Resources For Your Site


flower4 Table Tricks
Are you confused by tables? This is my own in depth look at tables (with the emphasis being on seeing exactly what effect all those different attributes have on your table) and their uses in web page creation. Lots of tips, tricks and hints.

Em's Quick Build Web Guide
A good basic "how to" page with topics like Graphics, Links, e-mail, Sounds, Tables, Frames, Promotion and What's next? Also has a good Q & A page.

HTML Goodies
This is a very comprehensive site where you'll find everything you ever wanted to know about HTML. There's also info on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Markup Language), JavaScript , Java Applets and CGI Scripting.

How Do They Do That With HTML?
Ever found yourself asking that question? This site is full of tips and tricks!

The Barebones Guide to HTML
 A basic guide to HTML tags that you can download for off-line reading. Keep by your computer as a handy reference when working on your Home Page.

 So, you want to make a Web Page!
Webpage, Frames, Tables and Forms lessons. (Downloadable ,of course!) Invaluable tool in developing your pages!

Excellent HTML tutorial that you can download (Notice I have a preference for these?) and work on off line.

Frame Shop
FrameShop is an on line utility that makes it easy to create and experiment with frames. You can create up to 3 main frames and up to 3 sub frames for each main frame for a total of 9 frames! Lots of fun while you're learning. While you are there take a look at their Tablemaker utility as well :) Drop Down Menu Tool
On line utility for making a drop down menu. While you're there take a peek at the rest of their site. It has lots of tools and tutorials to help make web page creation as easy as possible.

The Mighty Mouse Over Machine
On line utility for doing javascripted mouseovers.

Doctor HTML
Allows you to run your page(s) through online and and it will analyze it (them) for structural errors, spelling errors and more. Get valuable feedback on your authoring attempts.

As a webmaster or web site owner, you should be concerned about how your site "ranks" in the search engines: it is, after all, a measure of how easy it is for potential customers to find your web site. RankThis! is a free online tool to help you determine your "ranking" on different keyword sets in 10 of the major search engines.


Free Counters, Guestbooks, Page Promotion and other goodies.

Internet Count
Simple but fast loading and gets the job done. Also gives you some feedback as well.

flower DashBoard Software
Free Guestbooks and Message Boards
Inside The Web
Free Message boards and Guest books.
Free Guest books.>
Guest books. This is the service I use :)
Add Me Submit your page to 34 popular sites for free, using one form!

The Free Site
This site tells you where to find free fonts, free graphics, free counters and so on. Lots to look through here.



GIFCruncher Free GIF Optimizer - GIF Compression Tool
Simply enter the location of an image, either from your hard drive or the web, hit the crunch button and watch the file size of your image shrink dramatically!

MediaBuilder GifOptimizer
GifOptimizer is another free, online tool that reduces the file size of GIF images up to 75%, allowing web pages to load faster.

The Image Mechanic
Image Mechanic allows manipulate your images using some of Ulead's professional-quality graphics tools without having to download anything on to your computer. Best of all it's FREE! Some of the function available at the moment are Image Optimizer, Image Any-Sizer, Particle Engine and Filter Engine. Cool!

The Banner Generator
Choose from dozens of fonts in all colors, several special effects, and heaps of great colored backgrounds. There's also a special section on LE-sized banners.

PaintShop Pro 6
The only graphics program I use to create my graphics. With the release of version 6 it has to be one of the best value for money programs out there!

Blade Pro
Brilliant filter program to use with PSP. You'll find sites devoted to Blade Pro all over the net that provide presets that can be saved and used with this filter. If you look carefully, you'll even find some on this site.

PSP Tutorial Archive
Comprehensive collection links to every conceivable PSP tutorial you could want!

BladePro Visual Archive
The place to visit when you need just the right preset.....

PSP Archive
Everything imaginable for use with PSP and all listed alphabetically: Brushes, Tubes, Tutorials, Dingbats and Gemstones. This site is huge!


Pure Inspiration

Graphics by Dizzinz  Absolutely amazing lady with a real talent for creating graphics. Her PSP tutorials will leave you breathless!

Got Graphics?  The home of the lady that developed the use of tables to create the wonderful background effects that are now part of every graphic site's collection. A real inspiration to us all.

Jaguar Woman  This lady has Talent with a capitol "T". Visit her pages and prepare to be inspired!

Featured Background Set of the Week  This site has disappeared without a trace. I will leave it here in the hope that it will return. Every week a different graphics site is showcased at this wonderful site that also explains why it is so important to give due credit for the lovelies that you download from the Internet to decorate your pages. Make it a habit to check back here. There are some truly gifted people out there.

Graphics by me