Totalmente Latina Tour
We left Krystal's house to come to the city around 11am to get to McCormick place by 12. My brother dropped us off and we walked towards the black building and asked where the place was. We had to walk for about 10 mins cause it was on the other side of the expressway! We got there and we saw Sam and Mya and stood with them. We thought we could walk around and look at everything, but we had to sit in chairs and watch some talk show thingy. Little bit by little bit more girls started wasn't as many girls as we all expected! Anyway, it was close to 3 and we all went to the back and waited for the security to let us through. Well, as we were all waiting to get in, guess who does a surprise performance? VI3!!! So you saw all the girls run back to stage and we got to the front but had to kneel down so everyone else could see. You know how they do their little bump-n-grind moves, well they were replaced by little hip movements! It was too funny! Anyway, the guys finshed the performance and now we all went to the back and they finally let everyone through. We went towards the table and waited for our guys, while we were standing there, me and Krystal started telling people that were in line with us who they were and everything but in spanish cause they didn't speak english. We got up to the guys and we're in front of Jackie and Lucas started asking the lady behind us what she thought of the performance and if she liked it. The poor lady didn't understand him so we translated and Lucas looked totally confused! Poor little white boy! lol j/k! Krystal had two pics she was gonna show to Justin and Erik was like "Oh, are those more of your dirty pics?!" Rude Erik! LOL. Justin kept calling us his latinas and wrote "Mi Latina!" on both our posters and tried talking in spanish (he is too cute!) We noticed that no one was really coming to the table so Erik asked us if we could go get more people so me, Krystal and Krissy went to get people. So basically, it was mainly all the fans and the guys. We went to take a pic with Justin and he told Krystal "You want me to take a pic with you like you and your boyfriend did, don't you?!...I'm just playin" and he took a regular pic but when it was my turn, he almost posed like that, only he didn't grab me like that and did it really fast and just hugged me around my neck instead! Little perv! LOL Then everyone was taking group pics, so I went and and I stood next to Jackie , hugging him, we were all waiting for J to finsh talking to someone. "Why don't you wear your hat anymore? I haven't seen you in it in a while"--Jackie "Oh, I might wear it tomorrow" "Why are you so red Lety?"--Krissy. Everyone knows I get easily embrassed and turn bright red! It was time for the guys to go and we all gave hugs and said we'd see them later on at Zero. Jackie gave me this huge, loud kiss right on my forehead and the biggest hug! Awwwww! Yeah I know I'm a dork! LOL. Hope you guys liked this review!--Lety
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