Naperville Zero Gravity
Right after the Latina thingy, we went to my house (which is only like 20 mins away from downtown), ate, showered and got ready. While Krystal was driving to ZG we had realized, we had forgot our freakin' ID's!!! Luckily, the guy at the door was very nice and let us in with no problem but was a bit concerned that Krystal was driving without her license! There was already a line formed so we said hi to everyone and got our place. Little bit by little bit more fans started to come in...all lined up ready to get into the room. The signing wasn't even in that room, it was in a little sofa section behind us...of course the guys were running a little late (not as much as usual!) It's time for us to go and we went up with Sadia...putting her and Krystal isn't a good idea...those Lucas Freaks! LOL Sadia told Lucas to let Krystal sit on his lap for a pic so he did and I wasn't gonna sit on him, but he sat there with his legs wide open waiting for me to sit on him, so I just slid right in and took a pic...I wonder why he looks so cheesy in our pic?!?! We didn't get to take any pics with Jackie or J-Ro but that's okay cause we took a lot of pics earlier. Jackie was being his hyper little self! Dancing and jumpin all over the place...cute! When we got to Justin and he started signing "Latinas in the house...latinas in the house!" and we just laughed and gave him hugs. He gave me a really big hug and let his hand slid down my arm and squeezed my hand while I was leaving...I was like "OH BABY!!! LOL haha.We stood by there trying to take pics of the guys (mainly of Luke since he was right there) and Lucas wanted Sadia and Krystal to give him an ass massage! LOL We went to the stage area and stood there for a while, waiting for the guys to come back out. Big Steve introduced the guys and they came out and did their usual "Get'cha Boogie On" and "Go-Get-Her". The performance was awesome and they put a lot of energy into it. Afterward, a lot of fans were waiting for the guys by the Denali and this dumb, 12 year old looking, security came to TRY to get us away...he even called for back up! haha. The guys did come out but the security was really tight, so they just left right away. Oh well...always next time right?--Lety
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