Nicole, also known as Usagi, Omnipotent otaku/omnipotentotaku/omnipotent_otaku, Otakugal, and Tenkyou_no_Ai, was born on December 14, 1990 and is a college freshman. She likes drawing and writing and hopes to be a novelist. However, her attention span is appalling and she's yet to get past chapter two in anything she writes. She hopes that she can get over that someday, as well as improve her writing tremendously, since she reads mostly British novels and therefore tries to write in a British sort of style. Naturally she fails at this, since she is most certainly not British.

Nicole also hopes to major in Classical Studies in college and, along with being an insanely famous author, hopes to either teach Latin or be an archeologist. Or perhaps a lawyer, if she ever fancies being one. She's really not all that picky. Of course, since she does have artistic talent, she could always be an artist if all else fails.

Nicole is also an avid member of Stage Crew and likes using the circular saw, since she's usually not allowed to touch power tools otherwise. She hopes to use her madd skillz to build herself a new bookshelf someday.

And Nicole thinks this is quite enough info about herself to quell your curiosity, so she bids you adieu and hopes you enjoy her writings. :D

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