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The bright side to remember
Thursday, 25-Nov-1999 16:35:47

    Message: writes:

    I am very pleased with the board’s recent decision. Now that we have decided to stick with Ocean Spray and not merge with another company, we will have true survival of the fittest. Those inefficient small farmers should have made plans long ago to get their farms paid off so that they could weather a storm like this. If they didn’t think ahead, it was their fault.
    We have been through this before. We must save our company for our children. Our shares will be worth a lot more when the small farmers go out of business. I am proud of the board for representing the big guy and not giving in to sentimental hogwash. Ocean Spray will survive and be returned to its former glory. The strong will survive also, and I for one look forward to buying up the extra acreage from the banks at a great price after the bankruptcies.

    I know a lot of us feel this way and are too afraid to admit it, but someone had to.


Thursday, 25-Nov-1999 18:07:09 writes:

    Talk about appropriate, as I'm reading this message right now on the TV is the movie "It's A Wonderful Life." The posting was certainly written by a Mr. Potter want-to-be (the evil banker intent on owning the whole town). Hopefully I and my children will emulate George Bailey.

    Don't be so certain that the BOD of Directors made the best business decision. If their track record is any indicator you may very well be celebrating your demise. Some of the best business minds in our industry do not agree with the BOD's errant and rushed decision. In fact if the BOD's decision is based on reason why don't they disclose the full Bain Report that must soundly proclaim this as the best option. In fact it's my understanding the Bain report contains the statement "We are aware that management is taking down its estimates of this year's earnings, thus, there is a significant degree of scepticism that this business can ever earn decent returns again." Doesn’t sound as though the finest analysts money can buy see a return to the "Glory Days." Better advise your children to get a good education and follow their off-farm bliss.

    As for you Mr. Potter it's not too late change and have an angel ring a bell for you!

    Editor's note: The evil Mr. Potter did utter those immortal words, "sentimental hogwash" in Frank Capra's 1946 classic It's a Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. Now, for one million dollars, who played Mr. Potter?

    (Is that your final answer?)

    Click here for answer

Who are you?
Thursday, 25-Nov-1999 19:10:21 writes:

    Your arguments are an interesting view point, of I am sure other members of this co-op. Although I was under the impression that the purpose of a co-op was so that many mid and smaller businesses could join together for collective bargaining and together could have the power of a large business, in our case marketing. When I hear all this talk about survival of the fittest (or is that fattest), I am reminded that joining together in a co-op was to provide a size advantage to us all. I was not aware that the purpose also was to include the opportunity for larger members to cannibalize smaller members, or to take advantage of them. It has become apparent by your bold and candid posting that there are those amongst us waiting and plotting our demise. This throws a whole new light on the concept of cooperative membership. We have a lot of important issues to consider. Perhaps the purpose and value of this cooperative should be one of those things. Thank you for putting that issue right up on the table for consideration and being so open with your plans. It is certainly sobering.

    Don't measure our properties just yet. We plan on surviving. In some ways, smaller growers can survive hard times amazingly well. We have in the past. We have the resiliency of gnats. Part of our survival will need to include a clear understanding of exactly what agenda our co-op leadership holds for us, and plan our futures accordingly.

    I wish I knew your name. I wish no misery on anyone and I'd like to know who wishes misery on me. And if you represent the leadership of this co-op, than I sure would like to know that.

    L. Rinta

    See posting from Nov. 27 below regarding "Who are you."

Thursday, 25-Nov-1999 23:35:06 writes:

    yes,and there will be no more wars, people will love one another,there will no longer be any sickness, and the south will rise again,look away dixie land

    paul rinta

Friday, 26-Nov-1999 04:40:35 writes:

