Crispy's Latest Leftovers

aka Recipes to What Crispy Has Been Eating!

Here's the newest Kitchen Page! As usual, I'm posting the recipes to whatever is cooking in my kitchen, including comments on how they turned out. Have a question? A new recipe you think I'd like? Send it on!

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"Try them, try them and you may I say!"

Entree of the Week

Vegetable Cheese Pie

I found this one off a Knorr Soup Box. It turned out really great, but does take lots of eggs...

4 Eggs, Beaten
1 1/2 cups Milk
1 cup Swiss Cheese, shredded
1 package Knorr Spring Veggie Soup Mix
10 oz. Cooked Spinach, dried and chopped
1 Uncooked Pie Crust, frozen or homemade

Combine eggs, milk, cheese, soup mix and spinach. Put into pie crust. Bake at 375 about 50 minutes - until a knife comes out clean.

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Yummy Treat of the Week


Griesbrei is a warm thing Mom used to make for us mornings. Eaten with cinnamon sugar over it, it's quite yummy!

3 tablespoons Cream of Wheat
1 cup Milk
Little bit of Butter
1-2 Eggs, separated
Cinnamon Sugar

First, beat your egg white into stiff peaks. (This isn't absolutely necessary and can be left out, but it's hardly the same!) In a pot, heat milk and butter. Stir constantly (it burns easily) and add cream of wheat. Bring slowly to a boil and it thickens nicely. Remove from heat and stir in egg yolk. Stir in the beaten egg whites. Top with cinnamon sugar.

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Side Dish or Veggie of the Week

Wilted Spinach Salad

First had this recipe at a friend's house over Thanksgiving. It was awesome! The flavors blend terrifically and it makes a great addition to my collection!

1 small Red Onion
6 tablespoons Olive Oil
8-12 Kalamata Olives, pitted, drained and halved
1 pound Fresh Spinach, washed and in pieces
1 clove Garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon Mint Leaves
2 tablespoons Sherry Vinegar
6 oz. Feta Cheese
3-4 slices Baguette - toasted with some olive oil for croutons

Toss spinach with onions, garlic, mint, olives and vinegar. Crumble cheese over spinach. Heat olive oil 'til hot but not smoking. Immediately pour over salad, turning leaves so they all get wilted. Season with more vinegar if needed. Add croutons.

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Something Extra

Ye Olde Velveeta Dippe

Not to insult you, but if you don't know this one, you've either been living under a rock or at least haven't been to college. I first learned of it over at the old Snyder place, many a year ago...

Your favourite Salsa

Cut the velveeta into small chunks and place in pot. Heat and stir. Add salsa as it melts and mix well 'til thoroughly melted. Eat with chips!

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