Mindy at Underwear Beach

Author: McSkyy

Keywords: .

Summary: Mindy decides to stroll on the beach in her underwear, rather than a swimsuit, with the obvious consequences

Mindy at Underwear Beach, Part 1

It was a warm Wednesday afternoon. Mindy was off work this week, and longed for something to do. She called Jackie, but she wasn't home, so she left a message.

"Hey Jackie, it's Min. I'm soooo bored. Where are you? I think I may head to the beach today. Call me if you get in!"

She sat around a little while longer, then decided to surf the net a little. She set out to find some female exhibitionism stories to get some ideas for new ways to "accidentally" exhibit her self in public. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon a story called "Bra at the Beach". It was about a girl named Keiko who went to the beach, and changed into a skimpy bra and panties, and hung out at the beach after discarding her other clothes. Mindy smiled as she finished the story.

"I could do that!" she exclaimed.

She sat back and took a mental inventory of her underwear drawer. At first, she thought about wearing a matched set of underwear, to look more like a bikini. But then she thought how much more daring it would be to wear a mis-matched set! No one could mistake that for a bikini! She jumped up and ran to her room. She pulled open a few drawers until she found the perfect combination. She quickly stripped off her clothes, and put them on.

She selected a very sheer and lacy white bra and a sheer pair of black string bikini panties. The very thin, delicate shoulder straps of the bra dug into the soft skin of her shoulders a bit, as it was quite tight on her ample upper torso. The micro thin material of the demi cups strained to cover the lower half of each of Mindy's un-tanned breasts. Each cup was made of a sheer white lycra, and had a lacy floral patter over-stitched. Each nipple was quite visible underneath. In addition, just a hint of each nipple peeked over the cups. Mindy noticed, though, that as she moved about, her breasts bounced a bit, and more of each nipple was exposed above the bra. As a test, she walked at a normal pace across the room and back, and noticed that the left nipple was now almost completely exposed!

"Oh my!" she said, and smiled. The panties left little to the imagination. Black in color, they tied at the sides with ultra thin, satin ties. The front was lined, but the back was Brazilian cut, and totally sheer. Even in the semi darkness of the room, Mindy could easily see the cleavage between her shapely, full, round buttocks through her panties in the mirror reflection. On a sunny beach, nothing would be left to the imagination.

Mindy retied the panties with a bow on each side. The problem with satin was that the knots tended to slip rather easily. She would have to monitor them frequently.

She put on a long, knee length T-shirt as a cover-up, slipped into a pair of sandals. She put her hair up in a ponytail and grabbed her car keys. She looked at herself in the full length mirror near her door.

"If those big-boobed bimbos on TV wrestling can run through a crowded arena in their underwear, I can certainly go to the beach in mine!" She said. She ran downstairs and out into her lot. The sun was out, and it had to be 90 degrees.

Her plan was a simple one. She would drive to the beach, and park in the lot. She would hide her keys under the back bumper of her car. Then she would walk the half mile to the beach entrance. She would walk down the beach to the pier, walk down the pier and take off her shirt, and innocently drop it into the surf 20 feet below. Then she would walk back down the pier, and stroll the beach for a while in her sexy underwear!

She started to breathe harder in anticipation, and drove at breakneck speeds to the beach. As she pulled into the lot, she noticed that she was really low on gas, but she was too excited to worry about that now. She parked, and stashed her keys. The lot was full, meaning the beach would be too!

She got out of the car and walked to the sidewalk, then down to the intersection. Waiting for traffic, she realized that the next time she crossed this 4 lane busy road, it would be in only the briefest of undies! She smiled at the thought. The light turned green, and she crossed with a group of beach-goers. She walked quickly to the pier. There were several men fishing. The pier stretched about 250 feet into the water. Mindy walked quickly to the end.

"OK, this is it." she said. she gave a quick look around. No one was watching her at the moment, and the nearest person was about 50 feet away. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt with both hands, and was about to take it off, when she thought,

"My boobs have been bouncing all over since I left, I wonder how much is showing?" She hesitated a second, but was soon caught up in the moment. She decided then, in a hot rush of excitement and nervousness combined, to pull the shirt off and drop it, then walk to the beach WITHOUT checking her boobs. Whatever their state of exposure, that was how she would walk to the beach.

