The Condensed Enzyme Fact Reference


By Somacare: 760/944-9778; ; email:[email protected]



What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are a delicate lifelike substance found in all living cells whether animal or vegetable. Enzymes are large and complex energized protein molecules necessary for life. They catalyze and regulate nearly all bio­chemical reactions that occur within the human body.   Enzymes turn the food we eat into complex nutrients and energy for use in the body. They cannot be seen with any but the most powerful microscope, but their presence and strength can be deter­mined by improved blood and immune system functioning. Our bodies naturally produce both digestive and metabolic enzymes as they are needed.  Surplus enzymes can be stored by some organs for later use and used as fuel for the brain.

Metabolic Enzymes speed up the chemical reac­tion within the cells for detoxification and energy production. They enable us to see, hear, feel, move and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon metabolic enzymes for their very survival. Metabolic enzymes are painstakingly produced from the 43 essential nutrients only after great effort by the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs.   Both metabolic and digestive enzymes represent huge expenditure of energy and nutrient by our bodies: they require that thousands of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and lipids be assembled in just the right way.    Hence, whenever possible, our bodies strive to extract them (already made) from the food we eat, thus saving the energy for other bio-processes.  The difference in energy expenditure ( energy our body must spend just to maintain itself) between ingesting ready-made enzymes from living/ raw / fresh foods or quality plant-based supplements and making our own from scratch is immense: It can be likened to the difference between receiving an automobile and receiving all the parts for that automobile in a big jumbled pile:  it IS possible to MAKE the car from the parts, but, chances are you’d be just a little late for work that day!  If the food we eat is alive AS WE EAT IT, then the enzymes are in tact and ready to do their jobs, but if the food is NOT ALIVE AS WE EAT IT, then some degree (often complete) of enzymatic degradation has occurred.  This means the enzymes are now ‘broken’.  Like the car and, say, a car part such as a spark plug or brake pad, there is a lot more that can go wrong with an enzyme than a nutrient.  So because they are so large and complex, enzymes are also easier to ruin.  All it takes is the cleaving of one chemical bond and the entire enzyme is now useless:  it now becomes a burden as opposed to an asset, and your body (using other enzymes) must now break IT down to it’s components to recover any value at all.  This, of course, represents another great expenditure of (needless) energy and taxes you a little every time it happens.


“Enzymes are the accelerators of every single biochemical process” 1


Food Enzymes are introduced to the body through the raw (A.K.A. living) foods we eat and through consumption of supplemental  enzyme fortifiers. Raw foods naturally contain en­zymes providing a heterogeneous source of digestive enzymes when ingested.  However, even raw food contains only enough en­zymes to digest that particular food, not enough to be stored in the body for later use.  The cooking or processing of food destroys all of its enzymes.  Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or processed in some way and since the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that partic­ular food, our bodies must pro­duce the majority of the diges­tive enzymes we require, un­less we use supplemental enzymes.   When we eat foods which are not alive / raw, it’s enzymes are no longer active. Digestive Enzymes must then be made by our organs and secreted along the diges­tive tract to break food down into nutrients and waste. This allows nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream and the waste to be discarded.  Human  digestive enzymes  include  ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, lipase, protease, and amylase. The body cannot make cellulase, an enzyme necessary for proper digestion of fiber, so it must be introduced through the raw foods we eat. Unfortunately, since our bodies are literally not built to make the majority of the enzymes we need, after 30 years or so of constantly over-working the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs by eating mostly cooked foods, these organs begin to fail:  they are simply tapped out.  That’s when trouble becomes noticeable:  that’s when we start to experience symptoms, from mild indigestion all the way to cancer in these over-taxed organs.


If the world was created by divine power, one realizes that life on it was created through enzymes, the elemental energy source for life force” 2


A variety of supplemental enzymes are available through different sources.  All bodily functions can be enhanced and im­proved by supplemental enzymes ingested orally in capsule or powder form.  It is impor­tant to understand the differences between the enzyme types and make sure you are using an enzyme, which will meet your particular needs.  Until recently, only enzymes extracted from the organs of (often polluted) farm animals had sufficient potency to bring about significant results.  That has all changed with the advent of modern plant-based enzymes, but here is a list of types of animal-based enzymes which have been historically offered over-the-counter in our markets:

Pancreatin is a substance extracted from the pancreas of the hog or ox, containing it’s enzymes.  Pancre­atin contains proteolytic enzymes, amylase, and lipase.  Pancreatin has been used successfully in Germany for fortifying the human pancreas.  Dr. Roy Dittinan, however, suggests that pancreatic extracts from animals should not be taken dur­ing pregnancy or when using blood thinners.  Because pancreatin is extracted directly from the organs of bovine or hog, the composition of the extract cannot be controlled with as great a precision as that which can be realized through the cultivation of  plants specially developed (bioengineered in compliance with the cGMP and I.S.O. standards promulgated by the World Health Organization et. al.) to produce (plant-based) enzymes:  Because it contains a mixture of every substance which existed or lived in the animal’s pancreas at the time of extraction (after death?), animal-based pancreatin might always contain undesirable biological species of many sorts, and it is the author’s opinion that, due to this inherent added health risk, these extracts should only be taken under the direst of circumstances.

Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme usually pre­pared from the stomach of pigs and is the principle digestive component of gastric juice.  It is usually given to those whose digestion of protein is impaired.  However pepsin is only activated at a tempera­ture higher than normal body temperature.  Again, Pepsin is animal-based as opposed to plant-based.  As with Pancreatin, pepsin is extracted from the organs of bovine or hog, and it’s composition cannot be controlled with as great a precision as that which can be realized through the cultivation of  plants specially developed (bioengineered in compliance with the cGMP and I.S.O. standards promulgated by the World Health Organization et. al.) to produce (plant-based) enzymes.  Therefore, there is always a significant risk that pepsin might contain undesirable biological species and it is the author’s opinion that, due to this inherent added health risk, plant based proteolytic enzymes should be taken preferentially to pepsin.

Bromelain is a group of pro­teolytic and milk clotting enzymes derived from the pineapple stem, ananas sativus, and protein hydrolysates.  Together, a concentrate of these enzymes can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, a meat tenderizer, and in the chill-proofing of beer.  Like pepsin, brome­lain is only activated at a temperature higher than normal body temperature. 


Papain is an enzyme derived from the latex of papaya.  This enzyme becomes active in an environment of 6.0 - 8.0 pH and requires temperatures above normal hu­man body temperature.  For this reason it is not very effective for humans in any form other than from raw papaya, which is a wonderful food to eat regularly (say, between once every week and once per month) especially in the morning on an empty stomach.

Chymotrypsin is an enzyme from the pan­creas of ox and pigs.  This enzyme requires a pH level of 8.0 to become active.  Recent research suggests it has potential in many modes of healing, but as with any other animal enzymes, chymotrypsin is not often suggested by Somacare, though ongoing research may yield some significant exceptions.

Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme formed in the intestine and can be taken from the intestine or pancreas of an animal.  Trypsin breaks down arginine or lysine and works only in an alkaline setting.  Today, it is often coated so that it can make it to the 8.0 pH occurring in the small intestine.  It is commonly used to fortify the pancreas and the small intestine.  Again, as with any other animal enzymes, trypsin is not often suggested by Somacare.


