Excerpts from a February 25, 2002 Interview on CNNfn's Moneyline.

Pat Kiernan and Ali Velshi interview Tom First, one of the founders of Nantucket Nectars

Ed. note: In 1997 Tom First was quoted as saying, about the new alliance with Ocean Spray: "the time is right, and the people are right. We have come a long way without a strategic partner. This allows us to remain a private company, while bringing Nantucket Nectars to new heights." Read the CNNfn article from 1997, when Ocean Spray acquired Nantucket Nectars. In that CNNfn interview, and in other interviews, the "Two Toms" expressed high hopes for the future growth of Nantucket Nectars with Ocean Spray. Now, Ocean Spray has sold the brand to Cadbury, where once again, hopes are high that their new owner will provide them with "great resources to grow and become a very big juice brand in the country and beyond."

KIERNAN: Congratulations on this deal that you put together. What does this mean to you? There was already this ownership by Ocean Spray. Now it's being passed on again?

FIRST: Yeah it is. It's a new partner. I think we're very excited about it. It's probably a different type of partner than we had with  Ocean Spray and I mean the hope for us after building this brand for 14 years now is to make it available to more and more people. So I think that Cadbury's going to be a great partner in doing that.

VELSHI: Tom, let's - just - insofar as you can't explain to us the  nature of the partnership, this isn't just Ocean Spray owning  Nantucket Nectars and now being sold to Cadbury Schweppes? Have you  got a stake in this?

FIRST: You know, Cadbury's buying 100 percent of the company. So it's  a little bit different than the deal that happened before.

KIERNAN: All right. So what's the strategic alliance here that you  think you'll have with Cadbury and with the Snapple businesses?

FIRST: Well, Cadbury is very closely aligned with the way that we go to market. You know, we  began the company as a single-serve beverage and  we distribute directly to the stores and we use a very similar distribution system, almost exactly the same as the one that Cadbury does for most of their products.  So that's going to be a great opportunity for us and additionally, us being a premium juice brand, I think we fill a need for Cadbury and I think Cadbury's experience in this marketplace is going to provide us with great resources to grow and become a very big juice brand in the country and beyond hopefully.

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