                                            CHAPTER ONE                                  
     This site is all about me, and my freind Gatomon, but if you are new to the Digiworld, let me explain who I am and some of the history of Digimon.  My story began several years ago when I was only recently digivolved into a Wizardmon.  I was very lonely then, and I had no place to call home.  So I just flew around, learning new skills and searching for something, perhaps a friend.  I grew very weary after traveling many miles one day, and when my energy ran out I fell to the earth and was too weak to even move.  But none of the Digimon who passed me would even stop to see if I was still alive. That was when Gatomon found me.
      At this time I was very weak, but Gatomon saw I was still barely alive.  She gave me some warm milk and a watched over me that night.  Over the next few days Gatomon nursed me back to health, which was very strange, as I soon learned that she was a soldier in the army of the evil Digimon Myotismon.  This group, one of the cruelest and most ruthless in the Digiworld, would never help anyone, not even each other.
      But Gatomon was different, she had been forced to serve Myotismon against her will.  I learned from her that she, a Prottomon at that time, had been found by Myotismon while she was on her own quest for something.  Even though she was no match for him, Prottomon kept a defiant look in her eyes and Myotismon often beat and tortured her for this.  Each time Myotismon tortured her , she forgot a little more of her search and the light in her eyes faded a bit more.
      As I owed my life to Gatomon, when she returned to Myotismon,I went with her and joined them.  I had decided I would stay by her always and do my best to protect her, but I often could do nothing to help her when Myotismon  got angry.  To my concern, Gatomon's eyes soon lost their light completely, and her memories of her earlier life and our friendship  faded with it.
      With my occasional help and her own awesome natural abilities, Gatomon rose quickly through the ranks and in time became one of Myotismon's top henchmon.  I, not caring for Myotismon or his army, did not reveal my growing powers and bided my time, waiting for a chance to bring him down.
      That was when the Digidestined arrived...
The Digidestined ...
Well, now that you have learned all about the Digidestined, I will continue with the part of the story relevant to me. 
     After Myotismon discovered the portal back to the real world, he took a very large number of his followers along with him.  Gatomon went with him, so I made sure I was included as well.  I already had suspicions when I heard of the Eighth child , that perhaps Gatomon's long forgotten search was finnally nearing completion.
     So into the real world we went, with Gatomon in charge of all of us commanded to find the Digivice and the Eighth Child.  Gatomon herself could feel that Kari was the one, but she found herself unable to harm her.  It was at this point that I found the digivice, and gave it to Gatomon.  I decided now was the best time to try to remind her of her past, and with my prodding, and the nearness of Kari, Gatomon finally realized that she was the Eighth Digimon.  Tai was untrusting of us at first when we showed up and told them who Gatomon really was, but when we went to get the crest back from Myotismon, he decided we were the real thing.
      This quest was a disaster for both of us.  Although we made it in safely with my magic, Myotismon returned to his base early and discovered us hunting for the crest.  I matched my skills against Myotismon for the first time, and as I expected, I was totally outclassed.    I only got a few hits on him before he used Grizzly Wing on me and dumped me into the sea.  While I struggled to keep afloat Myotismon left with Gatomon to find the Eighth Child.  He took her to the cities convention center, where he paraded girls past Gatomon until she was forced to recognize Kari.  Meanwhile, two of the Digidestined, Joe and T.K., were trying to reach the city on Zudomon, Gomamon's ultimate form.  As they passed by I managed to get their attention, and even though they thought I was an evil digimon, they stopped to help me.  It was good that they did, because during my battle with Myotismon I had managed to snatch the real eighth crest and tag of  light from him.  I showed this to the two, and so they took me along into the city.  
     When we arrived, things were not good.  Even though Togemon had digivolved into her ultimate, Lilymon, Myotismon had easily beaten her and she seemed paralyzed.  Kari and Gatomon were both prisoners, as well as most of the people in the city.  I used my healing powers on Lilymon, then joined up with the others and headed up to the top of the convention center.
Myotismon awaited us there.  I almost got the crest and digivice to Kari, but Demidevimon grabbed them and it seemed as if all was lost.  Tai managed to get them back, however, but it was too late: Myotismon was already begining to attack Kari. and Gatomon.  I leapt into the path of his Grizzly Wing and even though my body was mangled I was able to sheild them from the blast.
     When Kari finally got ahold of the crest and digivice, Gatomon was able to digivolve into Angewomon, a very powerful form.  I however, could remain in the real world no longer, and faded out.
For a long time- days, weeks,-I do not know how long, I drifted in a sort of emptiness, somewhere between the real world and the digiworld.  All I could think of was how the kids had fared in the battle, and how Gatomon was.  At last my power had returned in some small degree and I managed to open a very unstable portal out of the void.  I escaped and found myself in a digital land like none I have ever seen.  In it many Digimon lived, and a few I recognized as my former allies in Myotismon's army.  The land , which was named Binland, was the place where all Digimon went when they ran out of power.  It was a kind of Purgatory, I suppose. 
     I found a thing called the web growing in a dark cave in the center of this island, and I used my now fully renewed power to force a way into it!  Through it I searched for my freinds, and finally found them when I located Izzy's server.  I was able to contact him in this way, and learned from him that the battle, which had taken weeks in my world, had taken only a day in the real world.  I learned that with the help of Angemon and Angewomon that Gabumon and Agumon had warp digivolved even higher into WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.  With  this much greater power  they were able to defeat VenomMyotismon, his digivolved form, and the world had been saved. 
     But now I have learned in a last desparate message that the digiworld needs its heros once again, and the kids have returned.  Even as I type this I am searching for a way back in so that I may help them in their quest!
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