“Death is due to a loss of Enzymes” 3


Recently, via several breakthroughs in bio-engineering, there has been a breakthrough in enzymatic supplementation:  Plant enzymes are grown in a laboratory setting with specific actions (strengths) rendered  in  units (making it possible, for the first time, to compare the relative strength, concentration, or ‘activity’ of different manufacturers’ formulations).  They  are non-pathogenic pharmaceutical Aspergillus species and are free of mycelium contamina­tion.  After post-culture removal of all the aspergilli and fungi leave only the enzymes.  Aspergillus enzymes have a strong record of safe use in the food industry.  They are considered food by the FDA.  These enzymes can be taken with meals to aid in the digestion of all foods.  They may also be taken between meals to feed, detoxify, and fortify the body as a whole.  Plant enzymes are not disposed of as if the body has no need for them.  They exit only after there is no more activity left in them to do their work.  Since they are food, which is natural to the body, and since they are proven to be a catalyst, plant enzymes are in a completely different arena from other enzyme supplements.

Plant enzymes are useful to develop and main­tain a proper digestive system and to allow the body to produce more metabolic enzymes by reducing the need to produce digestive en­zymes.  They can also be used in varying formu­las to treat ailments.  Plant-based enzyme formulations recommended by Somacare use only plant enzymes from Aspergillus-niger and Aspergillus Oryzae.




ENZYMES are needed for every chemical reac­tion that takes place in the body.


ENZYMES are catalysts.


ENZYMES are connected to every working organ in our body and run our life's processes.


ENZYMES are needed by vitamins and minerals to accomplish their delivery within the body.


ENZYMES are required by all food for digestion.


ENZYMES are destroyed by cooking and pro­cessing food.


ENZYMES can prevent partially digested proteins from putrefying, carbohydrates from            .. …                fermenting, and fats from turning rancid within your system.


ENZYMES from a plant source become active as soon as they enter the body.


ENZYMES from an animal source are only active within the small intestine in an alkaline setting …                of 8.0 pH.





We are all born with the ability to produce a finite number of enzymes during our lifetime.  Studies dating from the 1940's prove that this ability varies in each of us and is dependent on our individual DNA.  This enzyme-making potential gives our body's organs the ability to produce either digestive enzymes to facilitate the relatively simple but critical function of getting nutrients into our blood and organs or metabolic enzymes to facilitate the complex functions we rely on for vitality.  When we eat a meal, the requirements for digestive enzymes become a high priority.  Unless those enzymes are in the (living) food we just ate, our body's enzyme-making machinery must work overtime and often still can not meet the demand for all of the enzyme require­ments the body may have.  Since digestion always takes precedence over nearly everything else, the body functions requiring metabolic enzymes are shortchanged during these times.  The result is a lower disease-fighting capability and a general weak­ening of the body's ability to mend itself.  Be­cause, over the years, we use up so much of our enzyme potential making the digestive en­zymes necessary to digest our food, as we age we begin to run short; our ability to keep up with the digestive enzyme requirements begins to suffer.  This deficiency leads to malabsorp­tion and poor nutrition, plus the many digestive problems suffered by the elderly.  Undigested foods collect in the colon.  Poorly digested protein putrefies, fats turn rancid and carbohy­drates ferment.  These undigested food parti­cles leak back into the bloodstream from the colon and create further toxicity.  As we use up and abuse our enzyme potential, we begin to loose energy, lose our ability to fight disease, and lose the ability for our body to remedy its own naturally occurring malfunc­tions, leading to dis­ease and eventually death.  We associate this scenario with ‘ageing’ (the passage of time), yet it is more accurate to associate it with the depletion of metabolic and digestive enzyme activity within us

This enzyme potential concept clearly supports the case for sup­plemental plant enzymes.  If the body can get the necessary extra digestive enzymes it needs to complete the digestive process without taxing the body's enzyme-making potential, then a metabolic en­zyme shortage will not occur and our body will be in a much more favorable position to fight biologic and genetic malfunctions and dis­eases as they occur, arresting the ‘ageing’ process.   Conversely, using too much of our enzyme potential to produce digestive enzymes limits our ability to produce metabolic enzymes making us sus­ceptible to disease and aging.  A complete and robust array of enzymes in our bodies is the most important requirement for a strong immune system.  Using supplemental en­zymes to promote digestion reduces our need to pro­duce digestive enzymes al­lowing our body to produce the  metabolic  enzymes needed to fight off viruses, yeast mold mildew, bacteria, other disease sources such as pollution, stress, food toxins (which are present in raw foods as well as cooked), etc., and operate effi­ciently overall.



"This capacity, which may be designated as the enzyme po­tential, is obviously fixed and limited.  To assume otherwise would deny natural law. "4


"Oral administration of enzyme extracts...results in improvement in various systematic disturbances "5



(The most common questions)

Humans that eat a diet void of enzymes will use up a tremendous amount of their own enzyme potential.  Enzymes act as an energy or a catalyst and every action of our organs and glands needs this energy to work.  We receive energy from the nutrients in our blood.  These nutrients are put there through the di­gestion of food and carried to and throughout our system by the energy of enzymes.  A lack of enzymes often results in a lowered resis­tance to illness, all types of stresses, and physiological environments, which, of course, leads to all types of illness and disease over time, and shortens our life span.  This much seems intuitive, but what is surprising is that, once a person’s enzyme ‘array’ has been fortified, bolstered, and the ‘gaps’ of missing enzymes are ‘filled in’, maladies of MANY types can begin to disappear.  From skin problems to obesity to allergies to tumors, the list is long and the news is good:  By supplementing cooked foods with plant-based enzymes, we can slow down (slow WAY down), stop, and even reverse the normal and pathological aging process.  Following are an­swers to some typical questions about enzyme supplements.



Enzymes are a family of thousands of different large and complex molecules, each built from many different protein molecules.  They are often several orders of magnitude more large and complex than average-sized proteins, but they are still protein molecules.  They carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action (and reaction) that occurs in our body.  There are approximately 1300 differ­ent enzymes found in the human cell.  These enzymes can combine with co-enzymes to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to unlock nutrient from food ( digestive enzymes) as well as see, hear, feel, move, smell, taste, work, play, and think.  Every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reactions of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor.  Nutrition and health cannot be explained without describing the part that enzymes play.



Pharmaceutical companies placed the focus on vitamins and minerals.  During the 1930s, Dr. Wolfe in Germany discovered the use of animal enzymes.  During the same time period (7) Dr. Howell in America discovered the use of plant enzyme supplements.  Research from these two health pioneers has paved the way for the enzyme supplementation that is used today.

Research in the mid 1940s established that the presence or absence of an enzyme in the body is heritable and governed by our DNA.  In other words, the length of time for which each of us can live off dead food before becoming chronically ill depends strongly on  our genes: we inherit much of our ability to produce or not produce the necessary enzymes needed for life.

Science has further es­tablished that our very life is made possible by enzy­matic action.  In other words, we could not exist without enzymes and as we age our ability to make metabolic enzymes lessens.  Disease is now widely considered nothing more than the lack of or imbalance of enzymes.  Enzyme imbalances may be inherited or they can be created.

Even with all this information, enzyme educa­tion in America did not begin until the mid 1980s.  Enzyme supplementation has become an accepted health care alternative in the 1990s because research has proven:


o       Enzyme supplements are not de­stroyed by stomach acid.  (It was thought and taught that enzyme supplements could not be useful because they were destroyed in the hostile environment of the stomach).

o       Anyone who eats cooked or pro­cessed food benefits from supplemen­tation to assist digestion.

o       The only function any vi­tamin has is the role it plays in building and supporting enzymes.

o       Vitamins and minerals are co­enzymes meaning they require an enzyme to work.

