---> Warning! These next pages may contain brief nuditiy and traces of nuts. <---

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Doujinshi (Dōjinshi) are comics drawn by artists other than the original creator. In Japan, amateur artists who are inspired by their love of a particular manga, such as Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, will create their own stories.

The Beginning: A long time ago, during the dial-up days of the Internet, I used to search for Sailor Moon images back in my teen years. The reasoning was because the series wasn�t widely available back then in North America and was butchered by DiC Entertainment. I loved the Stars arc of the story and would sit at my computer for hours to find beautiful images of Sailor Moon. I recognized most of the artwork, but I also noticed other, more sexy Sailor Moon artwork which looked more like magazine or book covers. �I must have these!� I thought in my little Sailor Moon obsessed head. Thus began my long search to find these �books� that may or may not exist. It took me quite a long time to figure out that these beautiful images were fan comics made by very talented Japanese artists, but here I am today with a pretty impressive collection after finding some online shops. My favorite stories are centered around Usagi and Mamoru's relationship in all their forms and my guilty pleasure stories are Princess Serenity x Prince Demande.

The Middle: None of my doujinshi in the gallery are for sale, but I am willing to trade for anything on my wishlist, just don't take it personally if I turn your offer down. Sometimes it takes me years to find a specific one that I really love. Don't hesitate to e-mail me and ask me where I bought them, I might even be able to help you find your own copy.

The End: Here is a list of places where you can buy/bid on doujinshi!

Click HERE for some information on my favorite doujinshi artist, Madoka Ohmori!