"God this is going to be great!" she said aloud. She pulled the shirt up and off in one quick motion, and flung it over the edge. She watched it sail down to the water. Just then a warm wind blew across her, reminding her just how little she now wore! Her fanny felt absolutely BARE! A nervous wave swept through her belly as she turned and looked down the pier to the beach, leaning back against the wooden railing. There were at least 20 guys fishing. She would have to walk past them all!

She took a deep breath, then stepped away from the rail. For just the briefest of moments, she felt a little tug on her panties, then nothing. She didn't think much of it for the first few seconds, until another wind blew gently by. Again, she couldn't get over just how sheer these panties were! Her fanny hadn't felt this bare since she lost her panties on the street outside the lingerie shop that day! She smiled a little at the memory as she walked. After about 40 feet, people began to notice her, and she drew a lot of attention! Guys whistled and stared, and made a few comments.

"Wow, nice outfit honey!"

"Thanks" she said, blushing, and quickening her pace.

"Hey, sweet cheeks!" said another.

Mindy started to walk very quickly, as she realized just how vulnerable she was with all these guys around. The whistles and catcalls continued until she was about 50 feet from the beach. Mindy was race walking at this point. One of her hands brushed against her hip. Where she expected to feel the soft satin ties, she felt only warm bare skin. Mindy stopped and looked down. Not only had her bra slipped, and both nipples totally exposed, but her panties were gone!

"Ohmygosh!!" she cried, and turned to look back up the pier. She could just see them, through the crowd of gawking fishermen, hanging from the railing where they had caught on a wood splinter and pulled off of her ever so easily!

Mindy had to make a snap decision. It was either back down the pier, covering what she could with her hands, and retrieving her panties, or down to the beach and back to the car in a her bra only. Even though the panties hid very little, she decided she had to try!

"If I just put my head down and make a run for it, it won't be so bad..." she convinced her self quickly. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears, and she was extremely short of breath at this point. Her whole body felt warm and tingly! She dropped one hand over her very nicely trimmed bush, and the other over her left buttock, and started to run back up the pier.

The men cheered, but let her by as she passed. Mindy stared at the wood planks as she ran, ignoring the all comments and the occasional pat on her fanny. She also ignored the fact that each breast was now almost totally exposed, as each had bounced out of it's cup!

It took about 20 seconds to get to the railing ( a long 20 seconds!). She grabbed her panties and pulled them. They came free, but only after a bit of tearing. She quickly put them back on, her trembling hands barely able to get the sides tied. Then she fixed her bra to cover her breasts again, and ran towards the beach. After about 100 feet, she could feel the ties starting to come undone, so she held them with her hands as she ran.

Some 50 feet ahead, an old, nearly deaf man was preparing to cast. He hadn't noticed all the commotion over the last few minutes, and was oblivious to the scantily clad beauty about to run behind him. He flung his pole over his shoulder and took a deep breath as her set himself to cast his line.

Mindy felt the hook land on her chest between her breasts, but was too busy trying to get out of there to look down and see what it was. With another step, the hook fell off her breast, but caught the thin strap of lycra-spandex between the cups of her scanty bra.

The old man brought his hands down with all his might. The line pulled a bit, but then released and sailed far into the water. He blinked twice, thinking he saw something white at the end of it, just as the 4 heavy sinkers splashed into the sea, carrying Mindy's bra down with them.

Mindy gasped loudly as her bra was pulled off her chest. It was literally gone in a flash!

"Oh my!" she yelped. She looked around quickly, but there was no sign of it. "Oh No!" She stopped running and looked over her shoulder, but only saw several cheering fishermen. She looked down, then glanced ahead of her, but saw nothing looking like her bra.

"Oh Gawd! I'll have to go topless!" she said. She draped one arm across her bare breasts and started to walk quickly towards the beach. Her bare breasts bounced and jiggled as she walked. She tried in vain to keep them both covered with only one arm.

After a few more steps, she reached the end of the pier. She stepped onto the beach. It was still a long way to the car, so she stopped and looked around. Several people were watching her, but no one was within 30 yards of her. She took a deep breath, and retied the sides of the panties, exposing her big, beautiful breasts in the process. Her hands trembled badly as she tied the knots, and even had to tie one 3 times before it held!