In my opinion, the ability to make live plant enzymes is one of the most significant and beneficial advances of the 20th century.  If there substance that could rightly be the fountain of youth, this is it."

Fit for Life 3 (Canadian edition) Harvey Diamond



Raw food provides only enough enzymes to digest that particular food.  There are no extra enzymes in raw food to digest that cooked or pro­cessed food you ate (even if you ate it with the raw food) today, yesterday, or twenty years ago.  Although a totally raw diet may appear to be the best solution, it is generally not practical, and in most cases, not medically ad­visable.  Due to the risk of bacterial contamination, many foods should not be eaten  raw,  including meats, poultry, eggs and beans.   In fact, if you think about it, that is how the problem got started in the first place (see The Somacare Sentinel, pp 6-7) ,  humans began to cook food in order to INSURE that they would not get sick or die from it, in the off-chance that it had some harmful bacteria.   “ Gee, Thag – you see young boy die from raw eggs… hmmm… never happens when we cook eggs in fire first….I’ll be darned if MY kid is going to die from salmonella – I’m going to cook all our eggs from now on”  And that’s an integral part of our civilization.  And it has been very effective at eliminating that small chance that we’d get sick from any given meal.  And yes, over the course of ten thousand meals, the probability is that it has saved each of our lives several times over.  Unfortunately, for every action there is a reaction, and cooking food is no exception:  there is a side effect:  the foods’ natural enzymes are killed, and must now be made by our overworked pancreas, liver, gall bladder, etc.  Also, many people find the fiber content in large quantities of raw food dif­ficult to digest.



Though increasing the portion of our nutrition which is raw IS a good idea, there are practical limits, s most people will continue to eat cooked foods daily ( I know I plan to – after all, variety is the spice of life, AND there are just too many sumptuous dishes to be enjoyed which are baked, sautéed, brazed, stir fried, barbequed, broiled, etc.)   Also, gas ripened and irradiated foods make up a large portion of the ‘fresh’ foods on the shelves at your local grocery store, and  they have no enzyme activity left because of this pro­cessing.  Our body makes our metabolic en­zymes from the complete amino acid food we ingest.  It takes a combination of many plant products to make a complete amino source, and these sources are usually processed or heated, destroying the enzymes.  We usually cook our animal products, robbing them of their enzymes.  As we age, our bodies ability to produce enzymes decreases.  Nuts that are raw contain an enzyme inhibitor (as do most beans).  Grains and flour are processed, robbing them of their enzymes.  Only enzyme sup­plements assure an adequate enzyme supply.



CoQ1O is a co-enzyme and was first isolated from a cow's heart.  A co-enzyme is an organic molecule, usually containing phosphorus and some vitamins.  A co-enzyme and an apo­enzyme must unite in order to func­tion.  Vitamins and minerals are considered co-enzymes.  A co-enzyme is dependent on another energy and an enzyme to work.  Blue Green Algae and chlorophyll products are wonderful foods that contain minerals, vitamins, and en­zymes because they are a living plant food.  However, they do not have the digestive action of supple­mental plant enzymes.  At best, (as with Super Blue Green Algae from Celltech – see me for separate literature) their full en­zyme activity has been retained, and will deliver all the nutrients they contain, but not one little bit more.  Hydrochloric acid, or HCl, is a normal con­stituent of gastric juice in human beings.  Al­though administered to aid digestion, it is not an enzyme nor does it act as an enzyme.  In fact, HCl can rarely  break food down into nutrients: It’s random-like acidic action often dissolves food into useless bits which are not any of the 45 essential OR thousands of non-essential nutrient molecules, and hence must now be discarded (instead of used) by our bodies.   Our bodies only WANT to use HCl to protect our stomach lining from the rest of the thousands of legitimate nutrient chemicals being generated by digestion because many of these intermediates and nutrients are acidic, but weaker acids than HCl which coats our stomach lining.  So, the stronger acid HCl effectively prevents these (nutrient and non-nutrient) compounds from degrading our stomach lining.  When this system fails, people begin to exhibit and feel the symptoms of stomach ulcers, yet another malady which can be addressed by proper enzyme use.


"Oral administration of specific enzymes can have systemic absorption and systemic effects on the whole organism "11



Complete health is the sum total of the sound­ness of our own individual enzyme system.  The health of our organs and glands is completely dependent upon our enzyme making abilities.  When we are ill, it is because our organs and glands, individually or collectively, cannot func­tion at ideal levels.  This is completely influenced by the absence or deficiency of metabolic en­zymes.  Inherited genes (DNA) control our body's production of metabolic enzymes.  Research in the mid 1940's established that some people inherit a low enzyme potential and come into this life with an enzyme deficiency.  For those folks, enzyme supplementation is literally a new advent of life saving natural medicine, and the author has seen it in action.  For those of us born with normal en­zyme potential we still loose our ability to produce metabolic en­zymes as we age.  Diet is an influence on the health of our glands and organs, and it inter­acts directly with our genetics.  However, good nutrition alone is not enough to attain the genetic potential organs and glands.  Only if we eat the foods with the proper enzymes to assist digestion, can we alleviate stress on the entire system and increase the body's ability to fight off disease.  Enzymes are vital to the ability of glands and organs to receive the specific nutri­ents they require to function properly.



Simply stated, nutrition is the body's ability to unlock (digest) the 45-known  nutrients  in  their proper amounts, absorb these nutrients, carry these nutrients into the cells, metabolize (use) these nutrients, and eliminate the non-nutrient portions of the food (waste) from our bodies without getting fat.  The following is a list of the 45-known nutrients:




Eating these nutrients in their proper amounts will normally ensure good nutrition, as long as we also eat enough of the right active enzymes along with them.  Enzymes are responsi­ble for digesting, absorbing, transporting, me­tabolizing, and eliminating the waste of these nutrients.  To emphasize again, every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reaction of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor.



Proteases break down protein, amylase breaks down carbohydrate and starch, and lipase breaks down fat.  I say proteases (pl) because plant-based proteases may differ slightly from strain to strain.  As such then, strictly speaking, ‘protease’ actually represents, I believe, a family of very closely related stereo-specific macro-molecules.  These three enzymes  break down the majority of the type of food you eat.  Added to these are: lactase (break down lactose-dairy), mal­tase & sucrase (break down food sugars), plus cellulase (break down  cellulose and needed by those with food aller­gies).



·        Our body makes enzymes.  They are responsible for every action that takes place in our body including digestion.

·         Enzymes are found in raw foods.  However,      there are just enough enzymes in each particular food to assist in the breakdown of that food.

·         Supplemental  plant enzymes are grown from food and mea­sured by their action.  They are sold in cap­sules or powder form.  These enzymes can be ingested with food to assist in the diges­tion of food and the absorption of the nutri­ents.  They can also be taken between meals to reverse disease, bring about vitality, energize the body, fortify organs and build our biological defense system.


