and sold in small tracts by Joseph Parker Norris. He also owned a tract in Fallowfield township, the original purchase of Lancelott Fallowfield of Great Strickland in Westmoreland county England; besides other tracts not so well determined.

As a preacher, it was common for him to go to neighboring meetings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, and would occasionally, extend his visits to distant parts. About the year 1712 a religious concern took him to New England, and it would appear that he went on a visit to England, Scotland and Ireland in the year 1712, returning sometime in 1715. About the year 1717, he revisited New England, and in the latter part of 1719 and the fore part of 1720, he was in the West India Islands. He visited Long Island in 1725, and revisited Great Britian in 1726-7. He again revisited New England in 1730 and in 1733-4, he visited friends in Virginia and North Carolina. One of his journals to England is still preserved, and likewise his marriage certificate, and there may be other papers of interest among his descendants if those who have them would make the fact known.

Bowden remarks that "John Salkeld was a notable man to proclaim the gospel, he had great opening in this scriptures which was a mighty help and comfort to many friends. He was fervently engaged for truth's prosperity, and for this purpose traveled several times through the continent. He was cheerful in conversation and found it necessary to keep a constant guard. He had a clear distinct and intelligible method of utterance in his ministry, being often attended with life and authority."

Smith says "he was naturally of a cheerful disposition, had a clear, distinct and intelligible utterance in this ministry, often attended with great life. Generally had an uncommon reach on his auditory and sometimes crowned with success."

On the 20th of the 9th month 1739, John Salkeld died at his residence, aged 67 years 9 months and 4 days and was interred at Friends Burial Ground at Chester, on the 22nd. The following lines then appeared, which were attributed by some to Joseph Braintnall a friend and serivener of Philadelphia. Others supposed them to have been written by Henry Hale Graham a lawyer of Chester.


Salkeld from silent sitting slow would rise

And seemed as with himself he did advise

His first words would be soft, but might be heard;

He looked resolved, yet spoke as if he feared;

He gained attention in a gradual way.

As morning twilight ushers in the day.

Proposed his theme; and sometimes would repent,

Lest some should not observe, or should forget:

Then gently louder on the text explain,

And set to view, its every nerve and vain.

Till when he saw his listening flock give ear,

And trickly from their tender eyes a tear.

Thus louder then he strained his cheerful voice,

The sounds grow tuneful, and their hearts rejoice:

To heaven he lift them with delightful notes,

And every soul to it First Cause devotes.

And when he ceases, still the music rings

And every heart it hallelujah sings.

The many anecdotes related of John Salkeld would indicate that he was of a lively and sometimes even jovial turn of mind bordering on the eccentric.

One day he was wearing a new hat that had a button and loop upon it, which was considered quite fashionable; and he cared but little about appearance, he did not notice the impropriety. He was, however taken to task by a friend for wearing the fashionable appendage; Johm immediately tore it off remarking. "if his friend's religion consisted of a button and loop, he would not give a button and loop for it."

Being once at a meeting of friends and observing the assemble sleeply, he rose on his feet and exclaimed "Fire! Fire!" which startled them: some one enquired, where? "in hell" he replied "to burn up the drowsy and unconcerned."

Returning from a religious visit in New Jersey, he observed that he had breakfasted with the Lads, dined with the Lords, and slept with the Hoggs: the families with whome he had been entertained, having these names.

Being in his corn field by the road side, a man by the name of Cloud came along and said, "John thee will have a good crop of corn." He afterwards related the circumstance of his being in the corn field when he heard a voice coming out of a cloud saying, "John thee will have a good crop of corn."

It would appear that John Salkeld was at times absent minded, for when on a religious visit to friends in New Jersey, on one occasion he took his daughter Agnes with him; she riding behind him on horse back, and was very much the custom at that time. After meeting he forgot his daughter and rode off leaving her at the meeting house.

Agness Salkeld, the wife of John Salkeld, was the daughter of Edmond Powley of Whinfield in the county of Westmoreland England and was born in 1678. On the 27th of the 3d of month 1706 she produced the certificate of membership to Chester monthly meeting from England, which appears to be three months after her husband produced his.