She convinced herself that they would hold. She put one hand on each breast and started to quickly walk back up the beach towards the entrance. She drew a lot of attention from several onlookers as she made her way through the sand. She walked to the beach entrance (where the beach meets the sidewalk), and then started to quickly walk the half mile down the sidewalk to her car in the lot. It took about 5 minutes at the quick pace she walked, and she must have passed over 100 people, either walking or in cars, but once she got to the parking lot, she felt better. She breathed a sigh of relief as she spotted her car and headed towards it.

It was about 50 feet away when the strap to one of her sandals came loose and Mindy tripped. She staggered to keep her balance, uncovering her breasts as she did so, and fell back against the hood of a big Cadillac. Something poked her right buttock as she fell back.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, realizing that she had fallen against the hood ornament. Her panties snagged on the ornament where they had torn earlier, and the satin ties came undone. As Mindy straightened up, the panties fell off her and hung from the big metal hood decoration. Just then Mindy noticed a group heading her way. She gave a quick tug on the panties, but they were snagged tight.

"Oh well, my car is just a little farther…" she said, and took off running towards it before anyone saw her, leaving her panties behind. She quickly retrieved the key and got in her car.

"Whew!" she said. "That was a close one!" She watched the group pass by about 20 feet from her. No one saw her. "Now all I have to do is drive home naked, and streak through my building!" she said with a smile. She felt much better as her nervousness subsided. She started the car and pulled out of the lot. She pulled onto Beachfront Drive, a busy 4 lane road that ran the length of the beach. She headed for the expressway. She gave a quick look around the car for something to wear. All she had in there were floor mats and some cassette tapes. She had recently had the car interior detailed, and had to empty most of her stuff out of it.

"Oh well, it's not like I need to get out until I get home, or anything. A naked drive will be fun!" she said aloud, just as the car started to sputter and shake.

"What the…" Mindy noticed that the steering wheel became very tough to turn. The car stalled. Mindy glanced at the gas gauge, now below the E for EMPTY!

"Oh No!!!" she shrieked. The car started to slow down. Luckily, Mindy was in the right hand lane. She pulled the car over to the narrow shoulder, getting her only half out of traffic. She started to panic again.

Mindy at Underwear Beach, Part 2

Traffic behind her started to back up a bit. Only one car at a time could pass her now. She knew she had to act fast. If she stayed here too long, the police would soon be showing up! An indecent exposure charge is something she wanted to avoid! She knew there was a gas can in the trunk. However, she also knew it was empty! There was a 7-11 with gas pumps about 50 yards up the street. She could get out, open the trunk, run to 7-11, get a gallon of gas, run back, put the gas in, and drive off. Of course, with absolutely nothing to wear but sandals, she would be totally naked in public, in front of probably over 100 people, for a good 5 minutes. The alternative, sit and wait for the police.

Then she remembered something. She reached under her seat and felt around. Her hand brushed against something soft. She grabbed it and pulled out an old, torn up towel that she used to wipe the windshield off when it got foggy. It had used to be a small bath towel, but now was quite shredded and full of holes. She quickly wrapped the towel around her waist. It was just long enough to cover her fanny in back, but a lot of skin peeked through the holes and rips. She fastened it around her hips with a paper clip that she found in the glovebox.

"OK, I can cover my boobs with my arm. This is not so bad, I can do this!" she said, steeling herself for her walk to the 7-11. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She hopped out of the car and quickly, breasts bouncing with each step, ran around to the trunk of the car, much to the delight of several other drivers and onlookers. She fumbled with the keys, but finally got the trunk open. She grabbed the gas can and then closed the trunk. Ignoring the honking car horns and cat calls from other pedestrians nearby, she clutched the gas can to her bare breasts with both arms, and set off walking at a quick pace towards 7-11. With each few steps, she could hear little ripping noises. She knew the towel, already pulled tight across her ample yet very shapely backside, wouldn't hold too much longer. She prayed it would last for at least a few more minutes.

She continued up the sidewalk and walked into the 7-11 parking lot. There were 4 gas pumps. A car was at one, and a girl currently fueling her truck watched Mindy's every move. Mindy smiled nervously at the girl, who appeared to be in her 20's. She was really cute with short blond hair, and wearing a small tube top and small running shorts.

"She is way too big for her top…" Mindy thought, noticing that the girl's large breasts were bursting out of the top and bottom of her top. "But at least she HAS a top!" The girl smiled back at Mindy.