"The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme of potential of an organism.  The increased use of enzymes promotes a de­creased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential"

The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom - Dr. Edward Howell




When we eat raw foods, heat and moisture in the mouth activate the enzymes in the food.  Once active, these enzymes digest all of our food and make it small enough to pass through the villi (small pores of the intestines) and into the blood.  The metabolic enzymes in our blood (yes, your body had to make them as well, unless it was lucky enough to get them from a raw food) then take the digested 45-known nutrients and build them into muscles, nerves, bones, blood, lungs and various glands.  [And yes, these organs are literally rebuilt completely over time.  In fact, except for your sex cells, which comprise much less than 0.1% of your body weight, you are, quite literally, a completely different person than you were, say, 12 years ago:  Your body has slowly replaced itself with new molecules and cells, eventually replacing entire organs.  The fastest replacement is in our skin (not one cell in your skin existed three months ago) and so on through the organs (which replace themselves over the course of years, including the very eyes you are using to read this), and onto the bones and cartilage, which take decade or so to completely replace themselves.  Talk about being ‘born again”…all you need is the right array of enzymes to keep it happening, and you are literally constantly renewed! … but back to the point]   Every cell in the body depends on certain enzymes.  A protein digestive enzyme will not digest a fat; a fat enzyme will not digest a starch (carbohydrate).  Each enzyme has a specific function in the body; this is referred to enzyme specificity.  Enzymes are catalysts: they act upon chemicals and change them into other chemicals, but enzymes themselves remain un­changed.  Simply stated, our chemicals are changed from their original identify by the en­zyme to other chemicals with a different identity.  Without enzymes nothing in our body would work.  It seems that we inherit a certain enzyme potential at birth.  However, if we depend solely on our body to produce all the enzymes we need, our enzyme potential will be depleted at a much faster rate than nature intended.  To fortify your enzyme potential, you must eat raw foods as much and often as possible and/or take certain enzyme supplements.  Failure to do so will absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt decrease vitality AND lifespan.



Only humans can live a long time on enzyme-free food.  All wild animals get their enzymes from raw food.  Wild animals using raw food do not have the rich concentrations of enzyme activity in their digestive juices that humans do.  For example, wild animals (deer, elephants, and other ruminants) have no enzymes at all in their saliva.  When we examine human saliva, we find high concentrations of ptyalin (an amy­lase enzyme that digests starch).  When dogs and cats eat their natural raw, carnivorous diet, there are no enzymes in the saliva.  However, when dogs are fed on a high carbohydrate, heat-treated diet, like humans, enzymes show up in the saliva within about a week.  The dog’s body has reluctantly begun to make it’s own enzymes, taxing it’s metabolic vitality.  (Ever wonder why most domestic dogs, which are fed dead foods, though of good blood lines, are often no match for a smaller scrawny wild coyote?)  This indicates that we waste our enzymes to digest cooked food.  Our body has to adapt and start making more digestive enzymes thus reducing the availability of many of the other metabolic enzymes needed to run and maintain our body's systems and cells.

Other evidence that suggest we may be wast­ing our reserves of enzymes is the fact that, with relation to total body size, a wild animal has a smaller pancreas in comparison to the human pancreas.  This suggests that wild ani­mals get along with far less pancreatic enzymes than humans do.



The body can make enzymes.  However, re­search confirms that it is self-defeating to obli­gate the body to make excessive amounts of highly concentrated digestive enzymes for digest due to the drain this places on the rest of the organs and tissues.  Stress and hard physical labor in hot temperatures seem to use up more enzymes, which could shorten your life.  To prevent this enzyme loss from shortening your life span, you have only one solution:  you must provide digestive enzymes from an outside source in order to reverse the secretion of digestive enzymes and allow your body to make enough metabolic en­zymes.


“What we call the aging pro­cess may simply be a case of enzyme deficiency “6




Yes.  Research found that the enzyme of the saliva in young adults was 30 times stronger than in persons over 69 years old.  Another researcher found amylase to be stronger in the urine of young adults as compared to older adults.  There is an abundance of literature that shows experimental animals live longer when their food is significantly reduced.  An explana­tion of this research finding could be that less food means fewer digestive enzymes are re­quired to digest the reduced food intake.  This could contribute to a higher enzyme potential, which could keep death away as well as arm the body against disease.



One research study enlisted 10 young and 10 older men and used a drug to stimulate the pancreatic juice flow.  The juice was then pumped out and tested.  It was found that the enzyme amylase was much weaker in the older men.  It was determined that the enzyme defi­ciency of the older group was due to exhaustion in the cells of the pancreas.  Other research indicates that not only do our enzymes get weaker in the pancreas, but they also weaken in the trillions of cells in our body.  One explanation for this might be that our pancreas, which weighs only 3 ounces, cannot begin to supply the vast amount of enzyme activity re­quired by the pancreatic secre­tion, not to mention the tremen­dous need for protein to equip (build) the enzyme  complexes  (molecular structure of the enzymes).  The pancreas must borrow these entities stored in the cells to make the enzyme complex.  This could be a definition of "old age".  Because old age and debilitated metabolic enzyme activity are synonymous, if we postpone the debilitation of metabolic enzyme activity, then we might delay the aging process.



Yes.  Children usually eat the same enzyme-deficient foods as their parents.  Breast-feeding is an important way babies receive enzymes.  Children that are breast-fed acquire dozens of enzymes from their mother's milk.  Bottle-fed babies receive pasteurized milk.  Pasteurization is heating to a high temperature for a short period of time.  So as with cooking, pasteurization kills harmful bacteria which MAY be in the milk, but also destroys all the natural enzymes and friendly bacteria which WERE in the milk.  Hence, drinking pasteurized milk causes the baby's en­zyme factory to begin using its reserve of en­zymes from day one.  Research indicates that this could be harmful for the child.  A study involving 20,061 babies was divided into three groups: breast-fed, partially breast-fed  and bottle-fed.  They studied the morbidity (sickness) rate for the first nine months of the infant's life.  They found that 37.4% of the breast-fed infants had sickness; in comparison to 53.8% of the partially breast-fed; and 63.6% of the bottle-fed It is obvious that babies who were entirely breast-fed were healthier than babies who were only partially breast-fed or who were bottle-fed.  They also examined the mortality rates of these different groups.  The mortality rate among the bottle-fed infants was 56 times greater than among the breast-fed.  In the United States one deformed child is born every 5 minutes, which is the equivalent of one in every ten families.  This adds up to 250,000 deformed babies yearly.  Many if not most of these deformities could be completely avoided if the mothers would simply eat raw foods and enzyme supplements before and during pregnancy.

Dr. Andre Hakannson at Lund University in Swe­den discovered that when he added mother's milk to cultured cancer cells that were alive prior to the addition of the milk, he soon found them to be dead.  Further tests indicated that this naturally enzyme-fortified milk killed only tumor cells, while normal adult cells were left intact.

Research is trying to tell us that we, which includes pregnant women and children, must eat raw foods that contain enzymes and/or take supplemental enzymes.



Some researchers believe that rheumatoid arthritis might be a deficiency disease arising from an inability to deal adequately with protein digestion and metabolism in the small intes­tine.  Enzymes extracted from intestinal mu­cosa in the small intestine were given to per­sons with rheumatic ailments.  Among more than 700 patients treated with the enzyme over a period of seven years, good results  were  obtained  in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthri­tis and fibrositis.  It should be pointed out that for six to nine weeks of therapy there might be no noticeable improvement.  The longer the duration of disease, the longer the lag before improvement is observed.


"Researchers have uncov­ered a link between obe­sity and a deficiency of the digestive enzymes amylase and/or lipase"7



Very definitely.  Obese individuals were found to have deficiency in the enzyme lipase.  Lipase is found in abundance in raw foods.  Cooking de­stroys lipase in raw foods.  Lipase is the enzyme that aids the body in breaking down and storing fats.  Without lipase, our fat stagnates and accu­mulates in our arteries, which could lead to heart disease.  Lipase also helps us to burn fat for energy.  By eating cooked foods, which have no enzymes, we will put weight on more abundantly than if we eat raw foods.  For example, pig farmers will not feed their pigs raw potatoes because the pigs stay lean.  Instead, the farmers feed the pigs boiled potatoes and the pigs be­come fat.

