Glendale Heights Summer Fest
This day was very hot!!! We got there ealry (of course!) and saw Mya, Sam, Nikki and a few more girls. We stood by the stage but it was too hot to stand in the sun, so we took Steph on some of the rides. She went on the dragon roller coaster around 5 times since the guy was letting the kids in for free and they could stay on there for as long as they wanted! We went back to the stage and saw Scandelle Us perform...they did A LOT of songs! They brought up Steph during a song and it was too cute! On the other little stage people could dance and perform if they wanted and Nikki, Krissy and 2 more fans went there and did Go-Get-Her and it was so funny! (Even better on tape LOL) Then they told us Vi3 was gonna do the signing at the tent so everyone left the stage area. The guys came out and Lucas was carrying Krystal's book (Awwww!) and a some minutes later we went to take pics. Justin took the cutest picture with Steph and they gave back her book. Then the guys surprised Kelly with bringing her to the table and everyone sang Happy Birthday to her! We went back to the stage and squeezed our way to the front. We could see the guys waiting in the back for two guys to finsh performing. You could see Jackie dancing and jumping around, couldn't see Justin, and Lucas was just walking around. They hit the stage and the crowd was going crazy! A LOT OF NEWBIES!!!!!! Someone threw a ball on stage and Jackie kicks it and it ends up going near the back so he tries again and ends up hitting someone in the face!!! So he just picked it up and threw it!  Rude Jackie! After the guys finshed, mostly all the regular Vi3 fans left really fast so we could all go to Stake-n-Shake for Kelly's surpise party. We all got there and Kelly saw us through the window but she was still very suprised when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her as she came in! Justin "Best friend" was there and ate with us. (We asked him about him and said he was only a friend not a best frined LOL) Then it was time to go...we took a big group pic before we left and gave hugs and that's about it!--Lety
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