"Nice outfit." she said, as Mindy approached the pumps. Mindy smiled again.

"I lost my bikini at the beach…" Mindy said. "Then my car ran out of gas…"

"Wow. That's pretty bad luck." She said as Mindy reached the first pump, about 10 feet from the girl. Mindy blushed a bit as she put the can down and removed the nozzle, baring her breasts to the girl. She glanced down at Mindy's exposed chest and smiled.

"I especially like the top you have on…" she said to Mindy. "You look so, natural in it!" she giggled a little. Mindy blushed, but smiled. She squeezed the handle to pump gas into the can, covering her breasts again with her free arm.

"My name is Wendy." She said.

"I'm Mindy."

"It's nice to meet you, Mindy. I have a question for you… where are you holding the money to pay for that gas?"

"Well, actually, I don't have any money. I was just gonna make a run for it."

"I'm not sure that you noticed this, but you have to pay BEFORE you pump the gas. Nothing is coming out of the hose…" Wendy said, pointing to the sign on the pump that said to pay first. Mindy looked down at the can. Sure enough, nothing was coming out.

"Oh no!" she said. "What do I do now?!?"

"Well, I could help you…" Wendy said, walking towards Mindy. "Would you be up for a little challenge?"

"I'm like, nearly naked out here!" Mindy said. "If you can help me, I'm up for it" Mindy replaced the nozzle in the pump and covered her breasts with her hands.

"I'll give you a dollar for your gas, but you have to give me your towel first. And you have to go inside and pay for it." She stood right in front of Mindy. Mindy could smell the suntan lotion on Wendy's skin. She noticed that Wendy's nipples were erect under her tube top. Mindy could feel her own nipples getting hard as she was becoming a little aroused by all this. "Are you up for it?" Wendy said.

"Well, I guess I have no choice." Mindy said. Wendy grabbed the towel at Mindy's waist and gave a quick little yank. It tore off cleanly. Mindy gasped and dropped one hand over her bush as Wendy tossed the towel over her shoulder into the back of her pick-up truck.

"Ohmigosh!" Mindy exclaimed. Wendy giggled a little again, and handed Mindy a dollar. Mindy took it, uncovering her breasts as she did. Mindy turned to run towards the door of the 7-11. Wendy took the opportunity to lightly slap Mindy's bare right buttock.

"Oooooo!" Mindy said, and started towards the door, now as nervous as she has ever been. She pulled the door open and walked in, covering what she could. She quickly walked up to the counter. The older woman working frowned at her.

"One dollar on pump 3 please." Mindy asked meekly, dropping the dollar on the counter. The woman rang up the sale with a big sigh, then said.

"You had better put some clothes on! What's the matter with you?" Mindy just smiled nervously and ran back outside. She grabbed her can and filled it up, just as another car pulled into the lot. It was full of people. She was trembling as she replaced the gas cap. The car pulled up to the pump next to her. There was no where for Mindy to hide this time. Wendy just watched from her truck. When three guys got out of the car though, and started towards Mindy, Wendy spoke up.

"Mindy! Come here, quick!" Mindy grabbed the can and ran to the truck. She and Wendy got in and drove out of the lot.

"Thanks!" Mindy said, very grateful at this point. "I don't know what would have happened!"

"That's OK." She said. "Where is your car?"

Mindy glanced over at Wendy. She looked to be about 20, now that Mindy had a good look at her. She was really cute, and looked a lot, Mindy thought, like a young Josie Bisset from Melrose Place.

Wendy's tube top had slipped down quite a bit, and she now showed a great deal of cleavage and half of her right nipple. Wendy noticed Mindy looking at her breasts and smiled a little, then looked down and saw that her nipple was partially exposed. She reached down and adjusted her top a little. She pulled the top down a bit farther for a brief second, fully exposing the nipple, then covered it up.

"Sorry…" said Mindy. "I didn't mean to stare."

"Oh, please, you're the naked one! I've been staring at you for the last few minutes!" Wendy said. "Besides, people stare at my boobs all the time. It's just a very rare occasion that I get to stare back at someone else's, especially two as nice as yours." She said with a smile.

Mindy felt herself blush a little. "Thanks." She suddenly realized that she was attracted to Wendy. She also realized that she was quite visible through the windows of Wendy's truck, so she sat a little lower in the seat.