Another reason why enzymes reduce obesity is because cooked foods cause drastic changes in the size,  appearance, and efficacy of the pituitary gland.  Researchers have found that enzymes affect our hormone-producing glands and hormones influ­ence our enzyme levels.  Cooked foods cause our pancreas, thyroid, and pituitary glands to exhaust their enzymes to digest our food.  This causes our body to become sluggish, leading to weight gain.  It’s a vicious cycle: Raw food calories are relatively non-stimulating to glands and stabilize body weight more so than cooked food calories.



It should be pointed out that cancer is a com­plex problem that requires trained medical at­tention if enzyme therapy is to be employed.  Research has shown abundant laboratory proof of profoundly disturbed enzyme chem­istry in cancer patients.  Most cancer cells show a deficiency in enzymes.  In order for a normal cell to work properly it must have good pro­teins, vitamins, minerals, etc., (the 45-known nutrients) reinforced daily.  But to eat these nutrients in a proper diet is not enough.  Your body requires metabolic enzymes (enzymes within the cell) to build these materials into blood, nerves, organs, and tissues.  If you allot much of your enzyme power for digestion, and less for running your body, you are inviting cancer.  Using outside enzyme supplementa­tion to help with digestion, you will then have plenty of enzyme power to run the cells prop­erly and maybe prevent or help fight your cancer.  Also, adding enzymes in supplemental form should be beneficial.



It appears that the answer is an emphatic “Yes!”  Many researchers theorize that being allergic to a raw food may be nature's way of telling us that the food's enzymes are incompatible with some unhealthy bodily condition and are trying to de­stroy it.  This confrontation between food enzyme and disease could result in the classic symptoms of itching, nasal discharges, and rashes.  There are various types of metabolic enzymes, includ­ing scavenger enzymes.  Scavenger enzymes are believed to patrol the blood and dissolve the waste that accumulates from the millions of metabolic reactions that take place each second within each cell of the body.  These special en­zymes cruise about in the blood looking for dead, inert, and offensive material that might accumulate and harm the body.  In fact, some of our scavenger enzymes are present in the white blood cells.  The main function of these enzymes includes the attempt to prevent the arteries from clogging up and the joints from being crammed with arthritic deposits.  If the scavenger enzymes find the right substrate, they latch on and reduce it to a form that the blood can excrete.  If these scavenger enzymes cannot handle the waste, nature causes some of the wastes to be ex­creted through the skin, or membranes of the nose and throat, which produces the familiar symptoms that we call allergies. Other researchers believe that incompletely digested protein molecules cause allergies.  Allergies may be helped if certain enzyme sup­plements are taken that can act as scavenger enzymes or as protein digestive enzymes.



Yes, in most individuals.  Remember that choles­terol is a form of fat.  Research has substantiated that consumed animal fats tend to cause choles­terol to settle in the arteries and cause arthrosclerosis.  However, it has also been found that the crystal clear "purified" vegetable oils (not heated) do not raise the blood choles­terol level.  One answer for this might lie with the fact that lipase is found in the fat of animals (including humans) and plants.  One researcher found that the fat tissue in obese humans has less lipase than the fat tissues in a slender person.

Three British researchers tested the enzymes in normal individuals and individuals with atherosclerosis to find the relationship be­tween cholesterol and clogged arteries.  They found that all enzymes studied became pro­gressively weaker in the arteries as persons became older and also as the hardening be­came more severe.  These researchers believe that a shortage of enzymes is part of a mecha­nism, which allows cholesterol deposits to ac­cumulate in the inner-part of the arterial walls (intimae).  Another researcher found a progres­sive decline in lipase in the blood of atherosclerotic patients with advancing middle and old age.  Yet another research found that not only was lipase low in older persons, but that older atherosclerotic persons had slow fat absorption from the intestine.  He also found that some absorbed fat was in the unhy­drolyzed state.  When he fed lipase extracted from animal pancreas to the older and younger persons he found a definite improvement in fat utilization.

 Research confirms that when we eat fats with their enzymes intact no harmful effect on the arteries or heart results.  No atherosclerosis in the arteries will occur.  Wild animals do not have atherosclerosis because they eat raw foods containing enzymes.  However, when we cook our foods we destroy the enzymes in the fat, which also kills the lipase.  The result is cholesterol sticking to the intimae (inner lining of the artery) and heart disease.  Taking plant enzyme lipase will normally lower your cholesterol and may protect you against heart disease.



Depends on the type of your diabetes.  Type II (adult-onset) normally responds better to enzyme therapy than Type I (juvenile).  Re­search has shown that when there is a lack of blood amylase, blood sugar levels can be higher than normal.  When the enzyme amylase is administered, blood sugar levels drop significantly.  One researcher showed that 86% of the diabetics that he examined had a deficiency of amylase in their intesti­nal secretions.  He administered amylase to a majority of these patients and found that 50% of the diabetics who were users of insulin could control their blood sugar levels without the use of insulin.  Amylase may help with stor­age and utilization of sugar in the blood.

Another researcher found that cooked starch foods, where amylase and other enzymes had been destroyed, caused the blood sugar levels to rise significantly in one-half hour after ingestion.  After two hours the cooked food starch eaters' blood sugar level fell quickly and significantly.  This resulted in fatigue, anxiety, and slug­gishness.  In comparison, the raw starch eaters' blood sugar levels only experienced a slight rise and drop.  These patients expe­rienced a much steadier metabolic rate and emotional stability.  Many diabetics could lower their insulin re­quirements if they would eat raw foods or take plant enzyme supplements.



Probably.  Authorities have estimated that anywhere from ten to one hundred million Americans are suffering from hypoglycemia.  When we suffer from hypoglycemia, every organ in our body is going to be affected by the low blood sugar level.  A drop in one's sugar level will cause mental fatigue, de­pression, and sluggishness because our brain depends on glucose for its food.  Our endocrine glands, especially the pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, and pancreas, control our glucose (sugar) level.  The pancreas se­cretes insulin, which causes a decrease in our glucose level by facilitating the move­ment of glucose into the cell.  Glucagon, another pancreatic hormone, causes our glucose level to rise when it is too low.  Our thyroid gland secretes thyroxin that controls the rate of our cells basal metabolic rate, and usage of oxygen for energy.  All of these glands are controlled by the pituitary gland which, in turn, is controlled by an area of the brain called the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus receives infor­mation from all parts of the body via the nervous system.  This includes relating whether a person is hungry, depressed,  happy, tired, or sluggish.  When there is a deficiency of en­zymes from our food, the pituitary and other organs can hypertrophy (enlarge).  When this happens we are more susceptible to disease, especially hypoglycemia.  When there is a lack of amylase, blood glucose levels can be higher than normal.  Taking amylase, either supplemental or by eating raw foods, causes the glucose level to stabilize, protecting against an erratic rise or drop in the blood glucose level.  This helps us overcome de­pression, fatigue, and sluggishness.


