Copyright for outfits, patterns - Crochet Crafts by Helga

Copyright Information

Updated 6/8/03  

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use this pattern to make multiple products to sell?

You do not have the right to use the design as your own creation for items that are to be sold or used for any other commercial reason. This includes craft shows, internet-based auction houses, etc. without the written consent of the copyright holder (e.g., Crochet Crafts by Helga).

2. We have had inquiries asking what if I change a few things on a pattern (free and for purchase) and then sell the completed outfit or sell the pattern as my own creation, does that fall under copyright? 6/8/03 Update: What about if I just copy the design from your website and not use a pattern at all?

All outfits and patterns on our website are of original design by Crochet Crafts by Helga and are copyright protected. In order to not be effected by copyright, any changes to an artists work must be "substantial and creative." In effect, there should be very little lingering remnants of the original work, whether you copied from a pattern or from our designs.

3. Can I make one or more photocopies of crochet doll patterns?

Photocopy doesn't just refer to using a standard copy machine. It includes scanning, tracing, screenshots, photographs, etc. Just because you are not charging for the copy (for example, you are giving it to a friend or someone else for free) this is still an infringement of copyright law. Exception are free crochet patterns, see item #4 below.

4. How are free crochet doll patterns affected by the copyright?

Free crochet patterns are also copyright protected. All rights as indicated above also apply to free crochet patterns except that there is no restriction to making copies of the free crochet pattern and giving them to others. You can not use the free crochet pattern or create a crochet outfit from the free pattern, then claim it as your own creation for items that are to be sold or used for other commercial reason without written consent.

5. Occasionally you (e.g., Crochet Crafts by Helga) sell completed outfits. Can I buy a completed crochet doll outfit and then copy it to make my own crochet pattern or to use the outfit to crochet more, similar type outfits for profit?

Crochet doll clothes and crochet doll patterns sold here may be used as gifts and/or for your own personal use. All outfits and patterns are of original design by Crochet Crafts by Helga and are copyright protected. This mean that you can not copy, sell or otherwise gain for profit items from our design without our written permission.

6. Where can I go for more information on this topic?

For more information, please visit the U.S. Copyright Office. You can also find more 'plain language' information about Copyright Laws on the About; Crochet Partners; and Needlework Retailer article on Copyright

Copyright Crochet Crafts by Helga.  All rights reserved.

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