"So tell me, how did you lose your bikini?" Wendy asked. Mindy contemplated for a second telling her the truth, then decided that the truth would sound a little strange.

"Well, I had on a string bikini, and I was out swimming, and I guess I didn't tie it tight enough. I must have lost it in the waves."

"So you just walked back to your car naked?" Wendy asked, incredulously.

"Well, I found the towel I had on when you saw me, so I wore that."

Wendy smiled. "Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for wearing a string bikini in the water. I love to wear string bikinis too, but with my boobs as big as they are, I lose my bikini a lot too."

"You do?" Mindy asked, intrigued.

"Oh sure. If they don't pop out, they put so much strain on the knot that sometimes the top just flies right off! Just last week I was walking up the beach and BOING! The knot came undone and my top went flying off!"

"Oh no! What did you do?" Mindy asked.

"Actually, I screamed! That was a mistake, though, because then everyone around looked. So I grabbed my top and covered up with my hands, then ran behind some rocks to put it back on."

They reached Mindy's car. Wendy made a U-turn and pulled in behind it. "Well, here we are." Mindy peeked out the window. There was a lot of traffic going by, and Mindy didn't have a stitch on.

"Ummm, would you mind filling the tank for me?" Mindy asked Wendy. "I'm a little naked at the moment."

Wendy smiled. "Well, I could, but I would so much rather see you out there in your birthday suit!"

Mindy smirked at her, nervously.

"Just kidding!" she said, and got out and did it. She returned to the truck. "OK sweetie!" she said to Mindy.

"Thanks for your help." Mindy said. She took a deep breath, and prepared to streak to her car. She opened the door and stepped out. She covered what she could with her hands. Wendy leaned over and slapped Mindy's bare butt.

"Oooo!" Mindy shrilled.

"Bye Honey!" Wendy said. Mindy ran for her car. Several cars were driving by, and several people took notice of her.

"Oh well, only a few seconds of exposure!" Mindy said as she ran to her car. But her whole body went numb with embarrassment and shock as she realized she had left her keys in Wendy's truck! She whirled around, just in time to see the truck driving down the road, 50 feet away!

Mindy at Underwear Beach, Part 3

"Wendy!!" Mindy shrieked, and took off running after her. She covered her left breast with one hand, and her bush with the other as she ran. Her breasts bounced all over with each step. She ran along the edge of the road, right next to the passing traffic.

"Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh!" she said like a mantra as she ran, trying her best to ignore the car horns and shouted comments by bystanders and car passengers alike. She swerved between two parked cars at one point to run between the row of cars parked on the street and the sidewalk, shielding her somewhat from view from cars driving by, but totally exposing herself to anyone else.
"I am sooooo naked!" she said as she passed by the 7-11 again, being gawked and pointed at by 2 car loads of people gassing up their cars. She noticed one guy taking pictures!

"Oh great!" she thought as she saw him click away. Up ahead, Wendy had stopped at a red light. Mindy put her head down and gathered as much energy as she could to sprint to Wendy's truck. It was at the head of the line of stopped cars at a major intersection.

"Wendy!!!" she screamed as she ran. She could see Wendy turn her head and look out the back window. She smiled at Mindy!!!

Mindy ran up to the passenger door and threw it open. She hopped in, breathlessly.

"Wow! You're fast!" Wendy said. Mindy tried to catch her breath. "That was quite a sight to see, sweetie! You just streaked a really busy road!" Wendy patted Mindy on the thigh. She grinned and winked at her. Then the light changed to green and Wendy drove through.

Mindy finally caught her breath. "I left my keys…" she said, reaching for where she had put them on the dash, but they were not there!

"What keys?" Wendy asked.

"My car keys! I left them right here!" Mindy insisted.

"Hmmm." Said Wendy, subtly reaching her left hand under her seat to ensure that the keys were out of Mindy's sight. She had seen them after Mindy left the truck, and opted not to give them back, for now.

"Oh gosh…" said Mindy, covering her breasts with her hands and sinking down in her seat as they drove past a city bus. "What'll I do now?"

"Well, I could drive you home, but I need to make a few stops first." Wendy said.

"Well, OK. I guess I have no choice. Where do you need to stop?"

"Oh, just a few places…" Wendy said with a little grin. Mindy was uneasy about this, but at least she wasn't walking (or running) the streets like this. Mindy slouched low in her seat to try and avoid being seen from the outside.