“Enzymes and enzymatic activity are intimately related to the vitality and health of our skin” 9



Very Likely.  Many dermatologists have reported very favorable results with enzyme therapy.  In the 1930s re­searchers found they could treat psoriasis by having their patients eat large quantities of raw butter.  Why?  Because raw butter contains large amounts of lipase.  Recent research has also found that massive doses of lipase will help cure psoriasis.  (However, when extremely large amounts  - more than 20 capsules daily - of concentrated enzymes are used, it is important that the patient be observed by a practitioner with experience in this type of treatment.)  More recently, many skin problems from blisters to rashes to allergic reactions to hives to shingles have been quickly and completely cured by supplemental enzymes:  Our skin is an amazing organ.  It serves a multitude of functions while being constantly exposed to the elements.  Unlike any other organ, it must renew itself (literally replace itself) every month or so.    Among the many functions of our ‘dermis’ is the transfer of  oxygen into our body’s cells, and the transfer of toxins from our cells to the air.  In fact, pound for pound, we eliminate more toxins through our skin than through the stool or urine!  Only poisons being eliminated via the skin, however, must pass  through the capillaries and pores, so the toxins must be broken down into pieces (macromolecules) small enough to actually pass through the capillaries and pores.  That requires lots of scavenger enzyme action!  When we are even slightly deficient in lipase (and other scavenger enzymes as well) and have a lot of toxins to get rid of, the toxins make their way to the inside layers of the skin, but cannot get out because they are still too big – they’ve not been broken down far enough.  Now they are lodged where they do not belong, and cause mild to severe skin irritations of many kinds.  Can you begin to see why lipase and other enzyme supplements have had such miraculous success treating skin maladies from allergies to shingles to psoriasis?



Pharmaceutical plant enzymes only breakdown and deliver natural food sources.  Enzymes do not deliver synthetics so they do not interfere with your medication.



Yes, in theory athletes have a greater need for enzymes.  Research has shown that enzymes are lost in perspiration and the body uses up enzymes during exercise.  This is especially true for those that push their body to extreme endurance levels that are char­acterized by occasional cramps and dehydration.



Most likely.  If muscle tissue enzymes were not working in the muscle tissue, there would be no muscular growth, not even the basic mus­cular activity to create growth.  Enzymes are the catalysts that turn food into energy to make the muscles move and grow.



According to nearly every modern scientific and medical source (for example Bob Farmer, Ph.D., a professor at Baylor University), the DNA of our body's cells is constantly being damaged.  When a cell's DNA is damaged one of three things will happen: the cell will die from the damage or mutation to it’s DNA; the change will be detected by the immune system and T-cells will kill it; or the cell will simply cease to do its assigned duty but will still hang around, using nutrients but providing no service.  Dr. Farmer and many others now believe that the last of these three, the accumu­lation over a lifetime of millions and millions of freeloading cells is a primary cause of the aging process.   Now, in order for our bodies to make the T-calls in the first place (not to mention facilitate an environment for them to do their function), it takes a large concentration and a large array of different metabolic enzymes.  The fewer enzymes we have, the greater portion of  freeloaders which remain, using energy and producing nothing  (of course, these ‘broken’ freeloading cells are now parasitic, and are suspected to be at least part of the causes of many chronic and terminal diseases).  But concentrating our focus strictly to aging, the key then is to enhance the immune sys­tem so it can find and destroy these freeload­ing cells.  Enzymes, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help improve the immune system and eliminate cells which are no longer needed by, and have become a burden to, our body.



Research is on-going, however enzymes have been shown to benefit some people with everything from migraine headaches, insomnia and allergies to diabetes, heart disease and leukemia.  Enzymes aid in the digestion of food and distribution of nutrients through the body.  This process allows the endocrine system to function properly result­ing in hormonal balance.  When the body is functioning properly and efficiently the im­mune system is better prepared to fight any disease and maintain the balance. Remember, there is a reason why enzyme abundance is the cornerstone of a holistic approach to medicine:  They are literally the chemicals of life.  There is no illness which cannot be described in terms of an enzyme imbalance.


"Every disorder basically involves disturbed enzyme function with increased enzyme requirements, and it would be ideal to be able to replace it" 8




Enhance Blood

Is it possible that an enzyme can clean up or purify the blood?  When you look at it from the simplest perspective it makes sense.  It is a known fact that fungal forms, parasites, and bacteria are made up of protein.  Also, take into consideration that the shell that protects a virus in our bodies is in fact a protein coating and you can understand this possibility.  The enzyme protease breaks down proteins and since the invaders of our blood system are protein, would it not make sense that ingesting protease on an empty stomach would do the job by breaking down the protein invaders?  An empty stomach is suggested since the protease would not have to be held in the digestive system to digest food protein.

Enzymes deliver nutrients, carry away toxic wastes, digest food, purify the blood, deliver hor­mones by feeding and fortifying the en­docrine system, balance cholesterol and triglyceride levels, feed the brain and cause no harm to the body.  All of these factors contribute to the strengthening of the im­mune system.  Some new formulations of proteases available today have very high concentration of pure protease and are quite capable of purifying blood and strengthening the immune system, but others make grand claims and deliver very little.   As far as which manufacturers’ products are the most effective for your situation, depending on the manufacturing process used by the supplier, protease can be very potent or very weak.  Please see the author before  purchasing ANY manufacturer’s product.


Break Down Fats

It is a proven fact the enzyme lipase breaks down (digests) fat.  When added to your meal as a supplement it is able to do this job in the digestive tract.  This takes stress off the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas.  When taken between meals, it can literally digest fat in your blood to lower your triglyceride and cholesterol levels.  Surplus lipase (remember enzymes are catalysts – under the right conditions, they can cause or facilitate the same reaction over and over again without being consumed) will be stored in your liver and gall bladder and called upon as needed.  Again, depending on the process used by the supplier, lipase can be very potent or very weak.  Please see the author before  purchasing ANY manufacturer’s product.

Lower Cholesterol

Lipase can aid in lowering cholesterol.  Chromium assists in balancing insulin levels, and as such, usually makes a good co-supplement.


Enhance Mental Capacity

Your body uses glucose called from the liver to feed and fortify the hypothalamus.  This long lasting glucose is made from the protein stored in the liver.  All plant enzymes are amino acids which come from protein foods.  Your red blood cells do the work of carrying oxy­gen to your brain.  Nutrients have to be delivered throughout your body by means of the enzyme delivery system.  When this is not accomplished, you become fatigued and are less able to think clearly.  Remember, the hypothalamus directs our endocrine system and is responsible for water balance, body temperature, appetite, and even emotions.  The proper enzyme formulations will support the hypothalamus functions, naturally enhancing the metabolic pathways which increase mental capacity.


Cleanse The Colon

Undigested foods that are stored in the colon began with a digestive problem.  In the colon, undigested protein will putrefy; starch, sug­ars and carbohydrates will ferment; and fats will turn rancid.  We should experience at least two bowel movements per day (if we eat more than one meal) to rid our body of these toxins.  If we do not, then we should begin a purification regimen of eating proteolytic enzymes ON AN EMPTY STOMACH to break down and remove the undigested food coating our intestines’ inner lining, and hence restore their Ability to absorb nutrients and transfer them through the intestinal walls into our blood!


Enhance Sleep

Nutrients that are unable to get past the brain's barrier create insomnia and depression.  The undernourished endocrine sys­tem may create a malfunction in our hormonal system which can upset our nervous system and sleep patterns.  Herb combinations (delivered by en­zymes) can enhance sleep.  However, if we are able to correctly digest our food and deliver the nutrients to keep the endocrine and nervous system in sync, we can rebuild endocrine and adrenal systems, our lifestyle and energy pattern.


