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Crank Yankers Fan Page: Episode 25

Terence Catheter works as George Wendt's personal assistant and is looking for a stalker for George Wendt in an effort to boost his popularity. She needs to be a young, insane Margot Kidder and have the ability to take the occasional punch.

Tony Deloge is trying to get a free meal by slipping a waitress a $5 into her cleavage. After all, they look like a mailslot.

Dick Birchum's Uncle died, and he needs to spread the ashes in the bay. Since his Uncle liked fishing, he wants to know if it's okay to get a little deep sea fishing done while they're out.

Cammie's been having a bizarre experience with the paranormal after she gets breast implants. She wants to know how to seduce the spirit before letting it go on its merry way. The Ghostbuster wants pictures, Cammie wants him to watch.

A store manager calls a retirement home about a man in the store who's disturbing his customers, stating that Stompie had given him their phone number. Stompie flirts with the receptionist. The manager chastises the other retirement home over the phone.

Ed calls a library bragging about his ABC skills, while he has none. The Librarian tries getting him off the phone.

Deloge Reaches out to his constituents: The person receiving the call wants him off quick. The Puppet is spreading peanut butter in front of his dog. The dog licks the peanut butter off in an effort to get him off.

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