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Crank Yankers Fan Page: Episode 23

Birchum tells the female police officer on the other end of the line that policing is man's work, that she is good only for posing as a prostitute, she might shoot herself in the foot if she had a gun. Birchum shoots himself in the foot.

Hadassah Wants to Conceive: Hadassah wants to take some sperm in for testing, but she needs to harvest it first. How can she do it without him knowing? He's Swedish, he may not be able to conceive. This wouldn't be a problem if he was Mexican.

Ed Peed in the Pool "I peed in your pool!" "That's okay." "Yay, it's okay that I peed in your pool, yay!"

Jeff Needs a Job: Jeff is calling about a job, but his gibberish sentences don't make sense.

Kevin gets help with his homework. He calls the local public library needing the definitions to two words: "Hospitable" and "Bitch". After the call, Kevin refers to her as a bitch.

Benjamin got his Enterprise. Problem is, it's missing the forward thruster, the rebound connector, the rimjob needs greasing, and the throbbing swollen shaft needs thrusting. The guy at the collectible store tells him to go fuck himself.

Cammie Has Some Questions: Cammie is calling average women about what it's like to not be hot, since she's a Miss Americana pageant contestant. Questions like "Do you cry when you see a mirror?".

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