Shed Excess Weight

Many overweight people have metabolism imbalance or will soon create one.  The en­docrine system is our metabolism.  Once we are able to fortify the endocrine system, get the bowels working regularly, and digest our food rather than turning it into fat, we have a successful combination for los­ing weight.  Rather than creating common "weight loss" which is often nothing more than water loss, we will instead burn fat and properly digest our food.  This process is not instanta­neous, because we have to lose fat instead of weight.  A person has to lose a great deal of fat to equal one pound of weight.  It takes longer, but it is more healthy and lasts indefinitely.  Best of all, it does no harm to your endocrine system, unlike most diet supplements.


Improve Aging Skin

An adequate supply of enzymes are abso­lutely essential for keeping your skin young ­looking and healthy.  According to re­searchers Amber Ackerson and Anthony Ci­choke in Portland, Oregon, enzymes fight the aging process by increasing blood supply to the skin, bringing with it life-giving nutri­ents and carrying away waste products that can make your skin look dull and wrinkled (see section on skin problems).  Circulation slows down as we get older.  Taking a complete enzyme supplement be­comes more important with age.


Bacteria Balance In The Colon and Small Intestine

Friendly flora such as L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium are important to the intesti­nal tract for maintaining proper pH and also for controlling the population of potential pathogenic organisms like Clostridium and Candida.  Plant flora has now been proven to be the most effective in the pathogen control role of beneficial bacteria.  A lesser-known role of the beneficial bacteria is the actual synthesis of highly favorable "natural" chemi­cals in the colon through the fermentation process.  These fermentative products in­clude such molecular species as "natural antibiotics" and very importantly, digestive enzymes.  These enzymes can play an ex­tremely important role in the digestion of otherwise incompletely digested food sub­stances, especially proteins.  The beneficial bacteria are an important ingredient for the "natural" detoxification of the body.  The or­ganism L. Plantarum is believed to be espe­cially productive of proteolytic enzymes and capable of clearing protein wastes from the system.


Proper pH Balance In The Urine

After extensive research, it has been proven that a balance of the plant enzymes, (lipase, protease and amylase) taken by individuals with meals, produce a proper urine pH bal­ance of 6.2 to 6.7 pH in a 24 hour urinalysis.  Research on the effectiveness of enzyme supplementation on all of these conditions is ongoing at numerous institutions including Baylor University, Dr. Mohamane Mamadou with Biotechs Application International Cen­ter, Inc., and in conjunction with National Enzyme Corporation


“All viruses are alike in that they have protein coats containing nucleic acid..  Enzymes fight viruses by breaking up this protein coat" 12



There are a number of enzyme supplement products on the market today.  Only by ana­lyzing the contents labeling to compare prod­ucts can you be sure you are getting the best product available.

"Commercial enzymes" are one product you may come across.  Commercial enzymes are of a lesser grade and purity than pharmaceu­tical enzymes.  They are less expensive to produce.  They are also much less potent.  The author recommends only pharmaceutical grade enzymes.

Another thing to watch for on the label is fillers.  Fillers can be many things including leftover fibers or cellulose.  Strive to have no fillers in any enzyme formula­tions you take.  Looking at the label of a product you will find measurement units you may not be familiar with.  These are from the Food Chemical Codex (FCC).  The FCC is published by the National Academy Press and is the accepted standard of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  The system for determining enzyme potency used by the American food industry is derived from the FCC.  This is the ONLY National Standard for evaluation of fungal (plant) enzymes.  This system establishes activity levels and potency for enzymes.  With most foods we are used to comparisons based on weight.  With enzymes we are interested in the potency (called ‘activity’) of the product.  There is no direct relationship be­tween weight and units of activity.

These FCC units unit measurements are expressed as follows:

Protease-HUT (Hemoglobin Unit Tyrosine base)

Amylase-DU (Alpha-amylase Dextrinizing Units)

Lipase - FCCLU (Lipase unit)

Cellulase - CU (Cellulase unit)

Invertase - IAU (Invertase Activity unit)

Lactase - LacU (Lactase unit)

Maltase - DP (Degrees Diastatic power)

When comparing enzyme products make sure measurements are listed using FCC standard codes.  Some manufacturers make up their own abbreviations.  Others use weights such as milligrams (mg).  Still others will list measurements based on dosage which may be more than one capsule.  Be­cause of the variety of labeling formats used it is important to read carefully and make sure you are not comparing apples to or­anges.   Somacare has devoted the last few years to identifying the best products out there.  Feel free to ask questions by contacting us anytime.




Have you ever asked yourself, 'How is it possible that I am sick even though l eat organic foods and am very careful with my diet?’  The answer most likely revolves around an ENZYME DEFICIENCY.  An en­zyme deficiency can manifest itself as a variety of conditions.  Presented here is a brief look at causes and symptoms.


Protease Deficiency:

Protease digests protein.  Acidity is created through the digestion of protein.  Therefore a protease deficiency results in an alkaline excess in the blood.  This alkaline environ­ment can cause anxiety and insomnia.  In addition, since protein is required to carry protein-bound calcium in the blood, a protease deficiency lays the foundation for arthritis, osteoporosis and other calcium defi­cient diseases.

Because protein is converted to glucose upon demand, inadequate protein digestion leads to hypoglycemia, resulting in moodi­ness, mood swings and irritability.

Protease also has an ability to digest un­wanted debris in the blood including certain bacteria and viruses.  Therefore, protease deficient people are immune compromised, making them susceptible to bacterial, viral and yeast infections and a general decrease in immunity.


Amylase Deficiency:

Amylase digests carbohydrates along with dead white blood cells (pus).  When you are low in amylase you are a candidate for ab­scesses (inflamed areas with pus but not bacteria).  Amylase is also involved in anti-inflammatory reactions such as those caused by the release of histamine and similar sub­stances.  An Amylase deficiency can result in skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, hives, allergic reactions to bee and bug stings, atopic dermatitis, and all types of herpes.  Asthma and emphysema may also be exacerbated by an amylase deficiency.


Lipase Deficiency:

Since lipase digests fat, digests fat-soluble vitamins, and balances fatty acids, lipase deficient people can be expected to have a tendency towards high cholesterol, high triglycerides, difficulty losing weight and dia­betes.  The future outcome of these tenden­cies is heart disease, which kills one out of two Americans.  Lipase deficient people also have decreased cell permeability, meaning nutrients cannot get in and the waste cannot get out.  There are few problems as potentially debilitating as decreased cell permeability, and most Americans have some degree of this syndrome, which can be eliminated with the correct regimen of lipase supplementation.  The condition of vertigo or labrynthis, also called Meniere's Disease (dizziness ag­gravated by movement such as walking or driving), can also result from lipase defi­ciency.


Cellulase Deficiency:

Cellulase breaks down the fiber in our diet.  Because our body does not produce cellu­lose, this food enzyme is essential.  We must eat it on a daily basis.  Remember ONLY RAW FOODS (or enzyme supplements) contain cellulose.  Of all the enzymes,  this deficiency carries with it the most categories of problems.

The symptoms of cellulase deficiency are too many to list, but can be collectively described as malabsorption syn­drome (impaired absorption of nutrients, vita­mins, or minerals from the diet by the lining of the small intestine).  Malabsorption has many symptoms including lower abdominal gas, pain, bloating and problems associated with the jejunum and pancreas.  The consumption of fiber enriched nutritional drinks, which are full of cellulose, can exacerbate these prob­lems.


Sucrase, Lactase & Maltase Deficiency:

People who have malabsorption syndrome and cellulose deficiency also have a ten­dency towards sugar (sucrose, lactose, & maltose) and/or gluten intolerance.  Sucrose, lactose and maltose are three common sug­ars which some people cannot tolerate.  They are broken down and absorbed into the system by three enzymes; sucrase, lactase and maltase.