"Gee, I wish I had something to give you to wear…" Wendy said. "All I have on is this tube top, these shorts and a good suntan." She added with a smile.

"Oh, that's ok." said Mindy. "I appreciate the ride."

Wendy glanced over at Mindy. "Wow she's cute!" she thought to herself. "I wonder how long I can keep her naked?"

They drove for a few more minutes, and then Wendy pulled into the parking lot of a large grocery store. "I've just got to grab some sun tan oil, I'll only be a minute." Wendy said, pulling into and parking in a free spot near the front of the building. There were people all over the place.

"But…" Mindy started to protest, but Wendy was already out the door, which she closed behind her. She walked slowly towards the store, relishing the fact that a gorgeous helpless, very naked woman was totally dependent on her.

Mindy sat down on the floor in front of her seat. She was, for all purposes, hidden from view. If someone walked up and looked right in she'd be seen, but what were the odds of that?

After about a minute, Mindy noticed something moving by the steering wheel. It was a WASP!!! It was slowly buzzing around, not 2 feet from Mindy.

"Oh No!!" she said, and started to panic. She was very allergic to bee and wasp stings. Once in school she was stung, and had to be rushed to the hospital as her throat swelled almost closed!

"What am I going to do!?!?" she wondered aloud. She opened her door just a bit to try and let the wasp fly out, but instead it landed on the seat next to her. She made a quick decision, and decided that it was better to be seen naked by strangers, than to get stung by that wasp. The wasp took flight again, and Mindy made her move. After a quick look around to assess the parking lot (it was full of cars, and several people), she opened the door of the truck and started to step out, keeping her eyes on the wasp. Just then it flew right at her face.

Mindy shrieked and jumped back out of the truck, onto the pavement, she closed her eyes, fearing the wasp was right near her face, and started to flail her arms wildly to shoo the wasp away. During the course of all the flailing and swinging, her right hand smacked the open door, slamming it shut. Mindy froze.

She reached out and grabbed the handle as the wasp flew away. She pulled, but the door was, of course, locked.

"Ohmygawd!" she cried. A few onlookers had now started to watch. Mindy instinctively dropped her hands to cover her bush and one of her breasts. She ran around to the driver side, but it was locked as well! "Oh No!!!" she shrilled. At least 6 people were now watching her as they pushed their grocery carts through the lot, and several others were around, but hadn't noticed her yet. Mindy looked around frantically for somewhere to hide.

From inside the store, Wendy, and a few other gawkers, watched Mindy's plight. Wendy grinned from ear to ear. She couldn't imagine why Mindy had gotten out of the truck, but she had no complaints. She thought Mindy looked incredible trying to cover what she could as panic set in.

"That girl has some serious exhibitionistic tendencies!" she said to herself. She watched for a few more seconds, then decided to be the good friend and come to Mindy's aid, again.

Wendy went out the door of the store and started to run towards her truck. "Mindy!" she yelled, half to get Mindy's attention, half to attract everyone else's attention, in case they still hadn't seen Mindy. But as Wendy ran, her big breasts bounced… So much so, that her tube top had started to slip down. Wendy, being as busty as she is, is also very athletic, with a narrow waist and hips (not nearly as voluptuous as Mindy). So after 3 more steps, when the top finally did drop off of her bounding breasts completely, instead of catching at her hips, it dropped right down to her feet.

"Ohmigoodness!" Wendy cried as she took another step, noticing her bare breasts. The tube top was around her ankles, and as she took another step (she is sprinting at this point) the flimsy top tore into several pieces as her feet came free of it. She gasped, and covered her breasts with her arms as she continued to run.

She reached Mindy and the truck out of breath.

"Quick!!" Wendy said. "Get in!!"

"I can't!!" Mindy shouted back. "It's locked!"

All the color drained from Wendy's face. "I left the keys in the ignition!!!" Wendy said. Mindy looked through the window. Yup, there they were.

"Oh no!!" Mindy said.

"Why did you get out in the first place!!??!" Wendy said, tersely, now very nervous and embarrassed herself.

"There was a wasp… I'm allergic..!" Mindy said, noticing the crowd of over 15 people now watching, and drawing closer.

"What do we do now?!?!" they said to each other.

End of Mindy at Underwear Beach, Part 3

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