Raytheon in controversial case with employees over Internet postings.
The Boston Globe

May 8, 1999: Raytheon is continuing a lawsuit against 21 employees for allegedly disclosing confidential company information on an Internet message board (ed. note the Cranberry Stress- line Forum is a "message board"). Although the company missed a filing deadline in the Middlesex County Superior Court, a spokesman for Raytheon wouldn't disclose whether the company intended to withdraw the suit or ask for an extension of the deadline. Four employees have left the company since the legal action began.

Free speech advocates have been following this case as it raises questions about what rights Internet users have for protecting their identities online. Raytheon learned the identities of some of the posters from Yahoo, the host of the message board. While the web site message board in question was on the mega-site Yahoo, hosts of small sites are often able to identify email addresses and ISP's of some message board posters through a service like Hitbox.com. (ed. note: Cranberry Stressline will honor requests for anonymity and publish messages in the Forum which are sent here via email or regular mail.)


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