From accountsshe was a tall muscular woman, and circumstances would lead us to believe that she had more than ordinary business qualifications. Her children and grand-children were mostly tall, some of them were quite large; this characteristic they must have inherited from her, as her husband is reputed not to have been above medium size: in some branches of her descendants at the present day the tendency to grow tall is still observabe. She died on the 12th of the 11th month 1748, aged 70 years, 1 month and 26 days, and was intered in Friend's Burial Ground at Chester on the 14th; surviving her husband about 9 years.

Children of John and Agness Salkeld

Joseph 1706 ~ 1748

Mary 1708 ~ 1800

John 1709 ~ 1777

Thomas 1711 ~ 1749

Agness 1714 ~ 1813

Edmond 1716 ~ 1726

William 1718 ~ 1742

David 1720 ~ 1759

Samuel 1721 ~ 1721

Jane 1722 ~ 1778

Johnathan 1723 ~ 1723

Joseph Salkeld (son of John & Agness above) appears to have resided in the neighborhood of Chester and we believe he was not married.

Mary Salkeld (daughter of John & Agness above) married Anthony Shaw in 1731, they removed to New-Garden and afterwards to Sadsbury where he died in 1744, after which she resided with her sister Agness Minshall in Middletown until her death in 1800, aged 91 years. They had no children.

John Salkeld (son of John & Agness above) married Elizabeth Worrall in 1731, and settled in the neighborhood of Chester. Their children:

Children of John and Elizabeth Salkeld

Sarah b. 1733

John 1735 ~ 1816+

Agness b. 1737

Mary b. 1739

Joseph b. 1741

Isaac b. 1743

Elizabeth b. 1745

Ann b. 1747

Sarah b. 1750

Thomas b. 1753

Samuel b. 1754

James b. ----

Peter b. 1755

John Salkeld (son of John & Elizabeth above) we believe was married, but left no descendants: he resided at New Orleans in 1766, at St Augustine Florida in 1781, and in New Brunswick in 1797, where he probably remained until his death after 1816.

Agness Salkeld (daughter of John & Elizabeth above) married Simon Guest and settled in Concord; had no children.

Elizabeth Salkeld (daughter of John & Elizabeth above) married George Robinson and settled in New Castle County Delaware and had six children. After his death she married --- Derrickson and had six children more.

Ann Salkeld (daughter of John & Elizabeth above) married Joseph Larkin of Bethel, they had six children; John, Elizabeth, Sarah, Joseph, Nathan, and Salkeld.

Peter Salkeld (son of John & Elizabeth above) married Margaret Bishop and had seven children; John, Thomas, Peter, Margaret, Bishop, Elizabeth and Mary G. He died the 21st 9th mo. 1820.

Sarah Salkeld (daughter of John & Elizabeth above) married Joseph Gill and settled in Chester, and had two children; Elizabeth, and John.

Agness Salkeld (daughter of John & Agness above) married Thomas Minshall of Middletown in 1738; they had ten children.

Children of Agness (Salkeld) and Thomas Minshall

Jacob 1738 ~ 1817

Margaret 1741 ~ 1823

Hannah 1742 ~ 1767

Phebe 1744 ~ 1842

Agness 1746 ~ 1760

John 1749 ~ 1760

Ann 1752 ~ 1832

Owen 1754 ~ 1760

Mary 1757 ~ 1837

Grace 1759 ~ 1811

Margaret Minshall married Humphry Marshall for his second wife, but had not children. He was proprietor of the ancient botanic garden at Marshalton, Chester county. Hannah Minshall married Isaac Rhoads of Marple, she had one child, John. Phebe Minshall married Caleb Yarnall and settled in Edgmont: they had six children; John, Owen, Agness, Caleb, Thomas, and Phebe. She died at the age of 97 years, surviving her husband 54 years. Ann Minshall married Jacob Malin for second wife and settled in Middletown; they had no children. Mary Minshall married Thomas Thomas and ultimately settled in Little Britain Lancaster county, and had three children: Agness, Sarah and Caleb. Grace Minshall married Thomas Malin and settled in the vicinity of Chester; they had eleven children; Abner, Phebe, Thomas, Jacob, Minshall, Agness, Ann, Elizabeth, William, Margaret and Randal.

