Cranberry Stressline Forum

Message Thread #1


Cleaning house should start at the TOP
Wednesday, 05-May-1999 20:52:12

    Message: writes:

    First off let me identify myself as one of those White House denizens. With the atmosphere the way it is now I would be a fool to put my name on this. I just want to send a "message in a bottle."
    Many of us employees in Lakeville share the frustration of growers with Ocean Spray management. Our CEO seems clueless that his management team has made some very serious mistakes in marketing the cranberry crop. He is as out of touch with most employees as he is with the average grower.
    You want arrogance? Chris Phillips is nothing compared, for instance, to our CFO. The guy would not know a grower unless he teed off with one. And Marketing, why is it so clumsy? Your comments, Hal, are right on the mark! For multiple six figures we get this? -- And more!
    Here's another individual in upper-level management, let's call him "Mr. Surplus." Some of you may recognize this "strategic planner" -- the one who has repeatedly predicted a cranberry surplus and said that Ocean Spray was ready for it. Here's the guy who said growers should give back several bucks a barrel for a few years in order to fund future expansion and increased payments per barrel, the "hockey stick" with the handle pointing up up up. Well, sorry growers, this strategic planner was so wrong that his hockey stick was upside down: growers got a slight increase in payments, then a slide down the handle!!! And does he have to answer for his strategic errors??? Apparently not: he still is a valued member (company car, the whole she-bang) of the management team, attending strategic sessions at the BOD meetings in Washington AND retaining his entire group of "big thinkers" last week. What's wrong with this picture?!?
    Employees are willing to share the pain with growers, but we too are tired of being lied to by bungling executives who have not delivered.
    Thank you Hal for a forum; you're doing a great job!!!

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Thursday, 06-May-1999 13:01:36 writes:

    Thanks for your input!!!! Isn't it amazing that this company has come to this. The morale in the white house is at an absolute low according to the growers that live near the office. The growers are sick of all the lying that has gone on under the last two administrations. It is refreshing that the people closest to this management team are finally speaking out. The only way we can force change is to get the truth out. Let's also realize that the BOD are the ones that put this group in place, and they are the ones ultimately responsible for a change. Scary isn't it????? It better happen soon before it's too late. This management team and board of directors don't care about the employees or the grower-owners....if they did they would not default on the payments to the former members(second pref.stock),and they wouldn't destroy the good faith that O.S. has heretofore enjoyed with their employees.

    [email protected]


Friday, 07-May-1999 09:00:48

Friday, 07-May-1999 11:06:09

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