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Salute to Samohi!

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Salute! to Samohi Symphony Orchestra and its Director  Ms.Joni Swenson on a Win at ASTA National Orchestra Competition!


ASTA - American String Teachers Association (national).

Samohi Symphony Orchestra took upon a challenge to compete in the ASTA National Orchestra Festival of 2005. The Festival was held in a framework of 2005 ASTA National Conference "Strings Alive! in 2005". The event took place in Reno, Nevada on February 23-26, 2005.

There were three performance options:(1) Competition + Rating, (2) Rating Only, (3) Comments Only. Ms. J.Swenson and Samohi Symphony Orchestra took upon a challenge to compete and prove to themselves and to the world a tremendous value of its internationally recognized string music program. The Santa Monica and Malibu School District (SMMUSD) string program starts in its elementary schools and gradually develops in middle and high schools.

To be considered for the ASTA competition division, Samohi orchestra had to submit a recording demonstrating a superior performance of national level repertoire. According to ASTA competition regulations only eight groups could be accepted in that division.

High performance level of Samohi Symphony orchestra for years is well known not only to Santa Monica community, music instrument teachers, but several times was even acknowledged internationally. Based on a quality of SMMUSD string program on all levels and extensive performance experience of the Samohi orchestra, it was no surprise that ASTA selected Samohi Symphony to participate among eight accepted orchestras.

Another kind of suspension was in the air: will the orchestra do it in the official competition? To the credit of orchestra musicians and its director Ms. Joni Swenson, the Samohi Symphony Orchestra concentrated well on a challenge at hand. The orchestra was named the Grand Champion of the ASTA National Orchestra Competition. The adjudicators chose it as a 1st place winner in a category of High School Full Orchestra.

The Samohi Symphony earned the highest rating: Superior. The orchestra also earned the right to perform for the Conference attendees in the winners concert. Whale done :)

As a long time ASTA member and a long time private teacher to many students of Samohi and SMMUSD schools, I am very proud of this Samohi Symphony Orchestra achievement. Special recognition goes to the orchestra director Ms. Swanson for her patience, professional dedication and creativity, which bring wonderful quality to the vibrant string program [ I especially like her introduced audio tape sitting tests before major performances - congratulations on that alone! ]. Congratulations to the whole Samohi Performing Arts Department, to Samohi school administration, to SMMUSD.

I meet weekly some Samohi and SMMUSD students at my private violin studio and we always enjoy sharing with each other good news and go through the current challenges together. Those students are indeed dedicated and open minded. I am particularly glad for them, because such performances will follow the students through their lives. The performances and wins like that will encourage them to work even harder on smallest details of their music sheet. Students will always remember "Strings Alive! in 2005". Congratulations, once again to all !



violin/viola private teacher, teacher of SMC CS violin ensemble classes


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