William Salkeld (son of John & Agness above) married Mary Engle in 1741 and settled in Chester, they had one child Agness; he died in 1742 leaving to his daughter the land in Caln which he received from his father. His widow afterwards married Nathaniel Vernon.

David Salkeld (son of John & Agness above) married Mary Surmon of Middletown in 1743, they had four children; Margaret, Joseph, William and Agness.

Margaret Salkeld (daugher of David and Mary above) married David Masters and settled at Fishing Creek in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. They had four children: Isaac, John, David and ---.

William Salkeld (son of David and Mary above) married Sarah Hampton in 1774: children: John, Samuel, Mary, Sarah and David. The widow and children removed to Pipe-creek, Maryland.

Agness Salkeld (daughter of David and Mary above) married Jesse Wilinson in 1772 and settled in West Marlborough, and had six children; Mary who married William Fetterman, David who married Prudence Jefferies, Samuel who married Ester Edwards and removed west, Mariann who married John Leedom, Jesse whose history is not known, and Joseph died at Lancaster. Agness is represented to have been a very jovial woman and lived to be nearly ninety years of age.

Jane Salkeld (daughter of John & Agness above) married Moses Minshall (the brother of Thomas) in 1741; they had one child Edward, who continued to reside in Chester until his death, leaving descendants there.

Joseph Parker was the nephew of John Salkeld and the only relative of his, so far as we can discover, that came to America. He was born in Cumberland county England in 1689, and emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1714 being 25 years of age; bringing with him his certificate of membership from Coldbeck monthly meeting. Like John Salkeld who wished to settle near his friend Caleb Pusey, so he wished to settle near his uncle, John Salkeld and accordingly made choice of Chester and became the Register and Recorder for many years of Chester (now Delaware) County. He married Mary, the daughter of John Ladd of Gloucester New Jersey, May 21st 1730. They had one child Mary, born April 29th 1731, and his wife died June 4th 1731. Joseph Parker survive his wife and died May 21st 1766. Mary Parker married Charles, the son of Isaac Norris of Philadelphia, June 21st 1759 and settled in that city. They had 4 children: Isaac, Debby, Joseph P, and Charles. Her husband died January 15th 1766 and a few years after she returned to reside in her paternal mansion near Chester and died December 4th 1799; aged 68 years. Isaac died in 1802 unmarried. Debby married Dr. George Logan; they had two children, she died February 2nd 1839. Joseph Parker Norris married Elizabeth Hill Fox and had fourteen children; he died June 22nd 1841. Charles married E Garner and had three children and died in 1813.

First, I would like to thank my sister, Kathleen Salkeld, for obtaining and providing this very interesting information. Secondly, I have provided this information in its entirety since most Salkeld's in the U.S.A. are probably descended from John Salkeld.

A FEW LITTLE TIDBITS: Almost all of the locations mentioned here are within 10 miles of my home. The Friends Meeting of Chester and the cemetery still exist. Caleb Pusey, a very good friend of John Salkeld, was also a friend of William Penn, his home in Upland, Penna still exists. Mariann Salkeld (above) married John Leedom---the Leedom property was in Ridley Township Penna. a few miles outside of Chester. The neighbor of the Leedom's living on the next property was John Morton, signer of the Declaration of Independance. On a recent Sunday I drove to Chester (a ten minute drive). I took pictures of the Friends Meeting in Chester and the cemetary where John and Agness are buried (there are no stones dating back past the mid-1800's), also pictures of Caleb Pusey's home and the intersection of 3rd and Penn Sts in Chester where John and Elizabeth Salkeld had a Inn. The intersection is now part of a new highway construction site. Ann Salkeld married Joseph Larkin -- a Larkin Road still exist in Bethel Twp and is about 5 minutes from my home.

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