Mindy at the Bar

Author: McSkyy

Keywords: .

Summary: Mindy tries to "accidentally" expose herself in a bar, but gets more exposure than she bargained for 

Mindy at the Bar

As Mindy stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom, fixing her hair to go out, she began to think about what she was about to do. Her hands started to tremble a bit as she put her hair clip in. She stared at her bare breasts for a moment, seeing what several people would be seeing in just a little while. At the moment, she had on a pair of small, black, silk, string bikini style panties, which tie at the sides, and black stack-heel pumps. She finished her hair and make-up and put on the dress. She had worked on loosening the seams in this dress all day, and she was convinced that her plan would work.

The dress was a strapless, black, mid-thigh length number that zipped up the back. She put it on carefully, as in it's current state, it was now a tear-away dress!

She walked down the hallway and grabbed her car keys off of the hall shelf. She looked at herself in the hall mirror and took a deep breath.

"This is going to be soooo nice!" she said. She had practiced acting surprised all day. Her earlier attempts at "planned accidental public nudity" had all gotten out of her control. But this time, she had planned every detail. She went out to her car, and headed for the bar.

She went over the plan in her head. The bar was a small dance club, about 5 miles from her place, downtown. There was a free parking lot next to it that she scoped out earlier in the week. If she got there before 10 PM, she could easily get a spot.

The crowd was young, and the dress code was black outfits only - no sneakers or jeans. The dance floor was next to the bar and there was a side entrance across the dance floor next to the DJ booth. The bar had a plank that opened upwards to let waitresses in and out. It was heavy, and was usually closed. The plan was simple. She would hang out by the bar for a while, acting casual. At the right moment, a waitress would come out from behind the bar. Mindy would be standing right there. When the plank was lifted, Mindy would quickly slide over, so that when it closed, it came down on a loose section on the back of her dress. Then, when she walked away, the loosened seems would tear open, and the dress would drop off in two pieces, leaving her standing in the middle of a crowded bar in panties, shoes and make-up. The rest was easy. She would fake being shocked, and let everyone get a good look before covering up and going out through the side exit to the car. Simple!

She smiled confidently. It had started to snow a bit as she drove (It was exactly 32 degrees out, and the misty rain had turned to snow.) Mindy, for obvious reasons, did not bring a coat. As she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed a spot next to the wall of the building next to the bar. It was a close fit for her Lumina, but it was the closest spot to the bar.

"If I'm gonna being running around out here in only panties, I should probably get a close spot." she said to herself as she pulled into it. The passenger side doors were only two inches from the wall, but she had just enough space between her and the next car to open her door and get out. She did, and walked quickly to the bar after locking up her car.

She entered through the front door. A bouncer took $5 from her to get in. She had brought $10, exactly enough for admission and 1 white wine spritzer. The place was just starting to fill up. It was about 10 PM now. Mindy made her way to the back bar near the dance floor. She surveyed her path to the door. There were only about 10 people dancing at the moment. She turned towards the bartender.

"Hi. Could I get a white wine spritzer?" Mindy asked.

"Sure." said the very busty blond in the very tight mini-dress working behind the bar. The bartender recognized Mindy from earlier in the week when Mindy was scouting the bar for tonight's events. All the bartender knew though, was that Mindy had yet to tip her.

She made the drink, and handed it to Mindy.

"Five dollars." The bartender, named Kristi, said. Mindy smiled and handed the girl the 5 dollar bill she received as change from the bouncer. The bartender gave a sarcastic smile back, and put the money in the register. "Cheap bitch." she thought.

Mindy drank her drink, and watched the crowd, declining 2 separate offers from two separate guys to dance. After about 15 minutes, the dance floor was at about 60 dancers, and the bar was two people deep all around. Mindy noticed a waitress preparing a tray of drinks behind the bar. She now stood just inches from the opening. The waitress finished loading her tray, and opened the plank to leave. Mindy slid over a few inches, her back to the bar. As the waitress walked by, her right breast brushed against Mindy's left breast. The waitress stopped a moment.

"Oh, sorry!" she said and smiled. She reached back and slammed the plank shut. Mindy felt it pull down on her dress a little, and could actually feel a few of the remaining threads pop.

"Oh, believe me, that's ok!" Mindy said. The waitress smiled again, and walked away into the crowd. Mindy took a deep breath.

"OK. Once again, the moment of truth!" she said aloud. She gave one last look around. Just at that moment, the timing really could not have been better, a guy came up and asked Mindy to dance.

