My Ratings system

***** Five Stars

For an anime to get five stars it has to be a classic quality anime, one that everyone should see. The artwork must be good, the characters must be memorable and likeable, the story must make sense and have a solid plot. This is anime that I definitely want to own.

**** Four Stars

Four star anime is very good, one of the best of its genre. Some small thing, such as dubbing, artwork quality, or storyline, have kept it from getting five stars. To reach four stars, I must like it quite a bit. I often want to buy animes of this level, but do not consider them top priority.

*** Three Stars

This is a pretty mediocre title. This does not mean that it is a bad anime, but rather that it does not excel in quality, plot, or characters. Storylines that are vague and confusing often recieve this rating. I might not buy a title of this quality, but if it came on tv again I would probably watch it.

** Two Stars

This is an ok anime. I personally did not like it and doubt I'd watch it again. If I totally didnt get the storyline or hated the characters, then this is what I would give. The artwork isnt horrible, but it isn't a saving grace either.

* One Star

Basically, crap. Ok for kids under 10, anyone older watching will get bored quickly. The artwork is simple, the plots are repetitive, and the characters annoying or just too simple to really care about.

Any ratings I give are my opinion and wholly my opinion. I am not trying to insult anyone by giving an anime a low rating, merely expressing what I thought of the title. People writing in to express their thoughts are welcome, but do not expect to change my opinion easily. All anime is judged equally, no leniency is given for anime designed for younger age groups
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