The Boston Consulting Group doing Study of Ocean Spray

"We're trying to understand what's going on with the growers, with the people who built this company, and who are obviously very upset." A. Bruce Bowden, II,  Consultant, Boston Consulting Group

6/30/99 The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is doing a two week study analyzing Ocean Spray from the grower/ owners' perspective. Consultants are interviewing growers in Massachusetts and Wisconsin. Contrary to allegations made in a 6/28/99 letter to Ocean Spray grower/ owners from Board Chairman Don Hatton, BCG does not represent Ocean Spray's competitors, according to a BCG representative; at least if we are to assume that by competitors Hatton means the independent cranberry companies.  While the consulting firm is not able to declare who they represent, they would not deny it might be a beverage giant interested in acquiring Ocean Spray. Growers were asked their opinions about acquisition of Ocean Spray by a larger company. One grower was asked how he would feel if there was no longer an Ocean Spray headquarters in Lakeville.The interviews included questions about the perceived strengths and weaknesses of Ocean Spray, and inquiries about how and why growers thought the current crisis developed.

John Decas, of Decas Cranberry Sales, Inc. states that any suggestion that his company has hired a consultant to gain insight into Ocean Spray operations and strategies is "categorically not true".

Decas goes on to say "If we did hire consultants for the purpose of learning about Ocean Spray operations and strategy, the last place we would send them is to grower/ owners. They are the least informed about what is going on at Ocean Spray. If my friend Donny Hatton would take the time to give me a personal call, I would be pleased to provide him with a list of the Ocean Spray activities aimed at undermining our expansion plans. Furthermore, I would be willing to provide him with Ocean Spray marketplace pricing practices that result in smaller returns to their growers unnecessarily."

Northland Cranberries' CEO, John Swendrowski also denied hiring a consulting firm stating "we have not hired any consultant to contact any Ocean Spray growers or management. In fact, I've been informed that some of our growers have been contacted by BCG."



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