    After reading your posting many times I decided that this was not just a ploy to make us united and strike back now. There are apparently many of you with a great amount of operating capital and other large cash reserves who are happy that many of the small growers will be gone. This will also make your vote count more strongly when there are fewer total votes to be cast. You misjudged about being able to buy the land producing cranberries from the bank though. Some of the newer smaller growers are also financed throught the Farm Service Bureau (formerly FmHA) so it will take you much longer to 'grab" the farms for pennies on the dollar. I sincerely hope that you have almost unlimited cash reserves, because the fewer growers there are, the more cash it will cost you out of pocket to keep Ocean Spray going. I sincerely hope that Mr. Brown keeps this site going, so when you too are on the verge of losing everything we can watch your postings as you whine and bitch about losing the farms you intended to pass on to your children. From your message it sounds as if you are looking forward to becomming the "King of Cranberries." I hope that I don't know you personally because I don't want my children to even remotely know anyone with your type of thinking for fear some of it may rub off on them. Your thinking reminds me of an upcomming Christmas story by Charles Dickens and the small growers are the "Tiny Tims" of the Ocean Spray Family. The upcoming holiday season is the time of miracles so we sincerely hope that one happens and you are able to have some "Happy Holidays".

    John Gibson

Friday, 26-Nov-1999 07:54:09 writes:

    I notice the original message was posted on 4:30 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving day, nothing better to do? I appreciate that those sentiments are out in the open because it helps the rest of us know what we're up against. I just wonder how much guts it takes to post such an incendiary message in the middle of a holiday with no name attached. The miracle for our children we wish for this Christmas Season is for them to be able to continue to grow up in the only way they know, on the family farm. FYI we have no mortgage on the farm only our house, but that makes no difference in the end. It's worse than if we did because there's no buffer. We're 3rd generation in a lease situation, we have no bog for Mr. Potter to take.


Friday, 26-Nov-1999 16:08:50 writes:

    This is BS..... just one SOB trying to start an electronic fight amoung us. He doesn't believe what is written and he probably isn't even a grower. Ignore the fool and enjoy your holiday.

Mr. Neanderthal !
Friday, 26-Nov-1999 16:55:28 writes:

    I like your analogy survival of the fittest. Competition is good but tell me why if things were so good with the " big guys" ,why did Mr Swendrowski side blind your kind so easily ? I would think twice about cutting down the little guys. A great deal of them have outside sources of income and are not dependent on the marsh totally for survival. I do not mean to offend the large grower. Most are no different than anyone else. But with the mentality of the original poster, I find it hard to restrain myself. This message is only intended for the author of the original post. The only comfort I find in a low barrel price is the fact that it hurts you much much more than it does me financially. You mentioned your precious stock, if you were not wearing blinders you would know that anyone selling an O S marsh is not being paid, for the stock they are holding. You can use the certificate to start your fire. Now Northland is another story at least they have stock that is worth something on the open market. Buy the way the growers selling out lately are not the little growers that you say cant make it.

Think about a Secondary Agenda
Friday, 26-Nov-1999 19:21:35 writes:

    I agree with the person who believes this posting is designed to "add fuel to the fire." Consider the possibility that this "grower" has something to gain from the grower/owners fighting amongst themselves and take it with a grain of salt.

    There is little doubt that some growers feel this way, but an anonymous posting, like this one, on Thanksgiving day is not worth the disk space it consumes. Consider who benefits from these words and stay together as a group. That is the best asset you have.

    Business Person

The bright side to remember
Friday, 26-Nov-1999 20:53:58 writes:

    Right, do not even read this posting. It is a hate-monger. Hey original poster, put it on the Extranet and prove you are a grower. If not, put some cranberry sauce in your mouth and think before you speak (or type)! Chew slowly, we wouldn't want you to choke on too many cranberries.

Who are you?
Saturday, 27-Nov-1999 11:32:06 writes:

    modem564.olynet.com is the Domain Name Server address of this individual. Olynet.com is a domain belonging to http://www.olynet.com/, which is an Internet Service Provider known as Olympic Network Communications serving the Olympic Northwest. The long and short of this is that this post came from someone, presumably a grower or interested party who has something to gain from small contracts being pissed off. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but there are no "Big" contracts out there, relatively speaking anyway.

    So everybody just take a deep breath and don't believe every single thing you read here to be the gospel truth. Don't be a sucker. This is the reason this format is dangerous; anyone can be anything they want you to think they are.

The bright side to remember
Sunday, 28-Nov-1999 02:35:40 writes:

    I heard a grower say almost the same thing.


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