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Crank Yankers Fan Page: Episode 26

Elmer is having Technical Difficulty: Elmer Higgins received a computer as a gift from his grandson and is upset that there's obscenity all over it. Elmer accuses the store of putting the obscenity on the computer. He starts having a heart attack.

Adam and Dr. Drew are making a best of show for the holidays, they convince a caller to go along with their antics, the call needs to be good. The caller ends up playing that he's drug crazed and became an escort, "taking" 3-4 guys a night for his drugs.

Larson Calls About a House-Sitting Job: Larson had house-sitted before, he just had a little problem with lighting the house on fire. He burned it to the ground. He lets it slip that he's in a "facility" and the lady on the other end gets rid of him.

George Zucco wants to rent a tape: The video store doesn't have it. All George wants the guy to do is say Star Wars.

Agent Tierney issues a CItation: He's with the bureau of product placement, and the deli has too many oblong objects on display.

Adam and Dr. Drew reach out to their listeners: Adam and Drew tell a caller that they're going to charge a caller $5.99 for every minute, and the caller hangs up.

Gladys calls a store: The mannequins don't look like real women: cellulite, corns on their toes, saggy breasts, cottage cheese thighs, burn marks on their shoulders from their bras, ashy elbows, crust in their eyes, and a c-section scar

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