Sucrase intolerant people cannot split the sucrose disaccharide into twin partners, two units of glucose.  Glucose is a primary brain food so expect mental and emotional prob­lems in people who cannot get glucose into the brain.  Symptoms include depression, moodiness,  panic  attacks,  manic  and schizophrenic behavior and severe mood swings.

Lactase intolerant people also have classic symptoms which include abdominal cramps and diarrhea.  Other allergic symptoms, in­cluding asthma, have been witnessed from the ingestion of lactose-containing products.

Maltase intolerant people are generally sensitive to environmental conditions (highly allergic).  An intolerance to sucrose, lactose or maltose may be worsened by a deficiency in sucrase, lactase or maltase.


 Gluten grains include wheat, oats, rye and barley.  Not everyone has to avoid all four grains; however, sometimes it is a must.  Gluten intolerance is associated with Celiac Disease and Malabsorption Syndrome.  It is also associated with Crohn's Disease.  The insidious thing about gluten intolerance is that it creates a sugar intolerance because when gluten intolerant people eat gluten con­taining foods, the brush border cells of the jejunum are injured and thus unable to se­crete the disaccharidases (sucrase, lactase and maltase) leading to sugar intolerance.  So gluten intolerance can lead to sugar intolerances of different sorts.  The problems discussed here are just the tip of the iceberg.  More discoveries continue to emerge as research with food enzymes continues.



If enzymes truly are catalysts which participate in virtually every bodily process, and if a short­age can cause a variety of illnesses, then why are they not widely used as a treatment?  It is certainly true that they are not widely used here in the Americas where the influence of the pharmaceutical companies and the AMA pervades the culture, but what about other countries?  In Europe enzyme therapy is rou­tinely used to treat a variety of illnesses, and has been for many years now.

As just one of thousands of examples, In Salzburg, Austria, Dr. Neuhofer treats her multiple sclerosis patients with a powerful en­zyme mixture which she has developed.  In 1986 she published a statistical analysis of the results of her enzyme treatment on over 100 patients.  85% of the patients in the study group showed improvement and 54% of the patients showed substantial improvement.  Dr. Klein, the head professor at the Rehabilitation Center for Rheumatic Disorders and Cardio­vascular Disease in Saalfelden, Austria pub­lished a study demonstrating the effect of anti-inflammatory enzyme mixtures in the treatment of arthritis.  This and other studies report that enzymes can be used to alleviate the symp­toms of rheumatologic disorders such as loss of grip strength, the ability to bend the joints, joint swelling, pain, and morning stiffness.

Two physicians at the Sports Medicine Investi­gation Center in Grunwald, Germany con­ducted a study of the effect of an anti inflam­matory enzyme mixture on the treatment of a hematoma which is the medical term for a bruise.  The treatment was evaluated as good for 76% of the enzyme treated subjects and by only 14% of the placebo treated subjects.

Dr. Zuschiag conducted a study of karate fight­ers using enzymes as a precaution before fighting.  This was a double blind study where neither the fighters nor Dr. Zuschlag knew who were taking the enzymes and who were taking a placebo.  At the end of the testing period the results were studied statistically.  In general the enzyme group recovered from injuries in 7 days while the placebo group recovered in 16 days.

According  to  some  European  Sports Medicine reports, there is scarcely a top athlete in Germany who is not familiar with enzyme therapy. Additionally, the top Aus­trian athletes, runners, wrestlers, boxers, handball players, and skiers are provided with enzyme capsules as a precaution to aid in rapid recovery after an injury.   As you become familiar and comfortable working with enzymes they will serve you with  effectiveness, flexibility, and fast results as no other supplementation program can.   The one thing we must all be able to do is digest, assimilate, utilize, eliminate and create healthy cells to live. The body requires enzymes to do all this work.   With a normal (healthy but many cooked foods) diet, our bodies use approximately 80% of the energy which was in our last meal just to digest food we eat for this meal!  So when we supplement with enzymes, the potential for improvement is awesome.

The best enzyme fortifier formulations are concen­trated from specially cultivated plant sources and are carefully pre­pared to assure maximum quality and nutri­tional effectiveness.  Somacare has devoted the last few years to identifying the best products out there.  Feel free to ask questions by contacting us.





Amylase Deficiency

Breaking out of the skin - rash



Mood swings



Hot flashes


Cold hands and feet

Neck and shoulder aches



Protease Deficiency

Back weakness

Fungal forms


High Blood Pressure


Hearing problems


Gum disorders



Lipase Deficiency

Aching feet


Bladder problems



Gall bladder stress


Hay fever

Prostate problems


Urinary weakness



Heart problems


Combination Deficiency

Chronic allergies

Common colds


Irritable Bowel

Chronic fatigue

Sinus infection

Immune depressed conditions


Enzyme Fortifiers are concen­trated from specially cultivated plant sources.  The best formulas are carefully pre­pared to assure maximum quality and nutri­tional effectiveness.  The fortifiers are also designed to be used under direction of healthcare practitioners in enzyme therapy.  The references to usage shown above is for health professional information only, as Somacare makes no claims to heal disease.






Quote References:

1,2,5,8,11  D.A. Lopez M.D.; R.M. Williams, M.D. Ph.D.; M.Miehlke,M.D. Enzymes the Foun­tain of Life

3,4             Dr. Edward Howell  Food enzymes for Health and Longevity

6,7,10        First : Nov. 2, 1998 32-35

11,12         Anthony J Chichoke,D.C.



Additional References:

Abderhalden. Fermentforschung. 15:93-120-1936

Alexander, et. al. J Clin Invest. 15:163-67, 1944.

Bartos and Groh. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 37:613-615

Bienenstock,  J Nutrition Reviews 42:105-8, 1984.

Borgstrom, G. Principles of Food Science. Macmillan Co. 1968.

Brown, Pearce, & Van Allen. J Exp. Med. 42:163-78, 1925.

Burge & Neill. Amen. J Physiol 63:545-47, 1923.

Couey, Dick. Nutrition for God's Temple  Mellon Press, 1993.

Dixon, M. & Webb, E. Enzymes. Acadenuc Oressm 1979.

Fiessinger et al. Enzymologia 1:45 – 50 1936

Fisher, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 29:400 – 494 1932

DicQie Fuller. Ph.D, D.Sc. Enzymes: The Life Force Within Us

Leonid G. Ber, Energy Times Sep.,1998, 29-52

PDAJ Pharm Sci. Technol 1994 Sept-Oct 48 (5):231-5

The Synergistic Effects of enzymes in Food with Enzymes in the Human Body 355

Enzyme Nutrition  Dr. Edward Howell

Fuller. DicQie. Health Practitioner Manual 1991

Gardner. M. Annual Review of Nutrition 8:329-50.1983.

Graham, D. J. Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutri­tion 3:120-6, 1984.

Grossman, M., Greengard, H., Ivy, A.  Amer. J Physi­ology 141:38 – 41, 1944

Harrison, Denton, and Lawrence Brit. Med. J . 1:317-19, 1923.

Heinbecker, P .J. Biological Chemistry  93:327-36,1931.

Howell, E. The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism. Avery Publication, 1946.

Howell, Edward. Food Enzymes for Health & Longevitv Lotus Press, 1994.

Howell, E. Enzyme Nutrition. Avery Publishing Co. 1985

Ivy. A., Schmidt, C., Beazell. J.  J of Nutrition  12:59-83, 1936.

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