"Sure!" she said, and stepped away from the bar.

"Pop! Pop Pop pop! RRRIPPP!" the dress tore perfectly in half and remained pinned under the weight of the plank.

"OMIGOSH!!!" Mindy screamed. She put her hands in her hair and struck a knock-kneed, embarrassed, but very exposed pose. Several bar patrons and dancers noticed right away, as did the bartender, who, upon seeing the dress caught in the plank, quickly reached over and locked the bolt that keeps the plank from being lifted from the outside.

Mindy held the pose for a few seconds, then screamed "I'M NAKED!!" the guy who asked her to dance, after gawking for a moment at Mindy's perfect 38 inch breasts, did the gallant thing, and went to retrieve Mindy's dress from the bar. But one quick pull, and the dress was still stuck. He tried the plank, but it was locked. So he gave a good yank, just as Mindy said "No, wait..." and the dress ripped apart into several small pieces.

"Oh shit!" he muttered, then disappeared into the crowd. Mindy turned back to the bartender.

"Quick, do you have a towel or something?!" she asked, at this point, not really faking her shock and embarrassment. Kristi just smiled and tossed Mindy a drink napkin. Mindy gasped.

"Well!" she said, and stomped her foot as she turned back around.

"Ok, only one thing to do!" she thought. She draped her arm over her breasts and pushed through the crowd with her free hand as she made her way to the side door. It took a little while, and she endured a little groping, but she got there. She leaned against the door and it opened. She stepped out into the parking lot and the door slammed behind her. She walked over to her car, past a few stunned onlookers. She stopped and gasped as she saw that her car was now totally blocked in! Not only that, but the car she had originally parked next to was gone, and a big rusty old van was now next to her car, with only 3 inches to spare! She would never be able to any of the doors open now!

The cold caused her nipples to become erect under her hands.

"Oh no! Oh No!" she repeated. She looked around for an option. Only an all-night coffee shop across the street had lights on.

"I have no choice!" she said, as she started to shiver from the cold a little. She walked to the sidewalk and then onto the crosswalk. She had the light, but only for a second as a long line of cars and a bus approached from the south. She went to run for it, but as she did, she felt the tie on the left side of her panties give. Someone at the club had pulled it loose as she walked across the dance floor. She had only a second to react. The panties started to slip. She stopped running and went to grab her panties, but missed. They dropped to her ankles as her light changed, and the oncoming traffic began to pass her by. She actually needed an extra step to stop running as the panties fell, so she wound up stepping right out of her them.

"Oh my Gosh!" she gasped again, and quickly dropped her free hand between her legs, modestly. Cars honked and slowed as they passed. Luckily the bus was mostly empty. After the traffic passed, Mindy bent over and retrieved her now soaked panties from the street. She quickly stepped into them, and held the one side back up, then ran across to the coffee shop, this time forgetting to cover her bare breasts. She ran into the shop, which had only 2 female patrons, and 2 female workers.

"Oh my..." said one girl upon seeing Mindy.

"Does anyone own that van?" she asked, pointing over her shoulder to the van blocking access to her car.

"I do..." said the girl, standing up. She looked to be about 25, and was really cute, Mindy thought in the back of her mind. "Am I blocking you in?"

"Yes!" Mindy said. "Could you come out and move it please?!"

"Sure, sure!" she said, and hurried over to Mindy. Mindy went back through the door again and out onto the sidewalk.

They crossed the street quickly.

"That's quite an outfit you have on.." the girl said.

"My dress got torn off in the bar..." Mindy said, pointing to the club.

The girl laughed a little. "Oh Wow! How embarrassing!" They reached the other side of the street and the girl got in her van. She started her engine. Just then, Mindy noticed a large group of bar patrons leaving. (Apparently, the bouncers had blamed the guy who asked Mindy to dance for tearing off her dress, and a big fight ensued. The bar was now being cleared.)

"Oh, hurry!" Mindy said. The girl backed out. Mindy stood a bit too close to the van, though, and a piece of rusty metal snagged her panties and tore them off easily. Mindy screamed. The van pulled away, and 200 people were again treated to the sight of a very naked, and now drenched Mindy! She ran the few feet to her car and fumbled with the keys for a few seconds, as she could practically feel all those eyes on her bare fanny! She hopped in the car and sped off.

After she stopped shivering, she promised herself, "Next time, I will be much more careful!"


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