Mall of America
This was an unexpected road trip! I had told my mom that we should take a weekend vacation to go to Mall of America and she actually said yeah cause we had never been there. She knew Vi3 was gonna be there cause I had told her about it...I still can't believe she wanted to go! So that same day (Thursday) I go online and reserve two rooms (one for my mom and her friend and one for me, Krystal and Steph) and I called Krystal and told her and luckily her mom let her bro didn't care, as long as she was with us. We left Saturday around 6:30 and got to the hotel around 11:30-12 and had a few problems with the hotel (don't make reservations online!) but it all worked out fine. We went to our rooms, left out shit, and me and Krystal went driving around and got lost and ended up getting back around 2:30. We set our alarm for 8am and went to bed. The next day, Steph wakes up and is ready to go in the pool, so afterward we get ready and head out to the mall around 10 to walk around. There's already a few people there, so we stopped by and said hi and left to go eat breakfast, before that though Steph went on a few rides and we walked around. My mom, her friend, and Steph went their own ways and we went to the stage area around 12:30 and more Chicago fans were there! YAY! We found out that the guys were gonna be at Hooters so we take some fliers and pass them out and happen to walk by Hooters. We pretended like we didn't see them and just walkd by passing out the fliers. We went back down and it was time for the performance. By that time we had found my mom and brought Steph down with us, my mom stayed on the 2nd level to record the performance for us. After "Get'cha Boogie On" the guys gave out singles and shirts and Justin threw it to the 2nd level and Lucas threw one all the way up to the 4th level! Then Justin tried but as he said he "misjudged" it!" They went right into GGH and then the signing. The guys seemed happy to see some of the Chicago fans there. Lucas gave Steph this really big hug and he sat her on his lap and tried talking to her, Jackie called her his "dahlin'" and J hugged her like he always does! (too cute) When I took a pic with Jackie, he put his head on mine and got his sweat on me. "I'm sorry..I got you all gross!" "That's alright, don't worry about it!" and he wiped it off my face. Justin thanked us for driving all the way out there and that he really appreciated it and what not. Then al the Chicago fans stood off in their own little section and the security thought we were freaks or something cause he aske J-Ro and he said "oh, they're our Chicago fans!" We talked to Erik about taking a pic with the guys and the Chicago fans and he let us. We were saying our byes and Lucas hugged me, "Bye sweetie" "Bye Lucas" "Have fun making your movies!" haha. I don't know if he's ever gonna drop that! Afterword, me and Krystal went to drop off our film at the one hour place and went to a few stores, then we got our pics and left. It was a pretty fun road trip!--Lety
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