Jenny's Cousin: It Runs in the Family

Author: TrackJim

Keywords: .

Summary: Jackie is younger and less inhibited than Jenny, but that still doesn't mean she enjoys being naked in public...

Jackie leaned back and stretched. She had come into the office on Sunday to catch up on her backlog of programming requests. In just three hours she had tested and debugged three new reports programs. She normally hated to come in on a day off, but she wanted to clear her desk for a new project she was to get on Monday.

Jackie stood and walked down the hall to the lounge for a cola. After getting a Diet Coke she sat down and looked out the window from the tenth floor lounge. I was a beautiful summer day. The temperature was in the low 80's and for once the humidity was down. She would rather be at the beach working on her tan, but decided to work at least another hour before leaving.

When she returned to her desk she glanced at a pile of her earlier failed test reports. Since they contained financial information the policy was to that the reports be shredded instead of just trashed. She picked up the pile and headed to the office equipment to put them in the shredder. She set the pile on the copier cover. She grabbed the first couple of reports and slid them into the shredder's knee high feed slot. The paper should have been pulled in automatically. Nothing happened.

"Damn it, this thing is acting up again. "

Jackie hit the override switch to off and lifted the cover. The sensor in the cover had a habit of failing to detect the paper. She had complained about this in the past, but the maintenance guy did not seem able to fix it. She had found that if you placed the paper directly on the now uncovered top the sensor would work. If you held the override switch to 'ON' you could get it to operate. Jackie place the reports in the shredder and held the button. The reports were quickly sucked in and chewed to pieces. She proceed to shred the rest of the reports.

Jackie got careless. As she reached over the machine the hem of her sleeveless white cotton dress was laying on the reports she had placed in the machine. The hem snagged on staples at the top of the report. When Jackie hit the override switch to "ON" the hem was pulled in with the reports, the hem and then jammed.

"Damn it" muttered Jackie as she released the override switch. The hem of the dress was tightly caught on the blades. She tugged on the dress but it was firmly snagged. She needed to open the bottom of the shredder and work the blades backwards manually to clear the jam. With the dress caught as it was she could not kneel in front the the machine.

"The place is empty today. I'll slip out of the dress and get it out of the machine."

Jackie opened the front buttons, slid the dress down to her knees and stepped backwards out of it. Jackie was nervous as she stood in her sheer white teddy. The thin light weight teddy always felt cool and comfortable under a dress in the summer. A section of the teddy covering her midriff and the middle back and sides was a cool open mesh. The teddy did little to hide her firm body. As she stood the cool air of the air conditioner raised goosebumps over her body. She felt very exposed and slivered.

Jackie was struck with one of her attacks of clumsiness that seemed to accompany embarrassing situations. As she stepped forward to unjam the shredder she stumbled over her own feet and fell forward. Her hand struck the shredder's override switch and the machine started. She immediately pulled her hand from the switch. The bottom half of the dress was pulled into the shredder and it jammed again. Jackie gasped but forced herself to hope for the best. She cleared the jam and backed the remains of her dress back out of the machine. She tearfully held it up in front of her. Thin strips of fabric hung from above waist level to her mid thighs. The untorn part of the dress was now only as big as long as a very short T-shirt.

Jackie heard the heavy door to the elevator slam shut. Someone had come into the work area. Jackie peeked out the door and saw of a security guard making his rounds. Jackie, in a panic, looked around the room and noticed the office supply closet. She opened the door and stepped into the closet. As she pulled the door shut the latch clicked and her back was pressed against the supply shelves. Her breasts were flattened painfully against the door. The inside of the door had a pair of coat hooks that poked into the bottom of her breasts. Fortunately, the hooks had rounded tips. Her skin was not punctured, but the constant pressure was painful.

Jackie listened through her pain. In a few minutes she heard the door to the elevators slam shut again. She hoped the guard had left. Jackie tried to raise her hand to the door knob. The space was so narrow she found the she could not reach the knob. She moved a little to the left to give herself more room to bend her right elbow and was able to slowly turn the knob.

The door exploded out from her with pressure that had been against her. There was a loud "RRRIIPPPPP". The front of her teddy had hung up on the coat hooks. When the door opened The front of her teddy was torn from her body. When she caught herself against the opposite wall she was standing right over the shredder. The end of the torn material felt into the open shred and was instantly pulled from her body and shredded.

Jake stood in only her sneakers and socks. She automatically moved to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands. After a few moments she relaxed somewhat and picked up the remains of her dress. In desperation she pulled it over her head, hoping it would serve to cover at least her breasts. To her frustration she found the the shredded material reached to exactly the level of her nipples which peaked between strips of the torn material.

The door to the elevator slammed again. Jackie peaked out and saw the same guard heading in her direction. She jumped back into the closet and pulled the door shut again. She heard footsteps approach and enter the office equipment room.

"Is anybody here?" she heard the guard ask.

Jackie held her breath. She felt something dripping down her back. She felt it dripping down her back to her left leg and then down the inside of her leg to her left foot. She must have knocked over something off a shelf. She bided her time. After fifteen minutes she heard the door to the elevator slam again. She worked her hand back to the door knob and opened the door. This time Jackie was ready. She caught her balance immediately and stepped to the door. She heard no footsteps.

Jackie moved her hands behind her back to find out what had dripped down her back. Her fingers brushed against the middle of her back AND STUCK. Her fingers from both hands were firmly held in place. She turned around and saw that a tube of superglue has been squeezed and had emptied is contents. Jackie struggled to pull her fingers free and lost her balance. She fell with her back to the wall. Her legs brushed together and the superglue stuck her inner calves and thighs together. Jackie fell with her back against the closet door. The glue on her lower back instantly stuck. Jackie cry out in frustration.

The next moment she heard footsteps. Two guards stood at the door with their jaws hanging open.

"C.. Can... w... we help y.. you, lady?"

It took Jackie several embarrassing minutes to finally explain how she came to be restrained by superglue in a revealing shredded dress. The snickers from the guards did not ease her embarrassment. Fortunately for Jackie, the guards found the superglue solvent and were able to free her hands and legs. The guards did take their time getting all the superglue dissolved. If Jackie had not been so embarrassed she probably would have threatened to report them. By the time one of the guard had freed her fingers the other guard appeared with an old overcoat. Jackie would looked conspicuous in a overcoat on a warm summer day, but at least she would be covered.

Jackie did not count on the tail of the coat being caught in the subway door as she exited the train, but that is another story.

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